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  • Working in central Brum – riding?
  • stuc
    Free Member

    Winwood heath and Farley lane over the back of clent, or hagley wood lane up to nimmings car park on the halesowen side

    Full Member

    I used to like st kenelms pass for prolonged climb training. My favourite hill for sprint training is wheeleys lane from the ring road up towards harborne, good for the centre of brum, not easy to rep though given the traffic. You have to be careful when trying to time the lights right for the KOM…. Not to mention when cars try and overtake with a line of cars parked on the other side before realising you’re going a lot quicker than they expect!

    The climb out towards Bartley green is good for training and if you keep going up past the Bartley reservoir, church hill into frankley hill lane into egghill lane gives you a nice continuous hill that you can go up and over down the far side and back up again so you can alternate climbs which helps with the monotony.

    Free Member

    Just did some sprints up Russell Rd. Not bad, close to the hotel.

    I will probably try some of those others another evening, thanks folks.

    Free Member

    Hazel road from rubery up onto monument lane give 275ft climbing in less than a mile. Quick sprint across the top then can get to the top of rose hill as mentioned above.

    Full Member

    Again, I know the roads Halesowen/Stourbridge side but a few climbs worth a look are:
    Mucklows Hill – Not pretty but I use this for hill work.
    Hill Street in Brum if you like dodging taxi’s – A nice sprint away from the stations
    St Kenelms Pass/Vine Lane – Pleasant if not overly steep.
    Hagley Wood Lane – Can be used as an up and over with the above.
    Shut Mill Lane – A pleasant climb from the other side of Clent.
    Winwood Heath Road – A git of a climb, not long but steep.

    I’m unlikely to be out this week unless you’re around at the weekend but if you’re back in Brum next week I’ll be keen to get out.

    Free Member

    Yes I’ll be around next week. A ride would be great!

    Free Member

    “and there’s a cracking cheeky descent on the way back” intrigued where do you mean nickdavies ?

    Full Member

    the waltonberg off rumbows lane is worth a shot for a giggle, part of the tour of the black country route and it’s 23% on very slick (at the moment) cobbles

    Full Member

    Waltonberg is a great shout, it’s a filthy climb, not long but tough, particularly in the wet.

    Free Member

    This was rather pleasant:

    Anyone got any suggestions for 5-10k running?

    Full Member

    Sutton Park?

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