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  • Who's had a good weekend?
  • wrightyson
    Free Member

    The meat bit of the lasagne is in to its third hour bubbling away on the stove prior to my slightly tipsy in the next half hour attempt at turning it in to a cheese legend. If it comes up well It could be a great weekend…

    Free Member

    Me…rode myself into near heatstroke yesterday, pulled back from the brink by beerhydraition last night. Awesome daughter’s birthday party at a climbing wall today and the smell of the bacon wrapped chicken with rosemary and garlic is going rather nicely with the first bottle of red. Oh, and no work for 2 weeks as well

    Free Member

    I’ve had a good weekend cos I haven’t been at work. It was spoiled yesterday a bit by having a clever clogs/I know everything 11 yr old grand daughter who hasn’t been taught the concept of walking in the countryside & enjoying life without internet & phone/games/Disney channel. Me & the Mrs have tried but to no avail. 😕

    Free Member

    Cracking weekend thanks for asking. Chilled out Friday night followed by nice Parkrun in Warrington on Saturday with my lad. Stroll around Haigh Hall in the afternoon with many beers and curry in the evening. Bit of a mooching day apart from a hour or so at the gym this afternoon.

    Relaxing this evening with plans for an early night ahead of a busy week.


    Free Member

    Had a cracking weekend! Decorating yesterday, our bedroom now looks lovely, followed by a BBQ round a friends house! Today I raced my first ever enduro (QECP) and I had loads of fun and didn’t end up in A&E! Finally my wife has just suggested take out rather than starting to cook so late!

    Simple small things but bliss for me!

    Full Member

    Brilliant thanks – Tour de Coniston yesterday, cleaned all the climbs I messed up last time, minced the downhills as usual, argued with an 4x4er, that sort of thing.

    Full Member

    Me. Cracking weekend in London with some great food and some even better athletics at The Anniversary Games.
    Then a quick train home and a touch of shopping at Aldi.
    Now, a chicken in the slow cooker, a British Tour winner, and some good beer in the fridge.

    Yep, I’ll take that.

    Full Member

    I’ve sort of enjoyed the weekend, all the jobs that needed doing were done on Saturday. Today has seen me get a short ride in the warm rain & bleed the brakes of a friends bike he had made a pigs ear of.
    Slow roast shoulder of lamb just about ready.
    Slightly sloshed today as I’m on call next week so it will be a dry week 🙁

    Full Member

    Two decent rides followed by lazy afternoons in the garden, eating and drinking. Could have been worse.

    Free Member

    Me too..

    Free Member

    Yep, its my birthday today so chilling watching Le Tour with birthday cake!

    Full Member

    Fantastic weekend here. Scout group summer family hike and BBQ Friday night, spent yesterday at Chatsworth with my best mate from school and his family/my god children, who I don’t see enough of.

    60 mile ride round the Derbyshire Dales/lower Peak this morning.

    And as I’m now on a term time contract, I’m off work now till 7th September! 8)

    Full Member

    Northern Grip on Saturday, Sunday lunch at parents with kids in tow 🙂 good weekend

    Tried a Sonder Broken Road and was sorely tempted , but didn’t buy 🙂

    Free Member

    Still on a bit of a high after my exam results I received on Friday. Nice 70 mile ride yesterday, followed by a few beers with some mates last night.

    Chilled one today: Took my road bike in for a service, ahead of the Ride London thingy next weekend, went shopping, went for a 40 min spin on the mountain bike, watched the Tour final stage.

    I guess you could call that a good weekend 🙂

    PS: Could do with some cheesecake, or a nice apple crumble, to top it all off, but don’t have any. Someone should start a dessert home delivery service.

    Full Member

    We also got to release our Painted Lady Butterflies which my daughter has been nurturing since they were caterpillars…

    Free Member

    Ahh lovely ^^

    Full Member

    Started out great, picked out our new pooch at the Dogs Trust after our dog died 8 weeks ago. Had some beers Friday with some friends.
    Today 20 miles into a great road day it rained and I wiped out big style, 19 mile limp home with a bent cage and rear mech hanger.

    3 hours in A&E later a fractured scaphoid

    Free Member

    That sucks. I hope you mend soon. On the bright side, you have a new pooch 😀

    **patiently awaits new dog thread with pics**

    Free Member

    This has all the makings of a great thread. Happy weekend everyone! ( Shitter about the a&e trip though but a new pooch top trumps that fo’sho’mofo)

    Free Member

    After an absolutely shit week at work (mass redundancies at work of me and my team and others , through absolutely no fault of our own) I needed a good one. Got one. Lovely Friday night beer up with a very good mate, Saturday spent buying the youngest progeny his birthday present and eating lovely food. Sunday spent on the beach and in the water (we live five minute walk away). The water was warm and the sea was bloody lovely. Totally ready to go to work tomorrow to fight like a bastard for the staff. Bring it.

    Free Member

    Spent the weekend with my boy. We have a laugh.
    Last night drunk some beers and clicked “buy” on a new 29er carbon full sus for a absolute bargain price! Well, I thought so at the time… where the hell am I gonna keep another bike? 😆

    Full Member

    Had a lovely day yesterday marshalling at the air maiden enduro- stupidly long day with lots of nothing happening, but I’ve never done an event with such a good atmosphere, so many first timers and some random old friend appearances… I generally enjoy marshalling but this one was ace, bit different to not just be catering for the usual suspects and helping people to get into something new. I was completely ****ed afterwards, mind, I got home, had a pizza and a beer and fell asleep. Today’s been a bit of a lazy day…

    Free Member

    Had an excellent day yesterday at my parents for my mum’s 83rd birthday with my brother and sisters’ families-first time we had all been together since Christmas.
    Good ride this morning and an afternoon watching the Tour.

    Free Member

    First day in nearly a month where I have felt ok after an unidentified virus had me in hospital.

    First ride on new (to me) bike build.

    Free Member

    Well the lasagna was as good as I hoped, followed be apple crumble with ice cream and raspberries. Glad you lot have had an equally good one.

    Full Member

    Out drinking on Friday eve
    Sleep in Saturday morning, potter about for a bit before driving to Wales. Arrive in Merthyr, go for very good curry and good laughs
    Just driving back from bike park Wales, full of Burger King.

    Yeah, alright I guess 😀

    Full Member

    Great weekend for us. Drove down from Pila to Les Orres. Biked in the bike park on Friday. Road some fantastic trails. Abigale competed in the French enduro yesterday and today then we drove up through France, Italy and into Switzerland to arrive at Bike Verbier just in time for tea. Cant wait to get out on the trails tomorrow

    Free Member

    I taught my son to say ‘big fart’ just before he needs to let rip. Good times!

    Free Member

    won’t pretend, was shit, always shit lately,

    got to take the rough with the smooth though eh?

    Free Member

    Another butterfly one here – rode down to a nearby nature reserve with my wife, girls and dog for a picnic and butterfly catching – have four which will be released again tomorrow.

    Finished off with pub grub tonight now having a glass of wine catching up on F1.

    Free Member

    Ohh and full lengths of the ‘big pool’ this morning and various fruit/vegetable picking too. A very ‘middle class’ weekend all in all.

    Free Member

    Did a proper 46km ride after being off the bike for a while with broken collarbone, got a job and found out that the my new X2 shock does seem to work well with my SB5, all is good in the world.

    Free Member

    Great one thanks, watched the tour Friday with a belgian beer
    Tennis lesson first thing Saturday then out on the road bike, came back then off to play social doubles tennis followed by a trip to the pub to rehydrate.
    More tennis Sunday morning then a few jobs watching Froomie and BBQ belly pork for tea
    Life is good

    Free Member

    Weekends are always great

    Free Member

    Our extended weekend started on Thursday watching our daughter collect her Genetics and Microbiology Degree from Sheffield University, she then came back to the Midlands/Home with us so we could have go out for lunch together on Friday.
    On Saturday i went biking with a great bunch of blokes to Kinver.
    Sunday morning i went to the gym and on getting home crashed onto the sofa for the rest of the day after one of the best extended weekends ever.

    Full Member

    fantastic weekend thanks for asking! A hot and hard ride but very fun on dusty trails on saturday. Then on sunday afternoon, I decided instead of cleaning the kitchen I’d drive to the beach and make some dinner on the beach.

    200 mile round trip but totally worth it 😀

    Full Member

    Took the little ‘un (2½ yo) out on the kiddy seat for the first time yesterday and she loved it. Five miles off road and stopped at the playground on the way back. We’ll be doing more of that.

    Free Member

    won’t pretend, was shit, always shit lately,

    got to take the rough with the smooth though eh?

    need to vent? email available if not publicly…

    Full Member

    I rode my bike into the canal, then had a puncture ten mins afterwards, so that was fun!

    Free Member

    Yep, pretty good here.
    Spent a day running around after the kids Saturday (which is all good)
    Sunday I did the London Bikeathon +rode to/from the event.
    Topped out at 76 miles, which is a good final preparation run for RideLondon100 next Sunday.

    This was followed by a nice BBQ at our friends house.

    I’m going to scale back the Road riding for a bit after next Sunday, and brush the dust off my MTB.

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