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  • Who has a Ragley mmmbop?
  • bikerevivesheffield
    Full Member

    Just got one tonight 👍 as a swap for an underused bootzipper!

    Spec wise it’s deore 11 speed and marzocchi z2 rail damper, WTB wheels with nice maxxis minions and a 170mm dropper.

    Less than 150 miles on it!

    Be a nice bike to give me an alternative to the am160

    It’s this one:

    Full Member

    No, but I’ve got a Blue Pig, which is exactly the same thing but in steel. Love it 😎

    Full Member

    [url=]STW Ogden Water 4-10-09[/url] by Dee P Jay, on Flickr

    possibly the 1st mmmbop ever. loaned to my by Brant way back then.

    Full Member

    I had an original one bitd in “that green” and loved that so hoping that this is also ❤️

    Full Member

    [url=]Hawes 20-9-09[/url] by Dee P Jay, on Flickr

    and again possibly the 1st blue pig.

    Full Member

    That looks all kinds of wrong shapes!

    Free Member

    Yep, still riding a 2011 model regularly as my winter MTB

    Full Member

    I had one of the originals. We sold a shed load of them (and Blue Pigs) from The Bike Chain in Edinburgh – many to folk on STW.

    Then I bought the Ti version 🙂

    Full Member

    Ton is that first picture when we did the ride from Ogden water? I had a go on that bike even though it was 3 sizes too big!

    Full Member

    @scotroutes mine was from there via mark 😘

    Full Member

    @cogglepin yes Tim it is from that ride.
    just a little STW gathering from back in the day.

    [url=]STW Ogden Water 4-10-09[/url] by Dee P Jay, on Flickr

    Free Member

    Bought mine in 2010 when Chainreaction were selling the frames cheap. The new ones do look lovely.

    Free Member

    I had a mark1 with coil pikes, it was very very rigid. Good blast around places like cwmcarn. Kind of miss it, but was getting into racing so replaced it with an anthem, which was faster everywhere, up and down, but no where near as much fun.

    Free Member

    I’d love one but I have the DMR but all my mates who have either that or the bluepig love them…

    Full Member

    Yup, had a 27.5 one a couple of years ago. Pretty wild and was great fun in the steep stuff – enjoy it!

    Full Member

    love one but I have the DMR but all my mates who have either that or the bluepig love them…

    I replaced my DMR with a Blue Pig.
    Almost a straight swap – needed a boost adapter for the rear wheel, headset, and bought a longer dropper post.

    I liked my Trailerstar, but the BP is great 😎

    Full Member

    Just set the tyres up tubeless, ergon grips on, debating whether to ride thisnor my am160 tonight. Nice problem to have

    Full Member

    I’ve had a Big Al, which is the same spec bike but in 29er flavour, for a year now and love it, have barely ridden full sus in that time. I was after an mmmbop but saw the big al for a good price and took a chance on it. The spec’s spot on I think – all functional kit that works well. I’m particularly impressed with the marz forks, it’s a great bike for larking around in the woods on.

    Full Member

    Had my first ride on it yesterday, after the first nervy downhill it felt fantastic. Had to work way harder than on my am160 but just as much fun!
    4 pot deores were fantastic and that’s coming from the mt5. Deore 11 speed fine! Coming from 12 speed axs!
    2.5wt minions were brilliant – coming from magic Mary big Betty combo

    Fork was ok but then it’s head to head with a Lyrik with charger damper.

    Full Member

    Ride 2 in 24 hours, just a great bike!

    Full Member

    I had a first ed blue one, it was too small (grr Brant “yeah you’re 5’10 get a small”) but also had a manufacturing defect so I got it replaced. That one was bent so I got a green one, it had defective paint so I got my money back (£154 I think, big bucks!), kept it, got it powdercoated. Loved and hated all those bikes, they were brilliant fun and so full of promise but just so stupidly stiff, superb geometry for the time though. Obviously intentionally stiff but the bike would have worked far better if it wasn’t…

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    (no stiffness isn’t about comfort, I have a cast iron arse but dh racing this thing in the SDA proved beyond a doubt to me that stiff isn’t always good, the rear wheel was totally unmanagable and traction was piss poor. Brilliant fun though, just stab the lyrik into whatever nightmare you’re riding towards, get the knees super bendy, trust the tubeless 2.7 dualply with your life… and then once you end up in some random place because the rear wheel’s not under your control, sort it out and carry on. Fort William was one endless near-crash)

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    So then I tried Scotroutes’ Ragley Ti- nice bloke that Scotroutes, just loaned it to me. Or DRUG PUSHER as he turned out to be, because it was absolutely magnificent and so my Mmbop got binned and then so did the C456 I hoped would replace it and eventually i got my own ti, nothing else would do.

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    Which was a masterpiece. Short and tall by today’s standards, but in its day, best hardcore hardtail there was. Not even in its day, I got mine years on and rode it for years after that, it was only long-low-slack 29ers that dethroned it because that turned out to be a better way to make a bike. And STILL I’ve not ridden any hardtail as well executed. Bikes are better but half the reason I don’t love my Solarismax is that it’s really great but it’s not genius. DH raced it, enduro raced it, XC raced it, kitbashed together a blackbox revelation with a coil in it which was perfect, loved it, sold it after several years for £25 less than I paid for it. Just the best bike owning experience I will ever have in my life overall, I’ve stopped trying to beat it, my Remedy is close but no cigar

    Maybe this Titus is in with a shot…

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