What's your dream F...

What's your dream FS bike ?

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The Hope 916 not getting that much love made me think...

Well, if it's not the Hope, then what is it the you want/desire ?

I'm not really a bike nerd, so i usually end up with whatever sort of suits but is also on sale... .hence my current Trek EX9.8

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:22 am
Offline  thegeneralist
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Dunno, but after a series of duff purchases because stuff was on sale my missus told me in no uncertain terms to go and buy the bike I want rather than whatever I can find cheap.

So I got an Occam M10, and love it.

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:25 am
Offline  stanley
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It's in the garage... my 2021 Tallboy 🙂 I suppose I'd like to have upgraded a few parts if the dream allowed.
So glad I bought it last year. The 2023 bike is +£2k for the same spec.

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:28 am
Offline  tomhoward
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The next one.

It’ll probably have ‘Atherton’ written on the down tube.

But not for a couple of years.

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:29 am
Offline  willard
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A couple of years ago I would have immediately said "Bronson". Actually, that was the first thing that went across my mind when I read the OP. Then my head kicked in and reminded me that I have a Stumpy and that's very good at what I need.

Still Bronson though.

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:34 am
Offline  razorrazoo
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I'd love a collection of FS bikes for different applications, however I'll just pick one.  I'm already lucky enough to own a Megatower V2 which I love (OK, only S spec, so it would be nice to have it pimped out with top spec suspension, wheels and AXS) so I'd go a top end light 'downcountry' bike like a Transition Spur with all the nice kit on it.  I also love the look of the Atherton bikes.

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:34 am
Offline  ta11pau1
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A Geometron G1*

*Pending a test ride day to confirm

If there was a bike to never have to upgrade from, that'd be it. Unless they release a high pivot version in like, 5 years time.

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:36 am
Offline  ads678
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Personally I love the Hope bikes. I'm not that bothered about 'buying british' but something about them being hand made just down the road is cool.

Whatever my dream bike is, it'd be something like that. Wouldn't say Trek, Giant, or Specialized on the down tube....

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:37 am
Offline  ayjaydoubleyou
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Does the dream bike come with dream skills and a dream home/lifestyle?

A big travel monster may be the bike of my dreams (and there are a few on that list, including the Hope) but the reality of it being ridden round the south of england with me on top of it means I'd rather have a fun little trail bike.

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:43 am
Offline  HobNob
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I don’t have a ‘dream’ bike, because one bike for the variances of riding I do doesn’t really exist & it would always be a compromise.

My Spur is probably the most fancy one, recently swapped back to a Raaw Madonna for big bike/race duties after getting very fed up of fixing my Dreadnought & have a Sentinel carbon as a middle bike. Kenevo SL for ebike duties, which will likely go when I can get hold of the new Transition Relay.

It certainly ku wouldn’t be a Hope bike (or any Hope kit).

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:46 am
Offline  TheFlyingOx
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It's apparently getting delivered today, after a seemingly torturous route from Colorado to Dundee, back to Philadelphia and then Castle Donington.

Canfield Tilt in raw aluminium finish, getting built up with all the stuff off my broken Banshee.

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:49 am
Offline  P20
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I’d happily have another Liteville, but 160mm is overkill for me. The Athertons look fantastic, but again too much bike for me. Occam just looks right.
Probably a tall boy. I’ve admired the Santa Cruz 5010/Tall boy for sometime. The lack of Shimano builds and the price being the main sticking points!

A modern version of the Yeti ASR5c in 29 flavour would be brilliant

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:50 am
Offline  didnthurt
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Dream bike. That's not even something that I think about these days, mostly because I'm poor and old.

But if I was pressed, I'd go for an S-Works Kinevo SL with:
- Custom helitaped
- AXS gears and dropper,
- Hope hubs and carbon rimmed wheels,
- Custom tuned Ohlins forks and shock
- Burgtec finishing kit

I think I'd also get it custom sprayed as the stock black is a bit dull. Or I could maybe get some custom decals to add a bit of colour. Mint green or sunset yellow would be nice. All the other components would be black.

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:52 am
Offline  DaveyBoyWonder
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Probably for what I want/need, my Five Evo is all the bike I want. Looks ace, lightweight, decent kit, long, slack but mega fast.

Lottery win would see one of these in the garage though (if I could find one):

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:53 am
Offline  chestrockwell
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One of the Hope's for me.

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:53 am
Offline  bjhedley
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Hmm, well if we're going 'dream bike', that means it doesn't have to exist yet. So I want something that is as light and fast and pedals as well on the flat/up-hill as a XC bike, but descends with the stability and plushness of a trail bike.

Closest at the moment, probably a Blur TR, Reactor ST, Tallboy or Spur.

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:54 am
Offline  nickc
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My Spesh Enduro?

Next "want" is SC Hightower. Might be a few years away though.

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:54 am
Offline  momo
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I've quite a few at the minute, the HB916 is high on the list, as is the Deviate Claymore

but the Ra .12 ooft it's a stunner to my eyes

Ra .12

I'd really like a Carbon Wasp Truffle too

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:54 am
Offline  scotroutes
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That's a real click-bait headline on the other thread, so well done on directing some of the responses onto a different one.

Perfect FS would depend on the route/terrain/purpose. I don't ride anything too gnarly so 150mm travel is wasted on me. Something for bike parks (Red grade), something like a Spearfish for long, off-road bikepacking trips and maybe a Cannondale Topstone Lefty for gravel.

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:57 am
Offline  leegee
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After a few weeks in Austria & Italy this summer drolling over Last Bikes, a Cinto or Tarvo would be lovely.

Saw a lot of Raaw's too, all with very happy owners.

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:57 am

Offline  didnthurt
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It's funny that I've never owned a Specialized because they're so common but when you're looking at a bike with a motor, better to go with one of the big boys for warranty.

Posted : 21/09/2022 9:57 am
Offline  desperatebicycle
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I sort of want to go back to the kind of light, short travel thing I used to have. Probably more what's categorised as downcountry these days, unfortunately.
So it'd be a Rocky Mountain Element Carbon 90
Though, I do like the Trek Slash. That'd be for BPW days 🙂

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:00 am
Offline  Yak
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No actual dream bike. I am old enough to know that I am the weak link, so ££££s on a bike won't really make a difference.

Having said that, I would love a mega demo day/week/whatever where I would see what all the fuss was about regarding:

Atherton am150
Starling Murmur
One of those high pivot ones- maybe the Highlander 150?

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:00 am
Offline  tomhoward
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@daveyboywonder check out Tora Cycles, you may appreciate what they get up to.

Actofive have my attention too. And Contra.

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:01 am
Offline  andybrad
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one thats had some thought into its design.

Its the little things, like bolts and cable routing that set a bike apart for me. Ive no doubt that any bike will far outclass my skillset so i just like things to be nice.

ill be honest and say that since buying my stumpy the only thing that would make me swap is a better colour. i would have a liteville again if they have sorted out that god awful cable routing through he chainstay.

i have previously lusted after a Stanton, cotic and starling but tbh the quality of them isnt up there with the big manufacturers imo. just little bits that let them down for me.

I like the hope but the high pivot i can just imagine getting full up with mud

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:03 am
Offline  raleighimpact
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Something from either Cotic, Stanton or Starling, dripping with Hope stuff.

Plus a house and (well paying) job in an area with more hills and quiet by-ways than central cheshire.

Oh, and bike skills

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:04 am
Offline  didnthurt
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This one is a bit left field but would be a bike that I've always been curious about.

I'd like to have a top of the range Brompton. As light as possible.

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:04 am
Online  chakaping
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I don't believe in "dream bikes", but I wanted a Starling Murmur so that's what I've got.

If you gave me a blank cheque I might be interested in a Deviate Claymore as a big bike, but I'm not sure I'd give up my Orange Stage 4 as my short-travel bike. It's perfect for me.

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:07 am
Offline  tomhoward
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I’d like to have a top of the range Brompton. As light as possible.

You dream of commuting?

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:11 am
Offline  kayak23
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Swarf 155
Beautiful bike, made in the correct material.
Never going to happen as he's stopped making them.

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:13 am
Offline  a11y
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A Geometron G1*

Same here - I think.

Bought a used G15 last year blind without a test ride as I was curious about the LLS extremes. It was a gamble but I saw it as a cheap(er) way of trying it out. It’s blown me away and I’m deliberately NOT test-riding a G1 as my wallet can’t handle it! Saying that, I marginally prefer my Nicolai Saturn 14, it’s sort of like a mini-Geometron (not unexpected). Horses for courses, I rode my G15 last night on local trails I ordinarily ride on my Nicolai and it was fun in a different way: pick a vague line rather than a more precise line and hold on.

However, I’d not buy without testing a Deviate Claymore and Highlander. They’re 30mins along the road from me and I’ve bounced around on a mate’s too-small-for-me Highlander already and liked the feel of the rear suspension, but deliberately not doing a test ride to preserve the wallet.

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:14 am
Online  chakaping
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deliberately not doing a test ride to preserve the wallet

Haha, this is partly why I've still never ridden an eeb.

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:16 am
Offline  didnthurt
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Top of the range Trek Super Caliber would also be nice. In this dream scenario, someone else is footing the bill right?

I'd want it to be road bike light, as light as you could go. In high gloss black with matte black decals and all black components.

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:17 am
Offline  sharkattack
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My dream bike now belongs to some anonymous scally in Sheffield.

I don't really lust over bikes anymore, they just need to be the right tool for the job. When the time is right I'll be test riding a Geometron G1 and a Hope HB.916.

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:22 am
Offline  dirkpitt74
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I have my 'current' dream bike, 2022 Mega 290 Carbon Elite:
[img] [/img]
And my previous dream bike, custom 2017 Mega:
[img] [/img]

But, on my 'list' for future dream bike are:
Hope HB.196
Atherton AM150

But in reality I can't see me spending nearly £7k on a bike for a long time - I'm lucky enough to have won my 2022 Mega.

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:29 am
Offline  dc1988
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Having had an expensive bike, I now lust more about a bike that performs well rather than getting too excited about specific high end parts.

I dream of a single pivot, steel full sus. Probably a Starling. I wouldn't choose all the fanciest parts even if I could afford it. Nothing above XT gearing and some DT aluminium wheels. Though some Trickstuff brakes definitely appeal.....

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:32 am
Offline  ta11pau1
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However, I’d not buy without testing a Deviate Claymore and Highlander. They’re 30mins along the road from me and I’ve bounced around on a mate’s too-small-for-me Highlander already and liked the feel of the rear suspension, but deliberately not doing a test ride to preserve the wallet.

I'll be honest the Claymore is very tempting, but one big factor is still pushing me towards the G1...

one thats had some thought into its design.

Its the little things, like bolts and cable routing that set a bike apart for me. Ive no doubt that any bike will far outclass my skillset so i just like things to be nice.

And it's this. I love the little things that make the G1 a 'forever' frame like all the threads in the frame are replaceable, so if you cross thread something it's not a big deal. Plus the adaptability with the mutators and travel options, and it'll take a DC fork if required, and 27.5 or 29 wheels or a combination, well... You get the idea.

And then in 4 years time when the frame is all scuffed to hell you can send it back to Geometron/Nicolai and have it refurbished and repainted any colour you want!

If the G1 was a high pivot bike that'd be the cherry on top.

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:32 am
Offline  sharkattack
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Having had an expensive bike, I now lust more about a bike that performs well rather than getting too excited about specific high end parts.

This is exactly it. Some stuff isn't worth stretching the budget for. I'll spend money on suspension, brakes, tyres etc. Drivetrain needs to be solid and reliable and most mid range stuff is perfect for the job.

And it’s this. I love the little things that make the G1 a ‘forever’ frame

I had my G16 for over 4 years which is about 4 times longer than I've ever kept anything else. I was quite happy to do another 4 years on it but it was cut short.

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:38 am
Offline  cookeaa
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If we're wish-listing, my mind tends to drift to DH bikes, even though I have no need for one anymore.

So my "Dream" bouncer Doesn't exist, and probably never could; It would A Lahar M9 but obviously a modern day version with 29" wheels and bin the integrated Rohloff for a Di2 Alfine or something, Don't know why but that stupid bike from a one man outfit, that went bust and pissed off lots of people 20 odd years ago, just appeals to me. It would be an utterly pointless exercise in assembling a stupid blingy, rare DH bike that barely gets ridden and then probably put on display...

A more obtainable, practicable DH toy would be a SS Starling Sturn, with Dorados Just because jack shafts, simplicity and USD forks makes me smile...

Realistically though a Trail bike of some flavour is what I actually would want/need but there's just so bloody many of those about that I know I'd end up with a (money no object build) new Carbon Stumpy (instead of the old Alu stumpy I currently own) but that's not very exciting is it. So a Starling Murmur Trail would at least be a more interesting choice.

I suppose I should Buy a starling perhaps, I seem to be strangely drawn to them, one day... when I'm richer.

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:53 am
Offline  lawman91
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Definitely my Spur with a few changes
Full XX1 AXS and Reverb AXS, along with some stupid light wheels (hopefully Hunt's new Proven XC wheels are as good as they look) and I'll be more than content. It's bloody awesome!

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:55 am

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Raaw Madonna.

But that would be a bike to compliment my Norco Optic, which i absolutely love. It would just be nice to give the girl a break when i go to Finale/Alps/Anywhere supergnar.

Posted : 21/09/2022 10:57 am
Offline  ta11pau1
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I had my G16 for over 4 years which is about 4 times longer than I’ve ever kept anything else. I was quite happy to do another 4 years on it but it was cut short.

I've had my current Jeffsy exactly 3 years so I'm not a serial bike swapper, the G1 will probably be kept far longer!

I'm booked in on a demo day with them in 2 weeks, I doubt I'll leave with a frame but I see myself ordering one very soon after...

Posted : 21/09/2022 11:01 am
Offline  sharkattack
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If we’re wish-listing, my mind tends to drift to DH bikes, even though I have no need for one anymore.

Yep! I do this all day long. I had a DH bike for a long time but I just fell out of it and really miss it. I know I wouldn't use one in the UK so it would only go out in the summer holiday.

There's so many nice DH bikes to choose from but if we're day dreaming I'd have a modern, big wheeled version of this...

Posted : 21/09/2022 11:01 am
Offline  devash
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I love fast and light trail bikes / capable XC bikes so was lusting after a Spur from the day they were announced. Finally got the chance to buy one and wasn't disappointed. Can't see myself buying another bike for a very long time (just as well as it was bloody expensive).


Had to go for the GX build as X01 builds were / are like hen's teeth. I've been upgrading parts as and when I've had spare cash.

Previous to this I'd always fancied a Liteville 301, or something industrial-looking by Nicolai, but probably too much travel for my usual riding.

Posted : 21/09/2022 11:06 am
Offline  timc
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Not sure id say I have a dream mtb, Id love a Orange stage Evo or a Transition Spur, but I don't really need either.

Id like a cervelo Caledonia 5, top spec road bike, but that's my mtb budget.

I would love some Trickstuff brakes though, they are my dream brakes!

Posted : 21/09/2022 11:11 am
Offline  singlespeedstu
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I don't really dream about bikes but for me my G1 is about as good as it gets for most of my riding and I have no plans on swapping it.
I would however change a few bits on it if a had some spare cash to spunk away. Eewing cranks being one of the things I'd fit.

Ebike wise I'm thinking of trying a Fulgur Mula as a replacement for my Kenevo.
Comes with EXT suspension which I love on my G1 and also a Polini motor which is fully user serviceable and you can get spares for it. Seems a move in the right direction to me.

Posted : 21/09/2022 11:17 am
Offline  ta11pau1
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Previous to this I’d always fancied a Liteville 301, or something industrial-looking by Nicolai, but probably too much travel for my usual riding.

You know they do short travel bikes too? It's not all massive long gnarpoons with wheels in different timezones 😁

[url= https://i.postimg.cc/YSbr5v7R/nicolai-saturn-11-detailverbesserungen-beim-down-country-klassiker.jp g" target="_blank">https://i.postimg.cc/YSbr5v7R/nicolai-saturn-11-detailverbesserungen-beim-down-country-klassiker.jp g"/> [/img][/url]

Posted : 21/09/2022 11:19 am
Offline  nuke
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Not so much dream but more the one i want next is an Intense Sniper T based on its travel, weight & geometry... reckon it'd be perfect for everything from big xc days to trail days around the Surrey hills

Posted : 21/09/2022 11:25 am
Offline  monkeyboyjc
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Tbh it varies from day to day & week to week.

But prob a pinion Nicolai Saturn at the moment.

Posted : 21/09/2022 11:27 am
Offline  dave_h
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The concept must be due a come back, right?

Maintou FS

Posted : 21/09/2022 11:42 am
Offline  heavy_rat
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Mines a Scott Spark and I nearly bought one last week but bottled it. So I'll stick to my 2014 Anthem for now

Posted : 21/09/2022 11:56 am
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