That sort of thing is usually a survey (there will be details of the company involved on the box most likely). Given the reason they usually seem to appear here, got any potential large scale planning applications around there?
There is nothing visible (or at least legible) on the box but they are considering some residential development not too far away so that makes sense.
I'll give you £30 for it.
New headcam mount for those 'overview' shots...?
Is it on a someonelsie stick?
Looks like a temporary ANPR camera, usually put in to cover a blackspot in the coverage whole they get a permanent one planned.
Nice battery there if you needed one
Traffic survey camera. Probably to inform a future planning application and/or junction improvements. They are used instead of the rubber pipes across the road when they want to monitor a junction or roundabout rather than just count cars along a road and to understand the patterns of traffic moving through it.
I know where that is, Whinney Lane innit.
Well, you [u]have[/u] heard of the new housing going up on that field to both the right and the left where the rugby pitch is haven't you.. (800+) all the way along Lady Lane toward the small cross road and down to the Police station.
After many years of objections about the lanes around there being over run by cars from the Police station and industrial estate the council have [i]finnaly[/i] gotten around to doing surveys on the local affected roads.
Enjoy the quiet whilst it lasts (about a year)
Edit.. at least I think it is but the house on the left (past the Merc) looks bigger, could be the camera angle..
Bike buoy- spot on, well spotted you! Yes I know all about the police redevelopment- will cause more congestion but there you go. I did live on the other side with a great view over to Menwith Hill but moved across the road so I could stop worrying about the inevitable developments (we are now surrounded by houses but at least have plenty of our own space.