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  • What the hell is it with The Welsh?
  • simonfbarnes
    Free Member

    The welsh can't pronounce their "language" propperly either

    no more than the English can spell their hodge-podge of borrowed words 🙂

    Full Member

    hodge-podge! I'll have you know from my studies of the language it's a carefully chosen multi-cultural mix to reflect the key points of each tribe and country that invaded the sh*t out of england and in no way reflects the fact that we're crap at fighting and always get over-run by some cheese eating surrender monkeys or pickled herring munching nords, and the bloody saxons, and the romans or………

    Free Member

    But I think Wales is the best part of the UK… I live in Glasgow at the moment, but you mark my words, I'll live in Wales sooner or later.

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    tazzymtb – Member
    Idlejon- I think you'll find there's an "a" hiding at the end of Cwmbmrla

    DOH! But I think you know what I mean?

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    Full Member

    "But I think Wales is the best part of the UK… I live in Glasgow at the moment" Compared to bits of Glasgow anywhere is a better bit of the uk, although the house market turnover rate is very good in glasgow due to all the premature drinking/smoking related deaths

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    Free Member

    I suppose you're not wrong tazzy… that might explain it eh!

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    Free Member

    [i]cliche alert[/i]

    Some of my best friends are Welsh (well, one of them anyway), and although dw i ddim yn siarad Cymraeg myself, I do try to respect them and their heritage by pronouncing Welsh placenames and hillnames correctly.

    But whenever I pass the takeaway in Bala advertising Byrgyrs, Cebabau, Pitsas, and the ATS in Mach offering Teiars, Batris, Egsosts, Siocs, I do wish they could come up with something completely different, rather than just changing a few letters so it sounds the same but is "spelt Welsh"!!! 😉

    (And yes, I know they're all valid Welsh words, or at least most of them appear in my Oxford Modern Welsh Dictionary).

    Free Member

    that's interesting Tony, i've been wondering about this for a while now,

    no language is imune from imported words (there are no english words for orange, bungalow, or pyjamas), and it seems that welsh is mainly importing 'english' words.

    how long before welsh becomes more like an english dialect with phonetic spelling, than a distinct language?

    nuthin personal, just askin,

    anyway, noswaith da!


    Full Member

    What's the English for kebab or pizza?

    How can anyone who speak one of the most bastardised languages in the world criticise another nation for importing foreign words into their language?

    Free Member

    Cae di geg!


    Free Member

    One of the best place names is Ffroncysyllte. Quite literally it could be translated as Bra.

    Free Member


    So what about the village on the borders – 'Pant'?

    Free Member

    dim "Cae di geg" ond "cae dy geg" neu "cae di dy geg", rwyn meddwyl?

    Full Member

    Cae di geg!

    Had to email my wife from work to ask her to translate that!


    Free Member

    Welsh is great, everyone hates the

    Byrgyrs, Cebabau, Pitsas

    , but some new welsh words are inspired…

    … Microwave oven, not easy in welsh, oven is popty, so microwave oven becomes popty ping

    Free Member

    I think the Welsh flag is great.
    The Union flag is mess of home nations flags all being overpowered by the St georges cross,(accidental symbolism, perhaps?)
    Wales, not being considered important enough to be represented, outdo's all the other flags with the best design ever, and one that tells the story of its nations symbol, The red celtic dragon.
    The only really bad thing about Wales is its idiot prince 🙄

    Free Member

    How can anyone who speak one of the most bastardised languages in the world criticise another nation for importing foreign words into their language?

    Apologies, didn't mean it to come across as critical, merely a comment on something that jars whenever I see it. FWIW, I love different languages – a friend of mine moved to the Outer Hebrides a while back, so I've also got the delights of Scots Gaelic to enjoy. 😕

    but some new welsh words are inspired…

    … Microwave oven, not easy in welsh, oven is popty, so microwave oven becomes popty ping
    I'd forgotten about popty ping – love that one! 🙂

    Free Member


    Full Member

    No worries, tony.

    I'm being a hypocrite anyway as I can barely speak a word of the language despite being born here and living here for 3/4s of my life.

    My wife pretends to speak Welsh, but doesn't seem to understand when I speak to her in my pidgin Welsh.

    a friend of mine moved to the Outer Hebrides a while back, so I've also got the delights of Scots Gaelic to enjoy.

    I read somewhere that whisky and galore (from the book) were the only two words from Scots gaelic to make it into English. I've always wondered whether that is correct?

    Full Member

    Hwlffordd is known as Haverfordwest in english, cos Hwlffordd and Hereford were both destinations for cattle traders and used to get mixed up,so the english added West to the end to differentiate them.

    (It translates as river crossing of the goats)

    Free Member

    One for hairychested "twll dyn bob sais" 😯

    Free Member

    doctormickriviera………I'm not an arsehole,i won't bugger off!

    Free Member

    This Welsh……………its all Double Dutch to me……

    Free Member

    Surely the English for pyjamas is jim-jams? And orange is Fanta.

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    Free Member

    I lived in Ynysybwl when I was a student.

    Heol-y-Mynach in old Bwl.

    Happy Days!

    Free Member

    Dwim yn dallt be ddiawl syn bod ar y penna defaid yma.
    Bechod ar y ffycars dwl.
    Im byd gwell i neud man siwr felly ma nwn licio meddwl fod nwn ddiawl o fois.
    Sw ni wth ym modd yn gwrando arno nwn siarad fel hyn mewn ty tafarn yng nghymru.
    Sa nwn codi dannadd i fynnu ar y ffor allan.

    Full Member

    I believe that Welsh is the only language to have their own spelling for taxi, I have certainly seen cabs in places where Chinese, Arabic, Greek, Finnish are the main language with TAXI on the roof.

    Free Member

    Just because we have far superior riding to you, and you don't even get to ride the good stuff cause we chose not to show it to you lot… 🙂

    Don't go taking the mick out the language, mind you been living here all my life cant speak a word of it 🙂

    Free Member

    rhys – Member

    dim "Cae di geg" ond "cae dy geg" neu "cae di dy geg", rwyn meddwyl?

    To be perfectly honest, that's the first time I've ever had to write it out – it usually gets understood when hurled at chavs in Bangor, followed by that famous Caernarfon greeting 'cont' for good measure if required!

    Free Member

    And sadly my welsh is nowhere near good enough to understand what Iolo's on about, but I do note with interest that it has something to do with sheep! 😉

    (dafaid = sheep)

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Well, being in Bangor-aye, and said with meaning, they definitely understand my intended definition of the word 'cont'

    I like it this…

    Free Member

    my apologies idlejon, it seems you missed my point entirely and went straight to offended and or angry.

    you are right of course, english is a total mongrel of a language – perhaps more so than any other. it has absorbed words from languages from all over the world.

    english is absorbing french words, french is absorbing english words. the process is slow, but it is happening, how long before they meet somewhere in the middle?

    (or dutch, or spanish, or etc.)

    why is is so offensive to suggest that a similar process is happening with english / welsh?

    (i've 1 welsh granny – does that count?)

    Free Member

    Wenglish is spoken a lot in the valleys, "da iawn tidy" being a great example.

    Free Member

    To tony_m,

    I think part of the reason for the welshicised spellings is the simple fact that some of the letters in the English or international spelling of the words just don't exist in the Welsh alphabet, for example kebab, pizza, exhausts and shocks.

    Free Member

    I believe that Welsh is the only language to have their own spelling for taxi

    Nah, a lot of places spell it TAKSI. Well, Macedonia does at least….

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