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  • What does Autumn mean to you?
  • matt_outandabout
    Full Member

    Frosty clear starts to the day.
    Fresh air.
    Great colours.
    Favourite time of year.

    Free Member

    putting newspaper in my biking boots! Cold ride home from the pub after a night ride after a couple of pints!

    Free Member

    What does Autumn mean to you?

    Dark days ahead, cold, Xmas and New Year … sales, discount, more shopping … :lol:

    Full Member

    Better riding climate, shame it’s dark so much.

    Free Member

    Start of the shit weather. Going to work when it’s dark, coming home when it’s dark. Still, at least the M5 clears up a bit.

    Free Member

    Rain, slippery, green chalk and sticky mud.

    In short, no more off road cycling until March.

    Free Member

    Panettone from Lidl

    Full Member

    Everything starts to die and rot. The nights get longer and darker, the weather wetter and and colder (but not cold enough to be interesting). The mud starts to build up, the puddles stick around longer, leaves block drainage, drivers get even more dopey. November is coming, the worst month of the year. And then on top of everything else people start banging on about **** xmas.

    I hate Autumn.

    Free Member

    Riding down the steps in the garden sliding on the walnuts that have fallen in the night, sliding around on the carpet of apples in the orchard that means its time to borrow the neighbour’s pig to hoover them up. And then remembering what happened last time we tried that.
    And generally loving commuting to work through mud and puddles when everyone else is bitching about being stuck on the A34 for an hour. I mean I’ve been riding my bike in the mud and everything, and no one gets to tell me off!

    Free Member

    More riding.. More motivation.. Nice photographs and awesome fungi

    Free Member

    A chest infection. Every **** year.

    Free Member

    Making enough blackberry jelly and plum chutney to last until next autumn.
    Road biking through russet leaves.
    Chill mornings.

    Free Member

    Oh and holidays. Lots of holidays. September’s great, best month of the year (tied with May). October’s fine. November, December and January are awful. February is unbearable. March is the hinterland before life returns in April. I need to get away for two of those months or bad things happen.

    Free Member

    At least in December, January and February you can hope for snow.

    Full Member

    Best season. Not too hot, not too wet, not too dry, not too nettly. All these smells! That special watery light you only really get in autumn/early winter. Starting riding in the afternoon, riding through sunset, and ending at night

    I suppose I started riding in autumn, it just feels right.

    Full Member

    Low Railhead Adhesion.

    Free Member

    not too wet,

    Lolz.. where do you live?

    In the West autumn arrives with the first atlantic low pressure system of September….

    Free Member

    The annual Whinlatter hypothermia challenge. Where stevestunts and I pick the coldest wettest saturday of the year for our now quarterly (thanks kids) pedal out.

    Full Member

    Feeling cold, but not being able to moan about it. Although it never feels like summer is warm, it actually is, but happens so gradually you don’t notice. Then September comes and you suddenly you feel cold because it’s only 12 degrees out but it’s only September and it’s going to get a lot lot worse before it gets better so you better man up and pretend not to notice so you can break out the jackets when the going really gets tough.

    On the other hand, toad in the hole.

    So it kind of balances out.

    Full Member

    molgrips – Member

    Lolz.. where do you live?

    Edinburgh- they call it the athens of the north, because of its mediterranean climate.

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