What bike lock for ...

What bike lock for Center Parcs (Notts)?

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Off to Center Parcs in Nottingham, cannot remember what the bike stand setup is like and therefore what type of lock would be suitable. D-Lock with cable? Chain and padlock? This is for daytime use only, I'll bring them indoors overnight.

Anything else bike and/ bike security related would be good to know too!

Posted : 03/04/2023 11:54 pm
Full Member

The bike parks and the stands outside the apartments are just the V shaped metal bits for pushing a wheel into, I took my bike the first time we went there, locking was always an issue, said if we went back in the summer again I'd just suck it up and hire next time and not have to panic.
I had a D-lock and an extension cable, (casting my mind back, it was 6 years ago) and I'd try to find a fence to lean the bike against to lock it up, was complicated a little more by having the child trailer on the back too.

Posted : 04/04/2023 5:47 am
Full Member

Hire their bikes and not worry about your precious steed?

Hunt around the park and get their bikes for free? There's usually plenty of bikes dumped in the bushes around the paths. You don't get quite the guaranteed sizing options though.

Their stuff is more than adequate for rolling around the site.

Posted : 04/04/2023 9:03 am
peesbee and zerocool reacted
Full Member

Can't you take he bike inside?

Posted : 04/04/2023 9:28 am
Free Member

Unless you replace every bolt with security bolts and have some magic inside the frame to stop it being hacksawed in 1/2 any lock is only stopping someone grabbing it and running.

About 10yrs ago we stopped at the Sherwood Pines cabins (back when the police used to turn up to give you a crime number) and several bikes were stolen from outside cabins every day we were there.

Posted : 04/04/2023 9:35 am
Full Member

+1 for hiring thier bikes just to get around.

If you must take yours - I take mine for some interval sessions outside the park - stored them in the cleaning cupboard where they can’t be seen. I’ve had 2 adults and one kids bike in there with no issues.

Posted : 04/04/2023 9:57 am
gringo reacted
Full Member

I've just come back from woburn and used a dlock to padlock the bike but occupied two spaces so I could get the lock around the frame and metal brackets. Brought the bike inside when not using it, broom cupboard sounds like a good idea for next time. Woburn is in the sticks so did not see any locals hanging around, is Notts closer to a town ?

Posted : 04/04/2023 11:00 am
zerocool reacted
Full Member

I have taken "nice" bikes to CP on a few occasions so I can get a ride in at Pines/Thetford when there.

Big Moto chain lock, Steeloflex locks for outside pool etc and then bring them inside at night.

No issues.

Posted : 04/04/2023 11:31 am
Free Member

Do you need a nice bike? The riding around the area doesnt need a nice bike

Posted : 04/04/2023 11:36 am
Full Member

How are the thieves getting past the security guards, razor-wire and machine gun towers that greet you at the entrance!! 🙂

Posted : 04/04/2023 12:08 pm
Free Member

very much this?

Everytime I've been to visit people locked up in centre parcs I've had to give loads of details about who they are, which shed they are staying in etc etc

I've always struggled to comprehend how often bikes are stolen there

Posted : 04/04/2023 12:21 pm
Full Member

is Notts closer to a town ?

Edwinstowe and Clipstone. Robin Hood country, stealing from the rich (well you CAN afford CP) and giving (thrills) to the poor.

Posted : 04/04/2023 12:28 pm
Full Member

I forgot my lock last week (well I remembered the Krytonite D Lock and huge cable lock but forgot the keys 🤦🏼‍♂️)
And they kindly gave me one of their cheap cable locks.

It wasn’t really very good but ok for locking a blacked out stealth HT with mid range stuff on it and I stuck it inside the chalet if we were out with out it during the day and at night.

D lock and a cable will be ok I reckon.

When my kids (4 years old) get big enough to ride any distance we’ll just hire bikes from CP to save taking our own ones.

Sherwood CP has pretty much everything about 5 min walk from each other so not a huge amount of cycling needed like at Longleat where it’s all spaced out.

Posted : 04/04/2023 1:11 pm
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Topic starter

Thanks, will take D-Lock with Cable and maybe a chain lock too

I'm only going to take my old 1997 era MTB anyway (although if it was nicked I'd be a bit gutted). Most expensive bike will be my son's Early Rider. Will keep bikes indoors overnight and I don't actually think we need to use them to get about as we are close to the centre.

Had completely forgotten about bike rental! Works out at just over £10 a day... might have a rethink

Posted : 05/04/2023 11:26 am
Free Member

Last time I went to Elveden the staff advised us to put bikes inside and even take the roof bars off.
Not sure where the idea of security and razor wire comes from. Every Center Parcs I've been to has been pretty open. The chavs just walk in via the fire roads.

Posted : 05/04/2023 1:02 pm
Full Member

Do you need a nice bike. Erm, you are putting that question to a bunch of cyclists. Life is too short to own crap bikes. I don't have a bike I could just lock up anywhere, even the commuter has XT all over it.

Posted : 05/04/2023 1:06 pm
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Last time I went to Elveden the staff advised us to put bikes inside and even take the roof bars off.

The rack can go into the car boot. Roof bars though hmm... what about Roof boxes?

Posted : 05/04/2023 1:23 pm
Full Member

Last time I went to Elveden the staff advised us to put bikes inside and even take the roof bars off.

I'm interested in what the roof bar removal is meant to achieve? Cars are parked miles from your chalet so how are bars on your car increasing risk?

Posted : 05/04/2023 1:28 pm
Free Member

What about Whinfell, same issues there with thieving bastards?

Posted : 05/04/2023 1:50 pm
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Topic starter

I’m interested in what the roof bar removal is meant to achieve?

I think people must have been stealing racks?

Posted : 05/04/2023 1:51 pm
Free Member

Exactly. Huge dark car park full of cars with roof bars on worth £150 each is easy pickings. Easy to remove and walk off into the woods.
I've been to several Center Parcs and each decided it wasn't worth bringing bikes. Never get a chance to go for a ride as too busy on the pool. We got free bike hire once which was nice. But really didn't need them as everything was walkable.

Posted : 05/04/2023 4:48 pm
Full Member

We used to live in the local area and I’d not be leaving a decent bike locked up and unattended around there. The ‘fenced in’ nature of CP probs makes it a bit less risky than outside the fence, but keep an eye on your swag in Pines (it’s not quite so bad now I’ve left the area;)). If you’d prefer to hire, the CP bikes always looked a bit like crummy hybrids FWIR, but Sherwood Pines cycles have a big hire fleet, and the bikes are decent enough to deal with the red route.

Posted : 05/04/2023 5:10 pm
Free Member

Bit of a thread revival about hire bikes at CP...

Anyone know if they've relaxed the rules about not taking hire e-bikes off the campus in recent years?

Back around '19 I had to sign a two a4 page sheet about hiring a Raleigh e-bike, which said no to taking them off campus.

I've taken hire mtbs and hire premium mtbs out numerous times when I've not taken my own bikes to ride around Gare Hill, Park Hill #103 etc with no issues, but with long covid, assistance would be welcome.

Posted : 01/09/2024 5:21 pm
susepic and susepic reacted
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Posted : 01/09/2024 9:31 pm
Free Member

Having asked CP about taking hire e-bikes off-site via their website contact form on Sunday, they got back to me this afternoon...

You can now take e-bikes off the campus! \o/

But as luck would have it, none left to hire the week of our stay at Longleat. 🙁

So hiring a "premium" GT Zasker instead.

Posted : 03/09/2024 8:51 pm
dutto and dutto reacted
Free Member

Good surprise turn of events, ambitiously looked on CP site earlier having already booked a "premium" GT Zasker and found a "traditional" Ridgeback e-bikes was available, so I've swapped over to it.

Will be interesting to see how an e-bike copes on rides with a few ~500+ foot 3%+ average gradient climbs, might even have a go up the steep climb to King Alfred's tower...

And how the battery copes, plus whether they give me the charge lead to top-up at villa, or I have to charge battery overnight at the cycle centre.

Posted : 06/09/2024 10:27 pm