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  • Ukraine
  • gwaelod
    Free Member

    MM ran an international business consortium. Who do you think the business partners were?

    Everyone! Everyone has a share!

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    But we are fairly confident that most Russians don’t give a shit about the war -why would they?

    Can we? We are seeing a one sided view of this war, a heavily pro Ukrainian view point tbh. Quite rightly so, but there’s propaganda on all fronts. If the Russian military was as against this as we are told they would have crumbled already. Instead they are making slow and steady progress. Slow? yes. But it’s looking methodical to me.

    Free Member

    It might have taken coalition forces 4 weeks to take Baghdad but they lost around 200 people in that time/operation.

    Russia seem to be doing this differently.

    Free Member

    Free Member
    It might have taken coalition forces 4 weeks to take Baghdad but they lost around 200 people in that time/operation.

    Bagdad wasn’t getting supplies from Europe and the US though.

    Full Member

    Don’t worry everyone. Instagram Liz is on the case and she will defeat Putin with Emoji’s while staring vacantly into the middle distance in an aircraft hanger

    Full Member

    Slow? yes. But it’s looking methodical to me.

    I agree. Slow. Bloody. Lethal. But progress.
    And let us remember – it is an information war. We only see the few calm, apologetic and confused prisoners. We’re not seeing those who are angry or still fighting.
    We’re seeing overwhelming Ukranian information, or the extreme propoganda that Putin is controlling. We’re not party to the Russian generals plans and discussion.
    Perhaps another couple of weeks in we can start making more sense of things, but as it stands we are 10 short days in.
    And while we pontificate, people die. :(

    Full Member

    Unfortunately Ukraine is lost, best situation at the moment is for minimum loss of life.

    Putin is that deep failures not an option.

    We need to calm the nuclear rhetoric down and hope putin with this final victory buggers off somewhere preference is dead but…

    Full Member

    In thw current situation I find Liz Truss posts far too close to poking the bear than im comfortable with.

    Free Member

    The Northern convoy ain’t moving, if it was Generals wouldn’t be getting shot by sniper fire near the front trying to find out WTF’s going on…

    Full Member

    In thw current situation I find Liz Truss posts far too close to poking the bear than im comfortable with.

    Given the Russians reaction to her previous remarks, I think we would all benefit from a lot less Liz. But there are photographers to be kept busy and her ongoing leadership campaign to be run, so we’re all going to have to put up with a lot more of this sort of thing, by the looks of it

    Something to look forward too, eh?

    Free Member

    Pasting fail

    Free Member

    “Russia seem to be doing this differently.”

    Differently to us? Yes. Differently to the way they’ve always done things? Not so much.

    I fear the poster above who says Ukraine is lost it right. I felt that half the country would be lost, I’m now not so optimistic. As I said before, when I look at the map and the claw like form of the Russian positions I can’t see Putin letting go.

    Full Member

    Let’s not forget that Putin plays War by his own rules, not following convention and generally being unpredictable. That convoy could well be sitting there on purpose, for what reason I don’t know but it seems to obvious to just blame it on breakdowns.

    In thw current situation I find Liz Truss posts far too close to poking the bear than im comfortable with.

    That Liz Truss tweet looks more like she’s been left standing in the foyer after everyone else has given her the slip so that they can get the real business done. That look is one of someone who has just spotted their ‘friends’ already in another bar/room getting in with things.

    Are we being taken seriously on the World Stage currently? What with Johnson dithering over sanctions and just being, well, himself are we being left out of stuff so that we don’t cock it up?

    Full Member

    Are we being taken seriously on the World Stage currently?

    Post-Brexit, we are an utter and complete irrelevance.

    All we are to the rest of the world is Russia’s financial Laundromat

    Full Member

    Unfortunately Ukraine is lost,

    I work with a number of Ukrainians. They are very determined people, and slightly terrifying. I would not want to get on the wrong side of them.

    I think Putin is in trouble and he probably knows by know that time is against him

    Free Member

    Does anyone else think Liz Truss reminds them of Gillian McKeith?

    Free Member

    Is Putin the richest man in the world?

    I’m going to say…the chances are pretty high!

    Full Member

    Unfortunately Ukraine is lost, best situation at the moment is for minimum loss of life.

    Unless Putin does something really stupid, I think that this is the unfortunate truth. He will take what he wants- the West has broadly reached the limit of it’s willingness to intervene.

    I’m sure that even as I write this there’re analysts, public and private sector, working on how best to roll back sanctions, return confiscated property and re-integrate Russia into the World Economy, while apologising for the inconvenience caused.

    Full Member

    Post-Brexit, we are an utter and complete irrelevance

    Sorry but this is bollocks, we are still one of the biggest economies in the world and have one of the bigger armies in nato.
    I suspect the main thing is that the rest of the world think our leaders are dickheads (and wouldn’t be wrong) but we still have an economic and military value.

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    Full Member
    In thw current situation I find Liz Truss posts far too close to poking the bear than im comfortable with.

    As binners said, she isn’t fighting Putin, she’s fighting a leadership contest.

    If a few tactical nukes have to fly to aid that, so be it.😉

    Mind you, in that pic there are a lot of EU flags on show, she could be an enemy of the people before too long.

    And… back on to the topic at hand.

    Full Member

    Sorry but this is bollocks, we are still one of the biggest economies in the world and have one of the bigger armies in nato.
    I suspect the main thing is that the rest of the world think our leaders are dickheads (and wouldn’t be wrong) but we still have an economic and military value.

    UK at the moment is very much being forced to follow what the EU has taken the lead on. Having taken ourselves out of the club, we’re sitting at the window staring in trying to be part of the proceedings and failing miserably. UK is desperate to be “part of the club” while also trying its best to do the minimum possible – the Tories (and London) are neck deep in dirty Russian cash.

    Only have to look at the Liz Truss image to see how little clue she had about WTF she was actually doing there and who the other people were.

    Full Member

    I think that the Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman that singled out the “sanctions hysteria” in London and that Russia would not forget it tells you quite a lot about how important the UK has been to Russian corruption over the years

    Full Member

    Be prepared for grain wars next year as we’ll see nowt from Ukraine.

    The reason I think it’s lost is putin can’t be seen to loose face.

    So unless he pops his evil little clogs it’s gone.

    I’m not saying he’ll keep it or it’ll be easy for him but he’ll take Kiev. At that point diplomacy and diplomatic talks might help but for now we need to sadly and I mean this really for the greater good is to cool the situation and the only way it will cool is the fall of Ukraine.

    It’s 100% not what u want before someone brands me a ruskie sympathiser. It’s just what do you do.

    I also think natos **** it and we’d not even back Poland if he rolled in! Nukes have changed everything. There won’t be a world war it’ll go from zero to boom too quickly.

    I hope China, Pakistan India etc who trade with Russia can influence and dampen down any future acquisition dreams he may have…..

    Full Member

    Completely agree with all you said, but that is more a measure of our particularly (cough cough) skilled politicians who clearly can’t organise a party properly so how they could lead us through what is going on, when their paymasters are in the hook, is too much to expect.
    Doesn’t make us an irrelevance though. I think the rest of the western leaders just wish we had some competent politicians in charge

    Free Member

    Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what’s going on here….?

    Looks like the cast of Top Gear have been to a garden centre whilst on one of their wacky trips.

    Full Member

    A^^Making it harder to hit the engine block/ cover the rad to make it warm up quicker? Definitely an attempt to protect the driver on the one of the right.

    That doesn’t explain the huge radiator stuck on the one of the left though!

    Free Member

    Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what’s going on here….?

    If I had to guess I’d say that Ukrainians have been shooting out radiators. Surely they can’t be un-shielded on those trucks? Are the trucks completely un-armoured and therefore only designed for supply behind your own lines? If so, more evidence of incompetence..?

    Full Member

    If this is is, or isn’t the end of the world as we know it, and i don’t feel fine btw, what are we meant to do to make the most of what’s left? Or doesn’t it matter as we won’t know anyway?

    I bury my head in the sand hopeful that mostly it’ll be fine, but every now and then I wonder about what me and the family should be doing and talking about :(

    Not bad effort at improvised up-armour for some protection from small-arms; the troops are trying their best to adapt to the environment and threat they are facing.

    It’s also a really good example of where there are glaring gaps in their ORBAT, I guess within their budget they have prioritised combat vehicles over logistics.

    This is a western example of logistics protection.

    Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what’s going on here….?

    Full Member

    @ Pieface

    Its like NASA saying a huge asteroid might hit, extinction level stuff… Carry on living and hope for the best. I’m also very upbeat about the outcome when I chat to my son who’s a new father. No point being negative.

    Just too large to worry about, thats my take.

    Of it all goes south I’ll probably go the route the populace was offered in Australia in On The Beach… after a few days of living the Mad Max dream in shitty weather of course…

    Full Member

    There is no armor on support trucks sniper fire on engine blocks was used in the afgan war to stop tanker bombs and car bombs.
    The insurgents welded up the trucks logs are the next best thing

    That, with respect is nonsense.

    There is no armor on support trucks sniper fire on engine blocks was used in the afgan war to stop tanker bombs and car bombs.
    The insurgents welded up the trucks logs are the next best thing

    Full Member

    The logs are used to try and drive through soft mud/terrain. Take enough with you and you don’t have to go back and cut down some trees when your truck is bogged down in open ground.

    Free Member

    A^^Making it harder to hit the engine block/ cover the rad to make it warm up quicker?

    Wouldn’t a blanket have the same effect?

    Surely great if a molotov hits it. More fuel to the fire.

    Truck in the middle appears to have a fence panel strapped to the front. Can’t see that being much help stopping a truck of that size getting bogged.

    True, but the wood might also buy you a little time to get out? I guess they have four distinct threats they need to try and mitigate against: AT/RPG, Small Arms, Molotov, and Javelin. Given the circumstance and lack of kit, not a bad effort, although ripping some doors off destroyed APCs might also afford them a little more protection from the first three. Javelin you’ve got no hope.

    Surely great if a molotov hits it. More fuel to the fire.

    Full Member

    Anti small arms fire, anti grenade or rpg round.
    Will help a little, tyres still vulnerable though.
    Whats the payload though. Looks like a clamshell design with bolted down access hatches.
    Might be something daft but essential like a naafi wagon

    Free Member

    “Are we being taken seriously on the World Stage currently?”

    A picture of Condoleezza Rice talking with Vladimir Putin popped up on my partners’ computer just now.

    She said, “look at the contrast between her, the image of charm and professionalism and that Liz Truss.” In the photo Putin and Rice’s eye’s were fixed on each other and they were both smiling. “look at the connection they have”, she said.

    I explained it was probably because they were both speaking Russian.

    They’re pontoon-bridge sections. PMP-M to be more specific.

    Whats the payload though. Looks like a clamshell design with bolted down access hatches.
    Might be something daft but essential like a naafi wagon

    Full Member

    Squirrel ‘We at Stop the War condemn the invasion of Ukraine, and warmongers on all sides’. I seriously wouldn’t recommend varifocals online.

    Full Member

    Whats the payload though. Looks like a clamshell design with bolted down access hatches.
    Might be something daft but essential like a naafi wagon

    Could be anything knowing the Russians, there’s footage of their medical wagons being rammed full of ammunition crates.


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