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  • Ukraine
  • freeagent
    Free Member

    I think what we are seeing in terms of poor military equipment, obvious poor maintenance and suggestions of “creaming off the top” from the maintenance budgets is highly endemic of the Russian corrupt culture these days, something Putin himself has arguably nurtured more than anyone else.

    But according to Russian Media Putin only owns a small flat in Moscow and a ‘trailer’ ;o)

    Full Member

    French customs have impounded yacht owned by Igor Sechin who is top man at Rosneft.
    Germany 1 – 1 France.

    Free Member

    You’ll be looking at the Maxxis Occupiers or the Panaracer Invaders….

    The Schwalbe Mad Vlad would be worth a look also.

    Full Member

    Deutschland 83/86/89 series

    The Same Sky is also bingable.

    Schwalbe Dirty Dictator
    Maxxis Crazy Ivan

    Free Member

    Having just watched Lavrov’s latest unhinged rant about Hollywood movies and Torch waving Nazi parades

    You do know the torch-waving nazi parades are real though right?


    (For the hard of thinking, no I don’t think that justifies the invasion)

    Free Member

    The Oligarchs are another distraction. If Putin manages to occupy half of Ukraine and denies it access to the Black Sea it will be a massive victory for him, never mind the economic factors. When he dies he wants to be remembered as the man who expanded the borders of the Russian empire, making Russia ‘great again’.

    As for the human cost? What did Stalin say “one death is a tragedy….”. If he can achieve his territorial aims whilst mostly commiting conscripts to the slaughter, keeping enough of his professional units intact he’ll be a happy man.

    Free Member

    Turns out that the Ukrainians are not living under a fascist dictator and they quite like being Ukrainian.

    Despite the Pandora Papers stuff and the fact that some have taken “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” way too far and tipped over into rw nutjobbery(*), it could be worse, i.e., …. Russia!!

    (*) Google Vasyl Slipak – we came across a musical memorial garden for him while we were in Kyiv – an interesting example of both how things are likely to go with keen amateurs going to fight, and what the grain of fact is that the Russians are grabbing on to for justification of their “omg they are all NAZIs I tell you” claims. TLDR He was an opera singer with a Russian girlfriend and a good job in Paris, who went to fight in Eastern Ukraine with a v v right-wing militia, got killed, was awarded Hero Of Ukraine posthumously.

    Free Member

    OSINT Technical saying Ukrainian jets have been targeting the convoy. No confirmation yet though.

    Full Member

    Not sure how much forest there is.

    According to the mighty google, about 9 million hectares, so half the size of England. It’s a massive place for an invading army to hold.

    Putin’s objectives may be shifting to the south, where the landscape is more forgiving.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Putin’s objectives may be shifting to the south, where the landscape is more forgiving.

    and where it allows for a nice motorway to Crimea

    Free Member

    “Putin’s objectives may be shifting to the south, where the landscape is more forgiving.”

    Or his objective was the South all along?

    Full Member

    I think Putin’s objective is to totally occupy the whole of Ukraine and install a puppet regime.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    Schwalbe Mad Vlad

    Please please please release a mud tyre with this name.

    Free Member

    “I think Putin’s objective is to totally occupy the whole of Ukraine and install a puppet regime.”

    What you want and what you get… Its fairly common knowledge that Putin sees Ukraine as ‘The Ukraine”. But consider this:

    Were that convoy composed of empty vehicles it would have achieved a strategic aim for the Russian forces. We in the West have been obsessed with it for 4 days, whilst the situation in Kyiv remains stable in comparison to what has been happening elsewhere in the country.

    Half of Ukraine and all of the Black Sea coastline might be the fall back position but it would still be an enormous victory for Putin.

    If Russia occupies the east there could be a massive exodus of Ukranians fleeing West and Putin would find it easier to ‘Belorussify’ the eastern territory, as opposed to having to deal with a nationwide insurrection.

    Full Member

    From an Israeli news report about broken down Russian equipment which actually went on air. I know words cant Express how shitty this whole thing is but this made me smile

    Full Member

    Or his objective was the South all along?

    Whatever territorial gain he achieves he will claim as his objective all along, so we’ll never know. We don’t know if he still considers taking all of Ukraine a viable proposition, but he will be hoping for an outcome that allows him not lose face. Not sure that exists.

    He may take some more Black Sea ports, but his bigger problem is that there will be f all shipping arriving there, or any other Russian port.

    Sanctions will continue at the current level as long as his troops are within Ukraine’s borders.

    Free Member

    There may be a few too many armchair military experts among us but when it comes to tyres…..

    Free Member

    You do know the torch-waving nazi parades are real though right?

    I do – but i’m pretty sure the Ukrainian security services already had a handle on them…

    Full Member

    Half of Ukraine and all of the Black Sea coastline might be the fall back position but it would still be an enormous victory for Putin.

    No, because…

    Sanctions will continue at the current level as long as his troops are within Ukraine’s borders.

    Free Member

    “Sanctions will continue at the current level as long as his troops are within Ukraine’s borders.”

    And Putin won’t care.

    Full Member

    That’s the problem with sanctions, asset-freezing, sports bans etc – at some point we either tear them down or we just cause further isolationism.

    Full Member

    What do you mean ‘armchair military experts’?
    I’ve read Biggles books.
    Just call me Air Vice-Marshall.

    Free Member

    Thought this was a good thread. Putin and the oligarchs have turned Russia into a shell that doesn’t produce anything, doesn’t export anything but fossil fuels, and is going to collapse under the sanctions:

    Full Member

    “Sanctions will continue at the current level as long as his troops are within Ukraine’s borders.”

    And Putin won’t care.

    Free Member

    The best the West can hope for is to hang the curtain rails for the new iron curtain down the length of the Dnipro river. In order to do that Ukraine needs to either hold on to Odessa, or somehow wrench it back in peace negotiations.

    It could be Putin’s biggest bargaining chip, as I suggested earlier, he could trade it for all the land east of the Dnipro and in ceding it he would claim to show how he is able to ‘compromise’ in order to find a peacefull solution.

    Sorry to be so cynical bit ultimately, a lot of the supply the Ukranians with arms to fight an underground resistance narrative sounds like a Star Wars script. Is this David and Goliath or Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader?

    Wouldn’t be hard for Putin to turn the supply of aid, arms, and support to Ukraine as another reason to stick it out and great evidence of NATO aggression and expansion to sell it back home.

    Free Member

    I sent a message to a friend of mine in Moscow this morning, his reply was “Yeah, things are getting worse. Our government is going crazy”

    People in Moscow know what’s going on and they don’t all agree with it.

    Free Member

    You do know the torch-waving nazi parades are real though right?

    That link is 4 years old. A lot has happened since then. Although to be fair I have no idea if the nazis are more active or less now.

    Full Member

    @doris5000 – thanks for posting that up, its a really interesting analysis.

    So basically, Russia was in terminal decline anyway, due to its financially illiterate, clueless, corrupt government, but the sanctions have just turbo-charged that economic decline to a huge degree

    Stuff you don’t really think about like Boeing and Airbus pulling out of maintenance contracts means that all commercial airliners will be grounded within 2 weeks. In a country the size of Russia, I’m sure no more internal flights will have a huge impact, and they can’t fly anywhere but internally anyway

    Free Member

    There may be a few too many armchair military experts among us but when it comes to tyres…..

    The one area I am, possibly ironically, a lot more qualified than most on here to talk about… 😂 Although not directly military tyres… But still.

    Schwalbe Mad Vlad

    Has provided a few laughs already… 😂😉👍🏻

    Free Member

    The imperial stormtroopers in that short “footage” up there though… 😂

    Maybe that’s how Mad Vlad sees his troops? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Full Member

    The view from the EU. I bet they’re really shocked at the complete inaction of this Russian-funded government to do anything to really sanction the oligarchs that pay for their election campaigns

    Full Member


    Yes I know what it means. I was just stating the reason.

    Free Member

    “People in Moscow know what’s going on and they don’t all agree with it.”

    I watched that documentary about the independent Russian tv station last night. It was a portrait of diminishing hope as their world closed in on them incrementally an inexorably.

    Whilst things might change with the Russian public, apathy is so firmly entrenched that it isn’t going to happen overnight and when it does, the crackdown could be utterly ferocious.

    Ask ypurself: Would Putin be prepared to inflict the same type of pain on his own citizens as he does to those of Ukraine?

    Full Member

    Sadly it isn’t surprising that Boris won’t sanction his paymasters. Spineless load of shits

    Full Member

    An Apache swarm from the Polish border would be a sight to see.

    What? You think that would actually happen if the Russian airforce wasn’t in the West?

    Free Member

    So basically, Russia was in terminal decline anyway, due to its financially illiterate, clueless, corrupt government, but the sanctions have just turbo-charged that economic decline to a huge degree

    I noticed that the rubble has been in steady decline against the dollar for the last 15 years or so. Even before the war it was worth around 1/3 of what it was in 2008, now it is worth 1/4. That series of posts above helps explain why it is so.

    Full Member

    So, Russia are closing in on a couple of nuclear power plants in the south of the country. Theoretically, what would happen if they were targeted by missiles, would they go up or are they fairly safe from that sort of bombardment..? I’ve no clue.

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