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  • Ukraine
  • dyna-ti
    Full Member

    I see that Usmanov’s £600mill yacht has been impounded in Germany

    They might agree to swop it for a Paul components rasta rear mech. Or anything original Klein.

    Full Member

    @blokeuptheroad we were involved every year in the Minx excercise, if I recall the name correctly. Very happy that so far that scenario hasn’t come to pass! We also did a lot of work with the Fort who brought a few interesting things along with them.

    Free Member

    They should use that yacht to house Ukrainian refugees.

    Full Member

    They should use that yacht to house Ukrainian refugees.

    Probably better selling it to fund munitions, or help pay towards aid. Same with and of the funds frozen from the Russian oligarchs. And in that what im afraid of is the US will keep it, when the point of fact its been effectively taken from the coffers of the Ukrainian people.

    Full Member

    They might agree to swop it for a Paul components rasta rear mech. Or anything original Klein.



    Full Member

    Yeah, for all the talk there’s very little action in the west nailing the oligarch’s to the wall and putting pressure on them, same with Belarus, barely a word said about them, and the way they’ve acted is worse for me, at least Russia never hid their intentions.

    The sad fact is that the longer the Ukrainian people hold out, the more vindictive Russia will be, as much as sanctions, supplies, etc are helping, it’s not going to stop the inevitable in the Ukraine, this thing can only stop in Moscow.

    Full Member

    Rather sadly, and beyond anything even in Orwell’s 1984, today there is a nationwide online ‘truth’ lesson for Russian schoolchildren.

    Ironically enough, here it is reported in Pravda (Truth in Russian):

    Truth in Pravda

    Pravdasystem resolution

    I hope the presenters get an opportunity to visit the current front line in Kyiv.

    Full Member

    For them to have to do that, to brainwash the kids, is a good sign that some foreign media is reaching enough people and they feel the need to debunk it

    Full Member

    a defense budget that’s not huge amount bigger than the UK spend – about $62Billion compared to $50B

    One thing with Russia, China, etc. is that their personnel costs are much lower than in rich Western countries. NATO, especially the U.S., have gone for very high-tech militaries, but they are volunteer armies so they have to either use contractors or pay competitive salaries for tech specialists. Russia still has conscription. Soldiers who are poorly paid and badly treated will steal and cheat out of necessity in order to survive.

    Full Member

    Thats the Ukranian Pravda. Click the blue link and hover over the header in Russian/Ukranian.

    Russian Pravda https://english.pravda.ru is a whole bucket of haddock different and just shows how this is being represented in Russia.

    Full Member

    Regarding military truck maintenance, there’s a big MAN truck depot on the business estate where I work in Westbury, and if going off-site for any reason it’s not unusual to see the big breakdown wagons towing another big truck into the estate, or else trucks being driven in. There are live firing ranges close enough that you can hear the crackle of weapons being fired as well.

    Free Member

    There are some interesting threads on the mobility issues for the Russians. It looks like they haven’t been maintaining their vehicle fleet, they also use cheap Chinese/ Belarusian tyres, what’s happening is the side walls degrade and fail when run at low pressure. Why is low pressure important? Grip off road. So essentially the fleet can’t go off road (hence the traffic jam) and the limited advances.

    This then gets worse, Ukraine has a famous’mud season’ where the ground conditions get very poor in spring and autumn. We are heading into that now.

    I can see the Russians getting pushed back considerably on this basis, being tied to roads is a disaster for them, they don’t have air superiority and the range of the mlrs systems is limited

    It’s still going to be costly for the Ukrainians but I’m thinking the corruption endemic in the Russian army has essentially gutted the ability to fight

    It’s the old nursery rhyme, for the the want of a horseshoe nail…..

    Free Member

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60598294 No need to panic everyone, Nadine is fighting hard on the third front.

    Full Member

    Yeah, for all the talk there’s very little action in the west nailing the oligarch’s to the wall and putting pressure on them, same with Belarus, barely a word said about them, and the way they’ve acted is worse for me, at least Russia never hid their intentions.

    Because London and the UK generally has always been very open to Russian oligarchs, welcoming their lavish spending and offering them long-term visas. In particular Russian donors gave to the Tory party; but it is broader than that and suddenly reversing course is taking a bit more time for decision-makers to wrap their heads around

    You’re not far from the Land Warfare Centre there bud.

    Full Member

    Nadine is fighting hard on the third front.

    Belarus and Russian Para athletes have been bumped…


    Full Member

    Latest Defence Intelligence Update

    Full Member

    Nadine is fighting hard on the third front.

    Still defunding the BBC then?

    Full Member

    This is an enlightening read.  I knew the country was awash with Russian money but I didn’t know the extent of it and the amount of malign influence it had.  Depressing because you know very little of substance will ever be done to tackle it.

    This quote won’t come as a shock to anyone though:

    “Westminster – and the Conservative parliamentary party in particular – may be open to influence from wealthy donors who originate from post-Soviet kleptocracies, and who may retain fealty to these regimes”.


    Full Member

    the amount of malign influence it had

    Inevitable when the Klept is run by the Mafiya and ex-KGB/FSB, along with those who’ve become obscenely rich from stolen State infrastructure. Money speakers louder than words…

    Full Member

    saw this and thought of here…

    Free Member

    Yeah, for all the talk there’s very little action in the west nailing the oligarch’s to the wall and putting pressure on them,

    My hope, but it is purely hope, is that “we” are actively talking to them to encourage them to depose Putin and bring the situation back under control. I’m not sure that a different corrupt leader supported by corrupt oligarchs who might now see “us” as owing them something in return is loads better – but it would be a reason for the UK not being as forthright with sanctions on individuals as they could be.

    Full Member

    saw this and thought of here…

    Rude!! 😡😂

    That’ll go awesome on my airsoft teams new rig…


    saw this and thought of here…

    Full Member

    Jam-bo that’s absolutely quality!!

    Full Member

    It’s always been an open secret, and has been raised in parliament many times regarding the London housing market having a lot of expensive properties owned by mysterious corporations or individuals without any real investigation, maybe this will drive that to happen, then again, lots of people have made a lot of money from this over the years, so lets see how much property is actually seized or frozen.

    It’ll be the same thing that happened a few years back, a quick check without delving too deep to find the link between the actual owner and property.

    Full Member

    Surely a 40 mile long convoy is incredibly vulnerable to air attack by the Ukrainians?

    Full Member

    They might agree to swop it for a Paul components rasta rear mech.

    Or send it back with a new paint job.

    Full Member

    a quick check without delving too deep to find the link between the actual owner and property.

    In the same way companies house is underfunded so cant look into all those shell companies or do much more than rubber stamp paperwork.
    I am sure there is no connection though between this and the donations to the tory party.
    The Russia report from last year needs dusting off and questions asking about why Johnson tried to suppress it given it was already badly limited in scope.

    Full Member

    I hope this isn’t just a bogus trend of the week thing that the NY Times seems to specialize in.

    Full Member

    Surely a 40 mile long convoy is incredibly vulnerable to air attack by the Ukrainians?

    Yes, I think the fact that it’s stuck there is, lack of supply (fuel etc) breakdowns and Ukrainian resistance

    Free Member

    Surely a 40 mile long convoy is incredibly vulnerable to air attack by the Ukrainians?

    Reports suggest that this larger convoy is better defended with anti-aircraft weapons than other vehicles and convoys we have seen destroyed recently. BBC reporting suggests it has been slowed down by attacks from Ukraine, I’m not sure if that’s from the ground or the air though.

    Free Member

    Gutted my great uncle isn’t around to check out some of these unencrypted radio recordings. In his National Service (in the ’50s) he learned Russian in a bootcamp, then spent a year translating intercepted Russian radio transmissions. Had a remarkable command of Russian swearing and colloquialisms!

    Full Member

    thols2 – NY Times is more reliable than NY Post!
    US print media appear to be regurgitating the latest twitter or reddit or fb post without much, if any, fact checking.

    Full Member

    It’s always been an open secret, and has been raised in parliament many times regarding the London housing market having a lot of expensive properties owned by mysterious corporations or individuals without any real investigation, maybe this will drive that to happen, then again, lots of people have made a lot of money from this over the years, so lets see how much property is actually seized or frozen.

    It was David Cameron who was forced into saying that they’d do something about the dodgy Russian blood money sloshing around the city of London. It goes without saying that he didn’t actually do anything, nor did May, and Boris certainly won’t as he’s Russian funded even more than his predecessors and has Russia to thank for his Brexit ‘victory’

    Its not just that a lot of these Oligarchs are donors to the Tory party, so are a lot of the companies and individuals who are making lots and lots of money off the back of them, laundering their money for them

    Boris is still today taking dodgy Russian money

    Which is why he’s still dragging his feet and while saying they’re doing something about it, they’re not really. They’ve given. them 18 months to get their money out and sell their London properties and assets

    Whichever way you cut it, the flow of dirty Russian money has been going on for decades, and money laundering is a fundamental part of the economy of London and the UK, and they still don’t want to put a stop to it

    Free Member

    Surely a 40 mile long convoy is incredibly vulnerable to air attack by the Ukrainians?

    There seems to be conflicting information regarding how operational the Ukrainian air force is.
    However, I’d have thought it was also pretty vulnerable to shoulder mounted RPG attacks?

    I’m hoping the Ukrainians have got a plan for this convoy – as in wait until they’re in a position where they’re most vulnerable and strike.

    Free Member

    I’ve been thinking about that convoy: it’s stuck there, not going anywhere and using fuel and food. I imagine the Russian’s are cold and not getting much sleep. Isn’t it in the Ukrainian’s interest to just leave it there while it’s stationary and then attack from the forests when it starts to move again.

    Free Member

    Surely a 40 mile long convoy is incredibly vulnerable to air attack by the Ukrainians?

    The fact they have to stick to the roads because of the mud is pretty major, I’d have thought (uneducated opinion). It’d be way easier to invade if you could just drive across those open fields willy-nilly because the defenders would never know where to find you. Now the Russians are just stuck on the Ukranian equivalent of the M4 in their own traffic jams. We all know what mayhem a minor crash can cause there, imagine if it were a few dozen burnt out tanks.

    However it might also make it easier to defend, which could be why they are stuck.

    Isn’t it in the Ukrainian’s interest to just leave it there while it’s stationary and then attack from the forests when it starts to move again.

    Not sure how much forest there is.

    Free Member

    I honestly think 1000 mounted knights, men at arms, some archers could drive the regular russian infantry back right now. Iron sighted Aks across the board, nobody with night vision. You can’t see or hit sh1t anyway.

    Full Member

    Belarus and Russian Para athletes have been bumped…

    Harsh on individual athletes but the right decision.

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