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  • Ukraine
  • leffeboy
    Full Member

    Georgia has just applied for EU membership

    Amazing news

    Full Member

    When do we apply? Or do we just keep carrying on down the track we are on… dividing ourselves off from the rest of Europe and sticking with Putin’s plan?

    Full Member


    That strikes home for me. I used to have a lot of respect for Craig Murray for calling out a despot who boiled political opponents alive and losing his ambassadorship because of it.*

    Now his stuff reads as if he’s auditioning for RT.

    *Actually, thinking about it, calling out someone for boiling people alive isn’t a particularly high bar but apparently it was still too high for Blair.

    Free Member

    5 countries voted against at the UN, including Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea and Syria.

    Thats quite a roques gallery of shithole countries that would be pretty far down my list of place to live

    As for Israel, is this the same country that the west has tirelessly and unwaveringly supported, most of the time when they’ve been in the wrong?

    Full Member

    It’s horrible seeing trained army’s throwing hand grandes at old people. C4 news
    Oh and the Ukraine people are putting the Russian tanks on ebay apparently.
    Humans eh

    Free Member

    “There’s a whiff of Mark Francois in some of the posts above”

    Yep, let’s all strap rocket launchers to our Santa Cruz Bronsons and go down and sort them all out.

    (Some of the comments from the ex military posters is quite informative though.)

    Full Member

    The number of ways that the Russian people are being given the message that the outside world is against the (don’t call it a) war just keeps increasing all the time…


    Full Member

    After talk about young Russian protestors…

    Free Member

    Oh and the Ukraine people are putting the Russian tanks on ebay apparently.

    It’s a tragedy but you have to admire the humour! That’s about as Slav as you can get.

    Full Member

    The landscape has changed, we are about to witness the wall go back up now, i can’t see any other way, in this modern age, a near 70 year old man who is quite possibly not right in the head is about to set Russia and supporting countries back 30 years.

    The next few years we’ll see a lot of movement in NATO and the EU, as well as western armies modernising a bit more, look at Germany, they are about to go full speed ahead into building their armed forces, crazy times ahead.

    Free Member

    Just been watching Matt Frie’s interview of an Russian MP, adamant that they are on a mission of de-nazification.

    I can’t believe he held it together (just), I’m in bits.

    Free Member

    I wonder how much added defence spending will stimulate other economies?

    Free Member

    For someone on a mountain bike forum you’ve given a disturbing amount of thought on how to efficiently murder a lot of people.

    Clearly knows what he is talking about!

    Anyway, Vlad’s a bit of a judo fanboy himself… He must have discussed genocide tactics with a few of his chums on errant threads on Judo forums by now, surely…? 🤔

    Full Member

    And for those who don’t ebay their captured tanks, they are tax exempt!:

    “Have you captured a Russian tank or armored personnel carrier and wondering how to report it? Keep calm and keep defending the Fatherland!” read a statement from the Ukrainian National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NACP) seen by Interfax Ukraine.

    “It is not necessary to declare captured Russian tanks and other equipment because their cost does not exceed 100 living wages (248,100 UAH),” the agency explained. The sum is equivalent to approximately $8,300.

    Free Member

    I mentioned it earlier but I think we need to take this election tampering/far-right promoting thing a bit more seriously from now on


    Free Member
    Full Member

    After talk about young Russian protestors…

    Wow, what courage and spirit!  That’s not a good look for the Kremlin – two heavies in full riot gear dragging away a tiny frail hero of the great patriotic war.  If they get to see it ( a big if, I know) that’s got to make a lot of Russians feel uneasy? I like to think that’s the true Russia, not Putin and his cronies,

    Full Member

    Yep all the while we are putting constraints on protest in this country 😐

    Full Member

    For someone on a mountain bike forum you’ve given a disturbing amount of thought on how to efficiently murder a lot of people.

    Doesn’t require very much thought at all, history provides us with plenty of vivid examples of guerrilla and asymmetric warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and insurgents using IED’s and suchlike.
    In Stalingrad battles were fought underground by blowing holes through interconnected cellars, tanks trying to work their way along narrow streets were attacked from above and behind – blow a track off with a strategically placed explosive, it’s dead in the water.
    With increasing numbers of St Javelin being provided, accurate and effective attacks on armoured columns can be carried out from two miles away, and it’s a fire and forget missile, and not a one-shot launcher either.

    Modern iconography at work…

    Free Member

    The Javelin! That’s something I knew nothing about 6 days ago…

    Full Member

    Dunno if this is one of the ones on eBay, but these lads look to be having some fun with their new whip!

    Free Member

    STW really need to stop this bollocks and stop our forum providing a weird release for these plonkers.

    Because censorship has been shown to work so well, yeah…?

    How do you know that some elements of NATO aren’t trying to figure out how they could train and supply an insurgency at short notice?

    As for the suggestions, not pie in the sky, that’s pretty much what NATO have faced in various guises for the last 2 decades at least; it looks they’re kind already there from some of the videos I’ve seen, Ukrainian SF attacking the flanks of columns etc.

    Free Member


    Opinions on Abramovic potentially being able to buy himself a clear conscience…? I am not sure any other Russian oligarchs anywhere else in the world right now would be being afforded the luxury that our Clown in Chief PM is affording him… Chelsea football club should already be a seized asset!

    Dunno if this is one of the ones on eBay, but these lads look to be having some fun with their new whip!

    Don’t think I’ve seen someone looking so deservedly smug as the guy filming it in a long time… Best thing I’ve seen all day! Brilliant! 😂

    Free Member

    The landscape has changed, we are about to witness the wall go back up now, i can’t see any other way, in this modern age, a near 70 year old man who is quite possibly not right in the head is about to set Russia and supporting countries back 30 years.

    The next few years we’ll see a lot of movement in NATO and the EU, as well as western armies modernising a bit more, look at Germany, they are about to go full speed ahead into building their armed forces, crazy times ahead.

    All that money that should be spent on combating climate change is just going to go straight into weapons and armies.

    We are truly, utterly, categorically *can’t type anything that would get past the swear blocker*.

    Full Member

    All those weapons might eliminate the biggest cause of climate change – the human race. 😬💣

    And some of it will be utterly wasted through poor procurement processes requiring overspends to rectify having their procurement pants pulled down by companies who’ve overpromised and under-delivered. It’s like a mouldy cherry on a cake of shit.

    All that money that should be spent on combating climate change is just going to go straight into weapons and armies.

    Free Member

    Opinions on Abramovic potentially being able to buy himself a clear conscience…? I am not sure any other Russian oligarchs anywhere else in the world right now would be being afforded the luxury that our Clown in Chief PM is affording him… Chelsea football club should already be a seized asset!

    They’ve not been seizing, they’ve been freezing assets.

    He’s gone several steps beyond that and:
    a) Giving away somewhere between £1.5 and £3 billion
    b) Calling it a war (which won’t go down well at home).

    Free Member

    If we have to stop using Russian fossil fuels it might accelerate renewable development though.

    Full Member

    I think this thread would really benefit from each post having the poster’s military credentials explained before they add their thoughts.

    I’ll start:

    Fat grumpy middle-aged man who got kicked out of the Scouts after 45 mins in the early 80s

    The problem with the analysis so far is that …….

    Full Member

    Fat grumpy middle-aged man who got kicked out of the Scouts after 45 mins in the early 80s

    I wasn’t kicked out scouts, and currently volunteer with Boy’s Brigade. Ergo anything naval, I’m a genius.

    Free Member

    Just just hope the powers at be on our side sort this out and this is not taken to the next level. We have a lot to lose. Just getting over covid this is just what we do not need. We need to get back on track.

    I have worked 18+ years in counter terrorism. Ran a hostage rescue team in europe, africa and the middle east. I don’t respect the Russians much after seeing how they play in theatre at the agent level. That is what scares me.

    Full Member

    Things are getting even weirder, there’s a buildup of 1940’s biplanes near Ukrainian territory:


    Not sure if I posted this before, but here’s some background to the Javelin;


    I got hoofed out of the Air Training Corps, didn’t like the horrible polyester uniform. Went to the Army cadets much more fun, now play a lot of COD.

    I wasn’t kicked out scouts, and currently volunteer with Boy’s Brigade. Ergo anything naval, I’m a genius.

    Busy much? ;)

    Just just hope the powers at be on our side sort this out and this is not taken to the next level. We have a lot to lose. Just getting over covid this is just what we do not need. We need to get back on track.

    I have worked 18+ years in counter terrorism. Ran a hostage rescue team in europe, africa and the middle east. I don’t respect the Russians much after seeing how they play in theatre at the agent level. That is what scares me

    Full Member

    Admiral Matt_oab !!

    Full Member

    This is all great stuff!

    Mashr – basically Stark Enterprises

    Full Member

    To be clear, I was never in the military, however my dad was in the RAF, and ended up in a Japanese PoW camp in Singapore, and my step-brother was in the Navy and had his ship sunk by an Argentinian Skyhawks.

    Will that do for enlightened insight? I’m probably about as qualified as some MP’s appearing on telly.

    Quote on one of them fancy suits please?

    This is all great stuff!

    Mashr – basically Stark Enterprises

    Full Member

    Can’t, semi-conductor supply is now double-****ed so lead times on fancy suits have gone mental

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