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  • dantsw13
    Full Member

    ^^Thats a Radar guided missile battery – a whole level up from IR guided missiles. You need serious kit and training to escape that.

    Free Member

    I don’t know how much ammo they have for it, I guess that would be the limiting factor?
    I assume the missiles will be specific to that system?

    Free Member

    I wonder what the impact of the economic sanctions will be on Russia’s ability to make and supply weapons, gear, and fuel? I know they have a lot of resources internally including oil, but what if they end up having to print roubles to pay people to do these things and end up in hyperinflation?

    This has been 30yrs in the making for Putin, he has almost certainly amassed more money than some of the smaller banks had purely just to finance this war, more money than most countries even. That said… The way things are going, he’ll have 150mn hungry and homeless people within weeks that he’ll need to stick his hands into his pockets to fund, otherwise they will turn on him!

    As for the weapons, gear, fuel…? The way things have gone for the Russian army so far in those respects, I’d be surprised if they haven’t run out by next week!

    @andrewh yup. That’s how Jessica Lynch was captured, they’ve not often had the depth of training as front line troops, usually to a basic degree, although the US rectified that following a few high profile incidents.

    The RLC spent a lot of time training and developed a force protection element for their combat logistics patrols in Afghanistan to prevent such issues.

    Full Member

    I just can’t believe how this has even happened, just so glad to see Russia being crippled by sanctions but equally sad that this will affect so many well meaning Russians and its only the minority that even wanted this.

    Seeing the humanitarian side of it and the severe loss of life is tragic, also now I’m a home owner and have a career, I cannot imagine what it must be like to leave your life lived home not knowing if you’ll ever go back…. just hope this whole issue de-escalates soon.
    Was very pleased to see that Anonymous were doing their bit…. but when will he be tried for these crimes? Nerve agent in UK, multiple assassination attempts on UK soil…just ridiculous.

    Free Member

    **** me there’s a 17 miles long Russian armoured convoy heading for Kyiv. That’s got to be the end of it, hasn’t it?!?

    Free Member


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    Full Member

    ^ BBC
    Sadly it appears that we are about to find out if the Russians are really struggling as much as some people on here seem to think.

    Take your pick @molgrips they’re all leading with it. BBC news front page has it with satellite images.

    Here’s hoping the city can hold them off.

    Free Member

    Or some offensive action can stop or at least hinder them.

    Full Member

    The convoy is reported to have embedded logistical supports so that’s bad news.
    When will the munitions and weaponry promised by EU/NATO/US/UK get to Ukraine?
    How long will it then take to move them to where they’re most needed?

    Free Member

    As I said earlier theres reports of the Ukrainians blowing the bridges across the Dniepr, so that suggests we may be approaching last ditch actions. Having said that urban fighting as already pointed out is notoriously difficult so it might not be over all that quickly. Who knows. I for one am rooting for the Ukrainians though.

    Full Member

    **** me there’s a 17 miles long Russian armoured convoy heading for Kyiv. That’s got to be the end of it, hasn’t it?!?

    This has been building for some time. If the Ukrainians had the ability to do anything about this, then I can’t see why they wouldn’t have.

    Free Member

    For anyone who needs a little cheering up right now… This is just brilliant!

    As well as being the Ukrainian voice of Paddington Bear, he also won their version of Strictly come Dancing back in 2006 too…

    Free Member

    This is really interesting. He seems to know what he is talking about and he doesn’t think the Russian advance is going as badly as is being portrayed on social media

    Free Member

    **** me there’s a 17 miles long Russian armoured convoy heading for Kyiv. That’s got to be the end of it, hasn’t it?!?

    What is it with this continual convoy/column theory from Russia…? Have they not seen the mess that was made of the Chechens yesterday?

    Saw it posted somewhere earlier… With a convoy all you have to do is take out the first 3 vehicles and the last 3, then everyone in the middle is sitting ducks! 🤦🏻‍♂️

    Free Member

    Have they not seen the mess that was made of the Chechens yesterday

    Was that independently verified?

    Free Member

    At this time of year they have to stick to the roads or they’ll get bogged down. Also seen some speculation that Russian forces were not issued with maps/ gps as speed of advance meant they wouldn’t need them. Again not sure of truth of this.

    As above if the Ukrainians could have hit them earlier I’m surprised they haven’t. Plus Russian Air Force now supposed to be showing up in much greater numbers.

    Full Member

    I’ve a feeling this is about to turn into something more like what people expected that force on the border to achieve, i.e. the place’s about to start getting flattened. I expect the convoy will be well-defended.

    The Spectator now saying Russia declared that countries sending stuff to Ukraine will be responsible if used against Russian forces.

    Free Member

    Was that independently verified?

    Feel free to go and verify it for yourself by all means…

    There’s a number of people on this thread that have already independently verified that you’re a bit of a dick though, it would seem… I am yet to be convinced by the overwhelming evidence myself though, if that matters…? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Full Member

    Anyone been reading the google reviews of Moscow hotels?

    Free Member

    Russia declared that countries sending stuff to Ukraine will be responsible if used against Russian forces.

    I did wonder whether this would be Russia’s response, especially after saying that any involvement from 3rd parties would be punished.

    Full Member

    Zelenskyy. the comedy clown who became a statesman, and we have Boris, the wannabe statesman who is just a clown.

    Full Member

    I agree with that, however (and correct me if I am wrong) there are competitors for much of that stuff already in the rest of the world, so it would be relatively easy to get our higher tech elsewhere.

    mols – if only that were the case I think the west would have looked to scale up; I also stand to be corrected.

    mboy, your assertion…

    Hitler largely funded his war effort with stolen art and treasures from various sources don’t forget… And when things were going sour at the end, he ordered as much of it to be destroyed as possible rather than falling back into allied hands!

    Is not supported by any facts that I’m aware of – and I’ve been informing myself about WW1 and 2 for 40 years.
    What’s your source?

    Full Member

    Russia declared that countries sending stuff to Ukraine will be responsible if used against Russian forces.

    But what can he do, threaten to nuke only these countries? That doesn’t work.

    Cyber attacks, certainly but he’ll be doing that anyway, whether a county supplies arms or not. I’m worried for the NHS systems in this instance.

    Cut gas supplies? Possible but it’ll screw him over just as much and likely more than it will Europe.

    Bio/ chem attack on Europe? Might as well launch nukes as NATO will act.

    Putin is in serous danger of giving the West “threat fatigue”.

    After you play the nuke card, not much else seems that threatening really…

    Free Member

    Satellite imagery company Maxar Technology says that earlier reports indicating the column of Russian armour advancing on Kyiv is 17 miles (27km) long are inaccurate.

    The convoy actually stretches about 40 miles, according to Maxar.

    The company added that new images also show ground troops and attack helicopters in southern Belarus, less than 20 miles from the Ukraine border.

    Doesnt sound good for Kyiv

    Full Member

    Russian arms supply half of the worlds armies , especially the dodgy ones!

    Full Member

    Going to be a tough 24 hours for Kyiv but they have spread the government officials across the country in order to coordinate the inevitable insurgency.

    Cut off one head…

    Full Member

    But what can he do

    Threaten to drag them into a war

    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban reiterated that his government would do everything to stay out of the war in Ukraine and would therefore not send any weapons or military equipment to its eastern neighbour.

    Hungary won’t send weapons to Ukraine, Orban says

    Although apart from that as a rightwing authoritarian nationalist Viktor Orban quite admires the rightwing authoritarian nationalist in Moscow.

    Full Member

    Remember Fiona Hill?
    British born, US based long time Putin watcher and acknowledged expert on Russia who testified in trump’s first impeachment.
    Her thoughts on Putin in a Q&A with Politico…

    Her experience and credentials?

    Full Member

    Free Member
    But what can he do

    Threaten to drag them into a war

    The US
    …even Australia
    Others I can’t even remember (oh, Canada I think, Belgium, Estonia…)

    It might be a bit difficult given he hasn’t been able when fuel all his armour only a few miles from Russia.

    Like I said, one you threaten nukes, where do you go?

    Full Member

    Reuters is saying the convoy is 40miles long.

    Free Member

    I’m getting more and more of a dreaded feeling this war has barely even started yet tbh. Talk of no fly zones and calculating if Putin would contain the war to Ukraine on the news, and discussions/public opinion to come were pretty chilling to listen to on Newsnight tbh.

    Full Member

    Like I said, one you threaten nukes, where do you go?

    You really think that Russia can’t threaten any country now with being dragged into the war because they have apparently threatened to use nuclear weapons? Fairy nuff

    Full Member

    You really think that Russia can’t threaten any country now with being dragged into the war because they have apparently threatened to use nuclear weapons? Fairy nuff

    Of course he can threaten, I’m asking what he can realistically do?

    Take the nuke threat. His ultimate threat. His mother of all threats.

    Putin can’t bring himself to sit within 10 metres of his own advisors for fear of catching Covid (he won’t wear a mask as that would be viewed as a weakness in his eyes. He wrestles bears to wind down at the weekends…) yet he’ll launch nukes that will also end his own life?


    When my son was 7 he threatened to “go to Australia” because I said he had to do his homework.

    I wasn’t too concerned to be honest.

    Free Member


    Of course he can threaten, I’m asking what he can realistically do?

    Take the nuke threat. His ultimate threat. His mother of all threats.

    Putin can’t bring himself to sit within 10 metres of his own advisors for fear of catching Covid (he won’t wear a mask as that would be viewed as a weakness in his eyes. He wrestles bears to wind down at the weekends…) yet he’ll launch nukes that will also end his own life?


    When my son was 7 he threatened to “go to Australia” because I said he had to do his homework.

    Like I said, one you threaten nukes, where do you go?

    Erm, see that public opinion bit I’m worried about…

    Full Member

    Remember Fiona Hill?

    Good read, but worrying.

    On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 being blissed out utter joy through to 10 being sheer terror muscle spasm rigor mortis I’d place myself at a 4 to 5 at the moment, but the longer this is allowed to carry on with no genuine Kremlin counsel to disagree or dissuade him from continuing his descent into psychopathy then it’s anyones guess as to how he’ll react. Unless there’s a Kremlin coup/intervention/bullet in the head scenario then I can’t see putin backing down, not this time as he’s staked so much on remodelling the Russian state to fit his political and megalomaniac needs.

    Free Member

    This is going to be a long war if armour convoys continue to arrive. If Katyusha rocket vehicles are amongst them then he his intention is to “flatten” citieis/terrorise people. We have not witnessed the use of advanced weapons yet, which I guess must be reserved for western forces. Now Russia will have a good excuse to station a large force near EU boarder that can strike at any time. You can now imagine the build up will increase in future as they are not going to pull back once stationed. EU/West really needs to increase their defense asap otherwise it will be too late.

    Full Member

    I fear Kviv is about to be obliterated, regardless of whether Putin takes it or not. He’s switching to the mentality of ‘ If I can’t have it neither can you!”.

    Properly scary.

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