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  • Ukraine
  • jeffl
    Full Member

    Do the ex-Polish MIGs have ground attack capability? Wondering if they could be used to take out artillery, or could only provide air superiority.

    I assume they’ve also been updated to support NATO standards, but I guess that shouldn’t cause too much of an issue for Ukrainian pilots, and I’m sure people much more knowledgeable than me have worked out the finer details.

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    Putin would do this again if he wins, sanctions should only be ended when Putin is replaced. Of course I’m not being bombed so am not experiencing the fear.

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    I just never thought I’d see this on this scale in my lifetime. It still feels surreal

    Is this the first time you’ve turned on the news in 40 years?

    Full Member

    Is this the first time you’ve turned on the news in 40 years?

    There’s a pretty ****ing big difference between proxy wars between nuclear-armed superpowers that they’ve been farming out to surrogates for decades and an ACTUAL war between nuclear-armed superpowers

    And is anyone naive/stupid enough to believe that’s not we’re looking down the barrel of at the moment?

    This is a completely different level in an end-of-the-world sort of way

    Full Member

    ^^ I agree and was just about to post similar. I can’t think of a war such as this in the last 40 years where the stakes are so huge.

    Free Member

    Full Member
    This is a completely different level in an end-of-the-world sort of way

    Well, It isn’t, but crack on.

    Free Member


    See you all in the next life…

    Full Member

    Well, It isn’t, but crack on

    Ok then.., Can you give us a comprehensive list of any armed conflicts that even had the remotest potential to rapidly snowball into world war 3 over the last 40 years then?

    Correct me if I’m wrong but Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria were hardly ever likely to end up with Russia and NATO going toe-to-toe and waving nuclear threats around, were they?

    Did I miss any others that were?

    Feel free to educate me in however patronising a manner as you judge applicable…

    Full Member

    See you all in the next life…

    Did nobody tell you …. :shock:


    Anyway, the point of anything should anything happen is to survive. So this time next year or sooner you might be sitting in your homemade door shelter looking at the dog with a wonder how many pints of stew you can get out a dog.

    Those with cats fair slightly better as there might not be as much eating, but cats are probably more succulent.

    Free Member

    Full Member
    Well, It isn’t, but crack on

    Ok then.., Can you give us a comprehensive list of any armed conflicts that even had the remotest potential to rapidly snowball into world war 3 over the last 40 years then?

    Can you explain how this turns into WW3 when NATO has no intention of engaging Russia directly? And Russia has no intention of engaging NATO directly?

    Full Member

    Is this the first time you’ve turned on the news in 40 years?

    Full Member
    And is anyone naive/stupid enough to believe that’s not we’re looking down the barrel of at the moment?

    This is a completely different level in an end-of-the-world sort of way

    Well, It isn’t, but crack on.

    You’re right. its not 40 years. this is the biggest shit going down for 60 years!

    Full Member

    I’m going 80’s retro

    Full Member

    And Russia has no intention of engaging NATO directly?

    Vlad told you that did he?

    Free Member

    Free Member
    And Russia has no intention of engaging NATO directly?

    Vlad told you that did he?

    Phoned me, aye.

    Full Member

    I find it amazing that a leader of an invaded country can address both the Houses of Parliament here and the seats of government elsewhere, from his bunker in Kyiv (or wherever he is). It’s incredible stuff.

    Welcome to the internet, circa last century. GLHF

    Full Member

    Can you explain how this turns into WW3 when NATO has no intention of engaging Russia directly? And Russia has no intention of engaging NATO directly?

    1. Glad you’ve got the inside line from both sides. Clearly you’re some kind of James Bond character

    2. The law of unintended consequences is now at a level I’ve never seen in my lifetime

    Free Member

    **** gas prices and your wallet. A whole nation is being razed.

    I can’t see this stopping until other nations step in and start taking the fight to Russia. Ukraine in their own can only hang in for so long.

    If Russia take Ukraine they’ll be emboldened and start gearing up for their next territorial claim.

    I think if the west/Europe took the fight to Russia then China won’t be quite so bolshy. They’ll see that the world is serious.

    I can’t see the sanctions against Russia and support of Ukraine through weapons doing anything other than prolonging the suffering of those populations. If we want this to end then there needs to be some collective suffering.

    Full Member

    In the past when people like Krushchev or Leonid Brezhnev were in power at least there was a politburo to wrestle the big red button off him, but you get the feeling Putin is isolated and being a rat will hit out when cornered.

    Full Member

    Phoned me, aye.

    Well, next time he calls, your reply should be along the lines of “Russian President, go f””K yourself”

    Free Member

    collective suffering.

    On a scale not seen since 1945 most likely..

    Free Member

    Full Member

    2. The law of unintended consequences is now at a level I’ve never seen in my lifetime

    we all thought it when then first started, shit, what’s going to happen here then. But as this continues, it’s pretty apparent, this is all just about Ukrainians getting the life bombed out of them.

    All the while, we are fortifying NATO borders, increasing military spending, giving Ukraine a few old Migs while Poland’s airforce get’s a bit of an upgrade.

    That’s nice and all, but it’s Ukraine that is the issue here, the imagined fears of everyone outside Ukraine is hyperbole.

    Free Member

    The US not so keen on the Polish idea – not hard to see why.


    Free Member

    Can you explain how this turns into WW3 when NATO has no intention of engaging Russia directly? And Russia has no intention of engaging NATO directly?

    Monitor the economic sanction.

    If the economic sanction starts to include those trading with Russia (eventually it will if the current situation prolong) then that’s where situation will become extremely tense. At the moment it is still early days.
    Once economic sanction starts to bite hard on the people (and their trading partners) and when the only employment available is the state or to join the army that’s where things will start to kick off. A single spark will start the fire between neighbouring countries and propaganda will go into overdrive that they have been encircled (the only choice is to “breakout”).

    The current economic sanction targets ALL Russians regardless (including innocents) and this will only force people to unite (in hatred) as life will become really hard for them.

    If the current situation cannot be settled within as short a time frame as possible, we better get prepare for the worst.

    Free Member

    the imagined fears of everyone outside Ukraine is hyperbole.

    Naïveté not to think there isn’t a risk. Very naive.

    Free Member

    Free Member
    The US not so keen on the Polish idea – not hard to see why.

    Interesting, I did think the wording around this has all be weird as hell tbh.

    Full Member

    And Russia has no intention of engaging NATO directly?

    Only two weeks ago Russia had no intention of a large scale invasion of Ukraine. And there are more countries outside NATO that Russia could invade that would prove even harder for all other countries in Europe to sit back and watch on helplessly as their cities were flattened. The next step for Putin is unlikely to be a NATO member country, but that doesn’t mean he is guaranteed that everyone will continue to avoid military engagement if the RF continues to expand by force.

    Free Member

    The matter at hand is Ukraine though. It’s only going to escalate if we stick our oars in too far. And we clearly aren’t going to do that. See above about the planes that are currently a hot potato.

    Full Member

    That’s nice and all, but it’s Ukraine that is the issue here, the imagined fears of everyone outside Ukraine is hyperbole

    I can think of many, many things that are and have been hyperbole, but this certainly isn’t one of them

    Far from it

    Do you look at Putin and see a sane rational man who is taking calm considered decisions? Because I see a ****ing paranoid madman, determined to secure what he sees as his rightful place in history who could do pretty much anything at any moment.

    I wish we could all be as relaxed as you about it

    Oh… you’ve still not listed any of the similar conflicts that had such potential for Armageddon?

    Full Member

    The matter at hand is Ukraine though. It’s only going to escalate if we stick our oars in too far.

    Why? Your ignoring what Putin has said and done already. The idea that he only acts “in response” to the actions of others is naive at best.

    Full Member

    That’s nice and all, but it’s Ukraine that is the issue here, the imagined fears of everyone outside Ukraine is hyperboleare justified.

    I’m an old git (64 though that means nothing in itself) but I’ve not seen the like of this and fear for the consequences.

    Full Member

    I’ll just bear in mind that 2 weeks ago people as flippant as you were calmly and dismissively telling us that this was all just brinksmanship by Putin and there was no way he had any intention of doing anything as mad as actually invading Ukraine

    Now look where we are…

    Hyperbole, yeah?

    Free Member

    Another “hope” is that countries or provinces within Russia that have beef start kicking off, causing the Russians to have to fight on several fronts, thus stretching their forces further.

    Full Member

    Back to UK ministers pretending to offer a tiny bit of help to Ukraine refugees, and the not even doing that…

    Free Member

    Full Member
    Now look where we are…

    ‘We’ aren’t anywhere, Ukraine is.

    Free Member

    Full Member
    The matter at hand is Ukraine though. It’s only going to escalate if we stick our oars in too far.


    The whole mutually assured destruction concept has offensive strategic uses too.. which is when you want to stick your oar into another countries business, it keeps others out. Which is what we are currently seeing.

    Putin has no intention of getting himself nuked and watching the world descend into nuclear winter.

    Full Member

    Glad you’re so confident about that ‘fact’

    Because right now he looks like Mad Vlad McMad who wants to just watch the world burn (from the end of a long table)

    Free Member

    Full Member
    I’ll just bear in mind that 2 weeks ago people as flippant as you were calmly and dismissively telling us that this was all just brinksmanship by Putin

    I’m pretty certain Putin was playing brinkmanship, he clearly wanted certain things and if he got them he probably wouldn’t have invaded. Problem with brinkmanship is you need to be willing to follow through with your threats.

    Full Member

    The “world” won’t “nuke him” if he launches attacks on more non NATO states. He knows that. We all know that.

    Free Member

    Full Member
    Glad you’re so confident about that ‘fact’

    You can pull me up on it after we get nuked. :lol:

    Full Member

    The only thing that will save us is if he can’t reach the button 😂

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