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  • Ukraine
  • doris5000
    Free Member

    Incidentally, the 1980s was when I watched the above-mentioned documentary about the big blond russian boxer (baddie) and the cool American superhero guy. At the cinema! It was exciting! I wonder if we’ll get another sequel now?

    Full Member

    Seems this is finally happening.  I hope they have the pilots to fly them.  Could make a big difference.  Confirmation direct from the Polish government.

    Free Member

    I just saw that. It made me look up the F16 on wiki and see that the first F16 flight was 48 years ago 😳

    Full Member

    It worries me that THAT ^ is WW3 right their – a NATO state providing offensive arms from a NATO airbase.

    I’m moving the family downstairs under the table covered with white sheets

    Free Member

    Yep. Now there’s no MacDonalds, you can’t buy Levi’s, the ruble isn’t worth shit and the only news is on state-run channels. It’s the USSR in the 80s all over again. Quite a remarkable achievement for 2 weeks.

    I know, right?!?

    Full Member

    It worries me that THAT ^ is WW3 right their – a NATO state providing offensive arms from a NATO airbase.

    Dozens of countries, NATO and otherwise have openly been supplying arms to Ukraine for ages, I don’t see how this is much different.  Russia is pretty free and easy when is comes to selling weapons, including fast jets to all and sundry around the world.  Hell these Polish supplied aircraft are Russian made! There’s a certain poetic justice to that.  I’d love it if they happened to arrive with some anti ship missiles to chuck at the Russian amphibious assault ships loitering in the Black sea.

    Full Member

    Perhaps the Polish are thinking that spare parts may be hard to come by soon so they may as well grab a load of shiny new US jets!

    Full Member

    I don’t see how this is much different.

    Lets see what Vlad says, but a whole fairly modern Air Force feels very different than 1000 pistols to me.

    Full Member

    Yep. Now there’s no MacDonalds, you can’t buy Levi’s, the ruble isn’t worth shit and the only news is on state-run channels. It’s the USSR in the 80s all over again. Quite a remarkable achievement for 2 weeks.

    Trabant order books to open again soon – first cars to be delivered by 2032.

    Full Member

    Seems this is finally happening. I hope they have the pilots to fly them. Could make a big difference.

    I think this is to do with Poland using aircraft to defend itself in the event Russia invades Poland,rather than agreeing to start off in a no fly zone scenario which would escalate things into a NATO Versus Russia war. As that could lead to catastrophic consequences for everyone.

    I think this is NATO bolstering its deference in the former Soviet states. Sitting NATO/whomever forces directly on the border so any attempted incursion means Russia would be forced to engage NATO first. I don’t see the Russians asking. Mind if you move back a bit while we invade. If they try to invade, then its NATO they come into conflict with first. And we end up in a hopefully conversational war directly against Russian troops. Of course its likely NATO will flatten Russia troops, and where we go from there doesn’t bear thinking about. Faced with defeat Russia might then opt for nuclear strikes.

    Full Member

    Yep. Now there’s no MacDonalds, you can’t buy Levi’s, the ruble isn’t worth shit and the only news is on state-run channels. It’s the USSR in the 80s all over again. Quite a remarkable achievement for 2 weeks.

    Full Member

    Are we still of the opinion that Russia is bogged down in a mire of its own making, or are they grinding out progress through sheer cannon fodder and bloody mindedness?

    Free Member

    The Russian economy might be back to the 80s, but without their fossil fuels we’ll be back to the 70s and 3 day weeks soon enough 😉

    Full Member

    Has there been a run on candles yet? Might stock up.

    Full Member

    Have Russia said what exports they are banning & to who yet?

    Full Member

    Are we still of the opinion that Russia is bogged down in a mire of its own making, or are they grinding out progress through sheer cannon fodder and bloody mindedness?

    Just as long as it takes to encircle the cities they want then ten miles out set up artillery and destroy them at safe distance. Bomb the occupants into submission. So i think when they achieve their encirclement we can expect to see these cities utterly flattened.

    Horrifying things to come should then manage it.

    Free Member

    Full Member
    Are we still of the opinion that Russia is bogged down in a mire of its own making, or are they grinding out progress through sheer cannon fodder and bloody mindedness?

    Think they are gearing up for an offensive on Kyiv, next 3-5 days should probably tell us if they are bogged down or if they’ve been re-organising.

    Full Member

    Free Member
    Have Russia said what exports they are banning & to who yet?

    They are threatening to turn off the gas supply to the EU and that effects us in the UK too of course.

    It’s going to hurt Russia as much if not more than the uk/ EU if they do though.

    It’s yet another sign of their desperation.

    Free Member

    They are organising themselves yes. In one of the vids they talk about them building bases and hospitals and stuff.

    Full Member

    Polish aircraft, refurbished in Ramstein, Germany.

    Ukraine, Migs Du Hast…

    Germany has changed so much in such a short time it’s incredible. They turned the constitution around to supply lethal aid which is unheard of since ww 2. Then this with the planes.

    Free Member

    Just as long as it takes to encircle the cities they want then ten miles out set up artillery and destroy them at safe distance. Bomb the occupants into submission. So i think when they achieve their encirclement we can expect to see these cities utterly flattened.

    Horrifying things to come should then manage it.

    Unfortunately this seems to be pretty much the size of it

    Free Member

    No different from supplying 15,000 antitank missiles

    It worries me that THAT ^ is WW3 right their – a NATO state providing offensive arms from a NATO airbase.

    Full Member

    Migs are great but easy to counter woth modern battlefield anti aircraft defense systems
    What the UA needs are there own mlrs systems. The tactics the Russians appear to be doing is setting up heavy artillery or grads around 30 to 40km out of town
    Then just randomly lobbing munitions into the city with very little in the way of returning fire.

    I believe a radar anti artillery system exists which plots where the rounds are from and calculates the grid. Drone, satellite or human intel could do the same.

    Sitting 30 to 40km out gives a huge circle to try to defend in numbers, tanks pr self propelled guns dont tend to have the range required.

    Full Member

    Whoever takes over in Russia after Putin has gone. Just has to withdraw all troops. We will fall over our selves to patch up issues. The gas and oil will flow and even after paying for a cheap rebuild. The leader will make a fortune. I’m of to learn some russian.

    Free Member

    No different from supplying 15,0000 antitank missiles

    In whose eyes? I’m pretty sure the madman who started all this will see this as a significant step-up….

    I’m presuming those aircraft won’t be operating out of Germany or Poland though….

    Free Member

    Will they be operating out of Ramstein or is that just where the Ukrainians go to collect them? World of difference there.
    Someone a few pages back was discussing how long it would take them to get anywhere from Poland, never mind Germany. Fine for a bombing run against a static target, hopeless for engaging Russian aircraft when they show up, they would need to be stationed much closer.
    [Edit] beaten to it

    Full Member

    They are threatening to turn off the gas supply to the EU and that effects us in the UK too of course.

    Just in time for spring.

    Full Member

    How many planes are there? 16? 20?

    Full Member

    The tactics the Russians appear to be doing is setting up heavy artillery or grads around 30 to 40km out of town

    Info from a recent vid has the range of the Russian mobile artillery at 20km and their rocket pods at 22km. 20km is about 12 miles.

    Free Member

    Wikipedia says they have a range of 890miles, or 1,300 with a drop tank.
    They will have to be moved closer, presumably into Ukraine.
    Also Wikipedia, the Polish airforce have 27 of them. Reuters is saying ‘all’ so presumably 27 unless there are any not operational at present.
    For context that is more than the number of F35s the UK has.

    Full Member

    Will they be operating out of Ramstein or is that just where the Ukrainians go to collect them?

    My understanding was the Ukrainians are picking them up and flying them out their own bases. Anything else is direct NATO action.

    Full Member

    Surely the issue for Ukrainian AF will be pilots rather than planes.??

    Anyway 170,000 antitank weapons from America alone

    That’s more than enough to blow up every Russian tank in n Ukraine 10x over!

    Full Member

    Russian cruise missles can hit anywhere in Ukraine?

    Full Member

    Yes, but have they got enough of them?

    Full Member

    Just as long as it takes to encircle the cities they want then ten miles out set up artillery and destroy them at safe distance. Bomb the occupants into submission.

    Before this all kicked off they interviewed a former senior military guy who had witnessed it as part of the UN peacekeeping mission in the former Yugoslavia and he speculated that the Russians would do to Kyiv exactly what the Serbs did to Sarajevo.

    The order there had been to ‘bomb them to the edge of madness’

    Isn’t that exactly what the Russians have done in Chechnya and Syria?

    This is going to be absolutely horrible to witness, but I agree with you that this is what that 40 mile convoy is there to do. They’re in for the long haul and will just sit outside the cities and reduce them to rubble.

    I just never thought I’d see this on this scale in my lifetime. It still feels surreal

    God help those who can’t get out! This is absolute insanity you thought, or at least hoped was from some bygone era that we would never ever see again

    Full Member

    $90m state of the art Russian ship taken out by soviet era artillery truck

    Yesterday a retired postman shot down a 2010 generation fighter jet using an early-80s shoulder-fired rocket.

    I’m wondering what people would accept as a cost of living hike. Petrol and diesel at £3 /l, gas at £6/ therm making the winter fuel cap around about £6k, bread at £3 a loaf and the rest of the weekly did shop also doubled?

    What does not accepting mean? Protesting (hope you don’t get jailed…) but what do you expect the government to do? Basically comes down to reallocating budgets, borrowing more, or taking money from some people to give to others. Potential things we could do right now about the food situation – drop subsidies for unplanted land, prohibit the use of certain crops as animal feed.

    or groups/classes of people within our own countries who have for whatever reason not flourished to the same extent during those years of stability. Those people have less to lose and more to gain – the stupidity of the lucky is spending years resisting “the rest” catching up, simply making it more likely that one day they flip against us

    Brexit was chapter 1 of that.

    Have we done the 20yr Russian athlete displaying the Z symbol on the podium yet at the Qatar Apparatus World Cup?

    Or the retail fuel truck driver in Russia with “Z” painted on the cap, pulling up at a station and promptly getting dragged out of his cab and beaten.

    Full Member

    Just as long as it takes to encircle the cities they want then ten miles out set up artillery and destroy them at safe distance. Bomb the occupants into submission.

    Yes. People were saying a week ago that the Ukrainians and Zelensky wouldn’t capitulate, but my take, which some disagreed with:

    Doesn’t there come a point where a population will just accept whatever they must, to stop the bombs/rockets/shells flying into their neighborhood? I don’t think many of us would stick with our “principles and values” very long, certainly not all the way until the place ends up like Grozny.

    The Russians know it works, they’ve seen it and done it themselves before.

    Free Member

    Surely MORE McDonalds, Coke, Pepsi, KFC, Burger King and PizzaHut all over Russia, every single village and town, would piss him off more?

    Full Member

    I see ITV was speculating on what Putin would say avoid those jets “gifted” from Poland vid the US.

    No need surely?

    “Act of war…bla, blah, nukes, blah blah, retaliation, nukes….”

    Another day another threat. Which is the point. Once you’ve threatened the ultimate punishment on an adversary, the world and yourself and nothing happens… where do you go from there?

    Yes, there is a threat, of course there is but its obvious that the West isn’t backing down in their support of Ukraine. The line has been drawn and there is no going back now or this guy will never stop.

    Free Member

    Full Member
    How many planes are there? 16? 20?

    23, not really enough to make a dent.

    This is the current Ukrainian air force. Or was, not sure how much of it it is still intact?

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