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  • Ukraine
  • shermer75
    Free Member

    Latest Task & Purpose/ Chris Cappy update^^

    It offers some credible explanation for the whole 40 mile convoy thing

    Free Member

    Have we done the 20yr Russian athlete displaying the Z symbol on the podium yet at the Qatar Apparatus World Cup?

    Doesn’t bode well for the young generation overthrowing Putin given he should have access to non Russian news.

    Putin is incredibly popular in Russia right now. It’s almost as if he has a vice like grip on all media

    Full Member

    ………and the polling companies!

    Full Member

    Its mad what you can get people to believe when you’ve spent decades developing a false narrative and ruthlessly punishing anyone who dares to suggest it might be a load of old bollocks

    Full Member

    It’s just a waiting game for ukraine I think, they just need to stand ground rather than go on the offensive, If russia is already struggling with logistics it’s only going to get worse as teh Ruble continues to plunge… it’s lost circa 40% of it’s value in the last 10 days compared to other major currencies.


    The longer they can ‘sit tight’ the weaker the russians will be.

    Full Member

    17,000+ visa’s to enter the UK applied for by Ukrainian refugees.

    A massive 300 approved.

    Liz Truss is now saying completely different things to Priti Patel about a posiible processing centre being set up.

    There is still no visa processing available in Calais. Refugees have to make an appointment to apply for a visa in the Paris centre. The next available appointment is 17th March

    Jesus wept! I absolutely despise these inhuman incompetent arseholes

    Full Member

    The system is broken by design. It’s not incompetence. Our government has made it much harder to come here as a refugee than it is for any EU country. It is not a mistake.


    Full Member

    Indeed. A Tory MP has tabled an emergency question in the commons to find out what on earth the Home Office is playing at. I hope the answer is honest: carrying out the policies that you voted for to make sure no furners arrive on these shores.

    EDIT: Priti Vacant has ducked it, presumably so as not to get torn a new one by Yvette Cooper yet again. She’s sent an underling who is stumbling through some bag of old bollocks about not letting people in ‘to prevent another case like the Salisbury poisonings’


    Full Member

    Good but depressing video shermer

    Bodes very ill for civilian populations

    Full Member

    some bag of old bollocks about not letting people in ‘to prevent another case like the Salisbury poisonings’

    Rather than getting our shit together and having another case like the Ugandan crisis 🙄

    Free Member

    Putin is incredibly popular in Russia right now. It’s almost as if he has a vice like grip on all media

    Possibly, or possibly the population of Russia know that they’re going to jail if they don’t tow the line, therefore most will not publicly say they don’t agree with everything he does/says. No doubt about control of the media but they’ve also just set out in law exactly how ALL schoolteachers must now teach ALL children in Russia about how they’re ‘denazifying’ and ‘deweaponising’ Ukraine

    Full Member

    teh Ruble continues to plunge… it’s lost circa 40% of it’s value in the last 10 days compared to other major currencies.

    When is it replaced by the Rubble?

    Free Member

    Good but depressing video shermer

    Bodes very ill for civilian populations

    Someone put me on to Chris Cappy earlier in the thread, he seems to know at least some of what he is talking about

    Free Member

    The bits manages to pronounce anyway lol

    Full Member

    Seems Alastair Campbell and you are in agreement @kelvin. Thats got to be a first ;)

    You’re both right though

    They’re up to their usual… saying one thing but doing another

    Full Member

    Could UK.gov be being a bit soft on Russia on purpose? They are funded heavily by Russia we know that, and Boris has many Russian ties. Perhaps he’ playing up to Putin on the basis he needs to show solidarity with the EU, but at the same time not cut off his pocket money…

    Full Member

    They’re up to their usual… saying one thing but doing another

    They usual say both, and hope that the two separate halves of their support hear the version they want… In this case.. “we’re keeping ’em out for your safety” is one line for the anti-foreigner support, and the “doing all we can as a decent Christian top button done up, wear a shirt and tie to the pub country… reunite families” support.

    Free Member

    Its mad what you can get people to believe when you’ve spent decades developing a false narrative and ruthlessly punishing anyone who dares to suggest it might be a load of old bollocks

    Yes but, I’ve personally been surprised just how much Russians I’ve known living long term in this country have been positive about Putin. In one narrative he’s taken the country from the relegation zone back to the top of the table , respected as a global power (military). That bronze medal gymnast lad didn’t look to me like was wearing the semi-swastica out of fear. And so what if the people don’t have the latest car or whatever? They’re used to worse, in folk memory.

    My point: it’s slowly sinking in that this is a ten year thing at very least, and a will have a lot bigger impact than the World Trade Centre attacks on our lives.

    (I’d absolutely love to have this quoted back to me in a couple of months when it’s all blown over, depending on what it is that blows over us from the east).

    Full Member

    My god I agree with Alistair Campbell!

    Free Member

    My god, I agree with johnx2.

    Full Member

    More ex military analysis.

    Boils down to logic not emotion.

    Full Member

    Johnx2 is probably right

    Either we support a ukranian insurgency for the long haul or we face a painful climbdown and the liklihood of Russia invading other Eastern bloc countries next

    Free Member

    “Its mad what you can get people to believe when you’ve spent decades developing a false narrative and ruthlessly punishing anyone who dares to suggest it might be a load of old bollocks”

    Less about you binners…lets get back to talking about Ukraine.

    Free Member

    Could UK.gov be being a bit soft on Russia on purpose? They are funded heavily by Russia we know that, and Boris has many Russian ties. Perhaps he’ playing up to Putin on the basis he needs to show solidarity with the EU, but at the same time not cut off his pocket money…

    Well, the original plan for freezing Russian assets in the UK was to give them 18 months to ‘register’ them (ie stash them somewhere else) before UK authorties can touch them. 18 MONTHS!!!!!!!! Labour are trying to get that down to 28 days. If that doesn’t stink of corruption, then I’m struggling to think of somwthing that does

    Free Member

    Either we support a ukranian insurgency for the long haul or we face a painful climbdown and the liklihood of Russia invading other Eastern bloc countries next

    At risk of sounding callous, I meant the bigger deal for the world is the isolation of Russia regardless of how things pan out in Ukrain (my money fwiw is on them still having a country in a couple of years, probably not the same shape it was a couple of weeks ago).

    Full Member

    Less about you binners…lets get back to talking about Ukraine.

    I deny all knowledge of any pie-based death squads

    Free Member

    “Its mad what you can get people to believe when you’ve spent decades developing a false narrative and ruthlessly punishing anyone who dares to suggest it might be a load of old bollocks”

    Nope, all it takes is for people to want to believe it. Brexit and populist leaders like Trump taught us that.

    Full Member

    Good podcast released last week by Rory Stewart & Alastair Campbell below

    Podcast here

    Free Member

    I partially disgree. Yes, some people will believe any old bollocks if they want to – but you can make others believe if you have enough control over the narrative. Even if people consider themselves discerning viewers you can fool them into thinking they’ve been discerning if you manipulate all the alternative viewpoints to which they have access.

    Full Member

    Tory MP has accused Pritti Patel of not telling the truth yesterday with what she told the House about arrangements for refugees.

    And pointed out that such actions were a resigning offence up till recently.

    Full Member

    Priti Patel explicitly said at the despatch box that a visa processing centre has been set up by the Home Office in Calais, Yvette Cooper disputed it and she literally denied that she’d said it

    The rot starts from the top and when you’ve a man as PM who lies as easily he breathes, the rest of them just do the same. The blatant lies are just a given with this lot. What’s more worrying is what this betrays about their real attitude towards the refugees they claim to be helping.

    Its abundantly clear that they literally couldn’t give a flying **** about refugees and they’ve zero intention of taking in anything above the absolute bare minimum into the UK

    Its no wonder she dodged parliament today to avoid facing Yvette Cooper after she lied to her yesterday

    Full Member

    It’s a **** disgrace. These aren’t economic migrants, not that we treat those fairly either. They have lives, relatives, jobs, families to go back to in Ukraine. They do not want to come here, they are literally running for their lives carrying babies and pets.

    And so what if a handful of them decide to stay and build a life here? They have shown the determination to get across Europe to safeguard the people they love. Why wouldn’t they be an asset to ‘global **** Britain’?

    Pretty much every other decent human in a decent, civilised country has taken one look, and waived visa requirements.

    It just shows how small we have become, how pathetic and petty. The EU is well shot of us.

    Full Member

    It’s amazing quite how disgusting the Government are;

    Britain should refrain from criticising Ireland’s open-door policy towards Ukrainian refugees, an influential Conservative MP has said, after anonymous briefings claimed it was creating a security risk for the UK.

    Simon Hoare, the chair of the Northern Ireland affairs committee and frequent commentator on Anglo-Irish relations, tweeted: “Instead of criticism of our Irish friends and neighbours, [the UK] could be much better replicating its response.”

    A British government source alleged that this opened a back door to the UK. “Ireland has basically opened the door to everyone in Ukraine which creates a problem,” they told the Telegraph.


    Full Member

    The best thing journalists could do is to refuse to quote anonymous government officials. It allows those in power to propagate multiple contradictory stories, with plausible deniability and no accountability.

    Full Member

    It seems that even the few remaining sane members of the Tory party are baulking at the inhumanity presently on display by this disgrace of a government

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Would it be possible for the Scottish Govt to go against Westminster and to waive the visa requirements?

    Full Member

    Would it be possible for the Scottish Govt to go against Westminster and to waive the visa requirements?

    Nope. UK Borders are not a devolved matter.

    Full Member

    Would it be possible for the Scottish Govt to go against Westminster and to waive the visa requirements?

    Don’t thing immigration is a devolved power. There are areas of the country that would welcome a bit of immigration to help reverse an ageing demographic trend

    Given that an estimated 1 million EU workers have left the UK due to Brexit, you’d think we’d be grateful for a few fruit and veg pickers, or some extra care workers?

    Free Member

    Uh, this is no place for comedy but dynati’s video does start with Brass Eye clips….

    Edit Day Today

    Although having seen the clip before it which appears to be real but shouldn’t be perhaps fair enough

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