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  • Ukraine
  • andrewh
    Free Member

    Spoken like a man safely behind his keyboard. I wonder if you’d feel differently if they were shelling your home?

    Hence finishing with

    This is very easy for me to say as I’m not currently being shelled.

    It is very easy for us to come up with what we think is the ‘right’ answer but we are not in the emotionally charged position of having just lost loved one, or even ‘just’ our houses, and not in the position of being quite scared while being shot at, I expect those things would change our opinions somewhat.

    Full Member

    Chris Bryant gives me hope.

    Full Member

    Sadly 95% of U.K. population have never heard of him & have no idea what he does.😒

    Free Member

    Sadly 95% of U.K. population have never heard of him & have no idea what he does.😒

    Count me in that. What’s he doing?

    Free Member

    Upsetting John Terry apparently. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Full Member

    Direct action happening in Dublin, as a truck full of communion supplies breached the gate of the Russian embassy.

    Full Member

    BBC news are just showing the reality of the Home Offices ‘surge of staff’ to Calais to cope with the mass exodus of refugees across Europe

    3 people, a box of ready salted crisps and some Kit Kat’s. The 3 people are there to tell them they can’t apply for visa’s there and need to go to Paris or Brussels to apply for one

    What an utter and complete shitshow. Not that we should be remotely surprised with Priti Patel and Boris Johnson at the helm

    Full Member

    There are times I’m embarrassed to be a civil servant. 😕

    Full Member

    That’s exactly what I expected “surging” to look like when Johnson used that word.

    But let’s ignore that disingenuous waste of flesh, just for one evening, and listen to this girl instead…

    Full Member

    There are times I’m embarrassed to be a civil servant. 😕

    I think we all know where the blame lies

    Absolute clowns, the lot of them!

    Full Member

    McDonald’s and Coca-Cola boycott calls grow over

    Warning, some aspects of the report grow might make you blood pressure rise a little. Hospice staff and children forming the shape of a Z to support the war etc…

    Why has ‘Z’ become a Russian pro-war symbol?

    Free Member

    BBC news are just showing the reality of the Home Offices ‘surge of staff’ to Calais to cope with the mass exodus of refugees across Europe

    3 people, a box of ready salted crisps and some Kit Kat’s. The 3 people are there to tell them they can’t apply for visa’s there and need to go to Paris or Brussels to apply for one

    What an utter and complete shitshow. Not that we should be remotely surprised with Priti Patel and Boris Johnson at the helm

    Oh god this is just horrible

    Full Member

    3 people, a box of ready salted crisps and some Kit Kat’s. The 3 people are there to tell them they can’t apply for visa’s there and need to go to Paris or Brussels to apply for one

    I can’t watch it as I’ll likely put my for through the tv.

    Free Member

    WRT the UK’s handling of refugees….

    I had stroll past the Russian consulate in Munich this afternoon. Red paint and lots of eggs thrown at the gates. Surprisingly not much polizei presence, just two guys sitting in a T5.

    The British Consulate is a few doors down from the Russian consulate.

    They’ve the union jack alongside the Ukrainian flag out front. I stoiod there looking at it whilst shaking my head. Someone came out and asked if I needed help.

    Told them it was a piss take that they’re showing solidarity with Ukraine despite not letting any into the county, whilst giving the Russians who finds the tory party time to remove their cash from the UK.

    I was asked to leave otherwise they would call the police.

    Free Member

    Told them it was a piss take that they’re showing solidarity with Ukraine despite not letting any into the county, whilst giving the Russians who finds the tory party time to remove their cash from the UK.

    I was asked to leave otherwise they would call the police.

    Good work! 👍

    Free Member

    Na ja…. I left. Have had enough trouble with the Polizei over the last few years. GF told me before I left the house this morning that she’s not got the energy to deal with more stress.

    Still, got a few ideas. If only I were an old fart with nothing to lose.

    Full Member

    McDonald’s and Coca-Cola boycott calls grow over

    coca-cola are hardly new at this game

    Full Member

    I believe MacDonalds operates in Russia through a Chechen-owned franchise which limits what they can do – allegedly.

    As if Ukrainian refugees didn’t have enough shit to deal with the UK gov are being deliberately obstructive and unhelpful; johnson, patel and the rest are scum.

    Free Member

    @ dantsw13

    Reports that Russian demands have softened in talks.
    -change constitution to not allow EU or NATO membership
    -recognise crimea and Eastern autonomous regions as Russian

    From the start of war Putin’s objective has always been a big chuck of Ukraine and anything more (whole if possible) will be a bonus. He will push as far as he can and to take whatever he gains.

    The only way to start a “proper” negotiation for Ukraine now is to force a stalemate in order for Ukraine to have a chance in negotiation, but I am afraid Ukraine will still be losing some grounds.

    At the moment the West/NATO/EU has nobody that Putin/China considers worthy of their ears. Analysts in the far east just consider Biden and Harris as incompetent (Harris would be a disaster and completely out of her depth in dealing with this situation according to them) and looking at EU they can’t even think of anyone worthy of persuading Putin to reconsider. The French President (young chap according to them like the Canadian PM) is not even considered. Bear in mind, Putin is “old schooled” and anyone younger and less experience than him is not worthy of an audience.

    The only chance to prevent further loss of Ukraine now is to fight for a stalemate and to prolong it as long as possible to drain Russia financial resources, which is still very strong as Russia is supported by their “pal” (financially) the factory of the world (you know who that is).

    Our lives will be severely impacted the longer the war continues and as energy is impacted greatly, I am afraid the green agenda (carbon emission etc but I will still reduce plastic usage) needs to be realistic. The current situation if it sows the seed of WW3, then it means we need to shelf the green agenda to prepare the mother of all wars which I hope will not happen, but I have a feeling it will probably happen in 30 to 40 years time. (if they stop now then everyone will recoup their strength, learn from this experience and prepare for next round)

    Free Member

    I believe McDonalds operates in Russia through a Chechen-owned franchise which limits what they can do – allegedly

    That BBC article claims that, unusually for McD’s, they retain ownership of the majority of the restaurants

    Full Member

    shermer – my source was an interviewee on R4 earlier but would appear he was wrong.
    What pressure is US gov applying to coke, pepsi, kfc, burger King, Starbucks and others?

    Free Member

    shermer – my source was an interviewee on R4 earlier but would appear he was wrong.

    Oh man it could go either way on that one, ownership is prob really conplicated. Who knows!!

    What pressure is US gov applying to coke, pepsi, kfc, burger King, Starbucks and others?

    Good question. Not enough! There’s people power too though- we can stop buying their stuff. I’m happy to do that, anything that feels like I’m contributing

    Full Member

    Told them it was a piss take that they’re showing solidarity with Ukraine despite not letting any into the county, whilst giving the Russians who finds the tory party time to remove their cash from the UK.


    Free Member

    I’m doing my bit to reduce gas consumption. I damaged a CH pipe so now my heating’s off.

    Full Member

    Chris Bryant is a labour MP and Chairman of the Parliamentary Standards Committee. He actually has principles and was in charge of the Owen Patterson investigation. In this instance he had a Twitter spat with John Terry over his support of Abramovic.

    Full Member

    Chris Bryant – a man with principles.
    John Terry – couldn’t even spell the word let alone show he has any.

    Full Member

    I see Ireland has already taken in 1250 refugees from Ukraine. A country with a tiny population, even further away from the mainland than us.

    Our government is beyond words I can say on here.

    Free Member

    You’re not wrong Chewkw,

    Time will tell wether you are right but so far you have been the least wrong on this thread. Especially in the early days, when everyone was talking about regime change etc, you were saying the same things as you say now.

    I put it down to you looking at media from other sources, not just western media. The way that the rest of the world views this war and is affected by it is more important than a lot of people think.

    Full Member

    Poops, I bring you news!
    UK has now accepted issued visas to..
    300 Ukrainians.
    6x more than before but still a pathetically small number and a non functioning ‘system’ presided over by a bunch of hypocrites with clear links to and reliance on dirty money.

    Full Member

    You do realise that chewie is a geordie pretending to be from malaya – don’t you?

    Full Member

    He’s sitting with a pint, a bag of crisps and a kit-kat in the Brockwell Seam.

    Full Member

    a kit-kat in the Brockwell Seam.

    Will it not melt?

    Free Member

    “I’m doing my bit to reduce gas consumption. I damaged a CH pipe so now my heating’s off.”

    Good for you molgrips.

    I’ve just been speaking to my partner in Nairobi, they’re tightening their belts there too, literally. Sanctions mean there economy has been hit hard, they are no longer selling flowers to Russia and no longer importing grain.

    They have 40% food poverty. This is going to cause poverty and famine around the word, and where might that lead?… Not everybody can do their bit by turning down the heating a bit and ‘layering up’.

    There was a thread for less important things related to the conflict but you asked for it to be closed down and you got your way, otherwise I’d have posted it on there.

    Full Member

    we need to shelf the green agenda

    Countries are about to face a choice on decarbonisation… accelerate it to reduce dependence on gas and oil from Russia (and the countries it invades) sooner… or ramp up extraction elsewhere. The likes of Farage have started a new campaign group to push for the later. Good grifting if you can get the work. I wouldn’t bet against the Conservatives taking the same route when the money starts appearing in their back pockets. It’s not the right choice for the UK though, our opportunities for renewables and storage systems are huge.

    Full Member

    a kit-kat in the Brockwell Seam.

    Will it not melt?

    ‘Tis a pub not an actual seam.

    Free Member

    Time will tell wether you are right but so far you have been the least wrong on this thread.

    I want to be wrong in this situation but I see a very determine person. Very strong self belief with a lot of power and perfectly sane (he knows what he is doing as former KGB).

    (has anyone ever got into some sort of argument that no matter what you cannot let go? The current situation in Ukraine is similar, a bit like pit bulls lock on each others)

    I put it down to you looking at media from other sources, not just western media. The way that the rest of the world views this war and is affected by it is more important than a lot of people think.

    Yes, other sources of the eastern block.

    It’s not the right choice for the UK though, our opportunities for renewables and storage systems are huge.

    Need to start self sufficient as much as possible to stand the chance as the world will chance in our life time.

    Full Member

    Self sufficiency isn’t necessary: trade, including in energy, can carry on. Dependence on gas and oil fields will increasingly be a folly though… and recent moves by Russia are one in a long series of world events that should make that blindingly obvious to all.

    Free Member

    Self sufficiency isn’t necessary, trade, including in energy, can carry on. Dependence on gas and oil fields will increasingly be a folly though… and recent moves by Russia are one in a long series of world events that should make that blindingly obvious to all.

    Need to start making “things” again.

    As the traditional Chinese saying (Not CCP) “you don’t want to build a toilet just before you want to take a dump”.

    You do realise that chewie is a geordie pretending to be from malaya – don’t you?

    LOL! I am trying to figure out if EU will be affected more or far east (developing country). I think the latter will be affected soon and many will suffer (financially).

    Full Member

    has anyone ever got into some sort of argument that no matter what you cannot let go?

    You are talking to STW, you know?

    Free Member

    You are talking to STW, you know?

    True that but multiple that by many times and you get Putin. Putin is not a leader for Russia without credential good or bad. To be leader in that region a person needs to be extremely determined and strong.

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