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  • UFOs and FOI
  • druidh
    Free Member

    So, the news is full of reported UFO sightings because some archives have been made public. Inevitably, most of the reports can be explained away reasonably simply. However, does anyone really believe that the authorities would just allow free access to all of the most secret files? Surely these would be spirited away somewhere or would have been kept more secret in any case?

    Free Member

    I’ve never understood why UFO sightings should be ‘Top Secret’ in the first place :?

    Free Member

    to avoid panic – look what happened when Kent Brockman thought the ant people were taking over …..

    Free Member

    I’ve never understood why UFO sightings should be ‘Top Secret’ in the first place

    maybe the vast majority are actually government activities.

    Free Member

    To avoid panic ? But surely being open and honest about it would reduce the risk of panic eg “Yes there was a UFO sighting last monday, but we investigated and it proved to be blah, blah” Being ‘secretive’ suggests that there is something to hide.

    Free Member

    I can sort of see the point if the finger of suspicion is pointing at your cold-war enemy. If they’re trying out some new technology, do you want them to know you’ve seen it, or is it better for you to let them think it’s somehow invisible (stealthy).

    I just don’t believe that everything is handed over willy-nilly just because of some FOI request or someone decides a set number of years has elapsed.

    The Pitlochry Harrier incident remains unexplained though. Given the experts concluded it was Harriers seen beside the unexplained shape, how come there were none reported to be flying at the time? Surely that in itself would have been easy to follow up?

    Free Member

    maybe the vast majority are actually government activities.

    No reason why they can’t be the government/military. Watch Stan Deyo Anti-Gravity Free Energy & Technology of the New World Order or read the book “Hunt for Zero Point”.

    Anti-Gravity devices have been around for years, you can even buy a kit to build one, albeit very basic.

    Free Member

    Remember the rule:

    “If more than one person knows it, it’s not a secret”

    Governments are cr@p at cover-ups and keeping secrets (or even laptops!) so how long do you think that “UFO Secrets” would have stayed secret?


    Tin foil hats back on


    Free Member

    How can the UFO sightings be a secret ?? the secrets are actually the govs investigation findings, the gov like to think we are all immature and could not handle the fact that thick, insensitive, waring, human kind is not the only ‘intellegent’ life ever.
    Mr Spaceman, come on down and show us all how bloody crap we really are…

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