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  • Tyson Fury
  • bencooper
    Free Member

    I was hoping everyone had forgotten about that 😀

    Full Member


    I added the question before I’d noticed your reply.

    Free Member

    Dammit, I’m going to have to agree with you now.

    Yes, okay, you’re right. He has his views, he was asked about them, and defended them as he has a right to do.

    Full Member

    Thank you.

    Free Member

    Phwoar. Boxing, isn’t it? Hmm?

    Free Member

    He comes across as a heavy weight bell end. He has the right to say whatever he wants to who ever he wants. He also has the right to be judged on it. I do think that with the views that he has he is not a suitable role model and representative of any sport and as such should not be held up for adoration by something such as SPOTY.

    Full Member

    I do think that with the views that he has he is not a suitable role model and representative of any sport and as such should not be held up for adoration by something such as SPOTY.

    Again… nobody actually thinks of these people as role models. The media just suggest that people do so that they can say that these people shouldn’t be held up as role models.

    Its stupid to even suggest that they ever were in the first place.

    SPOTY – as well as being an oxymoron – is just a bit of fluff to fill a Sunday evenings festive telly. Somewhat ironically, his statements, as well as some of his other shennanigans suggest he may actually be in possession of an actual personality (whether you like it or not is up to you), which means he’ll stand out like a sore thumb from the usual parade of bland, anodyne dullards they put up every year

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    Again… nobody actually thinks of these people as role models. The media just suggest that people do so that they can say that these people shouldn’t be held up as role models.

    Not so black and white there Binners. They shouldn’t be role models but children do emulate these guys. If a young boy idolises a soccer player who’s prone to diving or play acting he may well do the same. There’ll be plenty of young boxers who are following what Fury is doing.

    Obviously in an ideal world there should be responsible adults around to point out that footballers who dive are pathetic cheats and a boxer who spouts ugly homophobic rhetoric is just secretly afraid that dicks are delicious or is just a needy self publicist trying to attract attention to himself in a sport that is receding from the public’s interest.

    Full Member

    Tough one, freedom of speech.
    Some principles have to be upheld, no matter how much offence is taken.

    It’s tough being both a romantic old anarcho-lefty and a moral absolutist.

    Full Member

    Nobody has the right not to be offended….

    you bunch of ****s!!


    Free Member

    They shouldn’t be role models but children do emulate these guys. If a young boy idolises a soccer player who’s prone to diving or play acting he may well do the same. There’ll be plenty of young boxers who are following what Fury is doing.

    What are young boxers going to emulate?

    Are they going to convert to Catholicism and start following a pretty fundamental interpretation of the Bible? Seems unlikely.

    If young kids are emulating dodgy sports people that purely down to lack of parental guidance.

    Free Member


    What are young boxers going to emulate?

    Are they going to convert to Catholicism and start following a pretty fundamental interpretation of the Bible? Seems unlikely.

    No but they might be emboldened to act in braggartly, ignorant fashion insulting people because of their sexuality, just as an example.

    If young kids are emulating dodgy sports people that purely down to lack of parental guidance.

    Yes, I said as much.

    Free Member

    If young kids are emulating dodgy sports people that purely down to lack of parental guidance.

    Does everything on STW have to be binary?

    There is more nuanced that just saying they heard him speak they will act like him or its the parents fault if they do.

    Full Member

    Does everything on STW have to be binary?

    Are you new here? Where’s the real Junkyard? What have you done with him, you monster?!!!!

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Junkyard – lazarus

    Does everything on STW have to be binary?
    Well, yes and no.

    Free Member

    This is actually an interesting debate,(for a change) which brings up a lot of good points along the way. I have particularly enjoyed watching it slowly dawn upon the Lefty hand wringers, that freedom of speech in the real world is a bit different to the FOS as practised on STW. 🙂

    Free Member

    Are you new here? Where’s the real Junkyard? What have you done with him, you monster?!!!!

    Well I have not eaten him have i 😉

    Well, yes and no.

    No one links a smart arse 😛

    careful rockape with posts like that THM might think you are challenging him for the passive aggressive poster of the week

    Full Member

    He’s been stripped of the title already. No SPOTY appearance then? Can we all un-knot our knickers again? 🙂

    Free Member

    Just one title. He still retains WBO and WBA.

    Free Member

    He’s been stripped of the title already.

    He’s been stripped of the IBF title. He still holds the other 2.

    He has been stripped because he is not going to fight the IBF contender as he has a contract clause that he must offer a rematch to Klitschko.

    Always going to happen and he still considered the World Champion.

    Free Member

    When i worked in industry views like Tysons where common place, heard almost every day, then i got out of industry and am able to choose customers to work for, every so often a nice middle or working class person comes up with his views, i just smile and ignore them .But its their freedom of speech that a lot seem to want to broaadcast quite often. A lot is ingrained from an early age, and reinforced by the media or the locals they hang out with.

    Perhaps, Stephen Fry should do an interview with him, along with Alan Carr, and Grahame Norton sharing the sofa.

    Free Member

    Perhaps, Stephen Fry should do an interview with him, along with Alan Carr, and Grahame Norton sharing the sofa.


    Free Member

    toppers3933 – Member
    He has the right to say whatever he wants to who ever he wants. He also has the right to be judged on it.

    I was going post about this earlier. There’s been some chat about the validity of someone’s PoV suggesting that some PoVs are more valid/worthy than others. Perhaps so, but I’d probably reconsider judging that person completely after they had provided me with a PoV I didn’t agree with or didn’t consider to be valid.
    Could it not be simply a case that in such a situation, the opinion expressed may seem invalid only for a lack of good reasoning. Therefore possibly don’t write-off that person, as much as feel that they just have a little further to travel in the sense of seeing the bigger picture.

    I struggle to believe for a minute TF really thinks his wife/GF is only good for two things. I’d bet if he’d taken more time to think about his life without the Woman he loves, he’d soon conclude she is more to him than that.

    Free Member

    Somewhat ironically, his statements, as well as some of his other shennanigans suggest he may actually be in possession of an actual personality (whether you like it or not is up to you), which means he’ll stand out like a sore thumb from the usual parade of bland, anodyne dullards they put up every year

    No need to be so rude about Andy Murray! 🙂

    Free Member

    I completely get that this may not be who he is, that it may not be the sum of his intellectual parts, an act. This may be the case, it may not. If this is the ‘act’ he has chosen then I think it says plenty about the man and his judgement.
    Like I say he can say what he like when he likes. But he should be at least aware that his comments will often be taken in isolation and that he will, rightly or wrongly, be judged on them. Not that i imagine he cares one bit either way.

    Free Member

    Methinks the view expressed by the binary STW masses might take a more cohesive approach after watching his latest sound bite 😉

    Free Member

    I do hope he wouldn’t suggest he is offended by what Fury says. Well, so **** what.

    Free Member

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Just wondering as to who the blue blazers is going to sponser him or want him to endorse there products.

    Full Member

    There’s only one good gypsy

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Just wondering as to who the blue blazers is going to sponser him or want him to endorse there products.

    If you’re earning 70 sqillion quid per fight, I doubt you’d care.

    Free Member

    I wonder…
    Has anyone actually had the nerve to ask him how it feels to be thought of as a ‘thieving pikey’.

    Is that written anywhere? In the bible maybe, all travellers are thieves?

    Not that I guess he’d be a bit worried about it, so assumes all homos don’t mind a bit of ‘banter’ either.

    I bet all his friends are homo’s if you ask him, that’s usually the excuse.

    Then again it is all a bit name calling and nothing that gets the media wound up more, in their search for the mediochre, meanwhile whole tracts of the planet are being rendered useless and go unreported as this sort of nonesense occupies so much more airtime than it is worth.

    Free Member

    There’s only one good gypsy

    Aren’t you a police officer? Pretty sure you should be in trouble for displaying that level of prejudice.

    Free Member

    I worked very closely with a gypsy lad of around 26 years old for 8 months of this year and he explained a few of their beliefs ( trains of thought ?) . The views he had on women and home life were very old fashioned to me, say something like you would expect your grandfather to say. He liked his partner to stay at home , not work for an employer but keep the house / trailer immaculate , feed him and basically totally look after him and in return he payed everything for her down to the last cent. This was his upbringing and he thoroughly believed in it. He was also one of the most honest and likeable guys I’ve ever met which was a huge contrast to my earlier dealings with gypsies when I was much younger.

    Free Member

    Trouble is, we’re used to our Heavyweight Champions being errudite, clean living with a smart line when required. You know, Muhammad Ali, Lennox Lewis, Mike Ty….oh! 🙁

    Free Member

    so more than their are legit coppers then 🙄

    Free Member

    He has the right to have his views and he’s earned the platform of publicity which means we have them broadcast to us.

    I’m confident his views will be rightly judged by the general public though I’m as uncomfortable when a non-PC belief is validated by a religious belief system as I am by the PC brigade telling others their views are unacceptable.

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