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  • To TZ8 or not to TZ8, advice please
  • stayhigh
    Full Member

    Hi all.

    I’m looking to get a new camera to replace my rather aged compact and was after some advice from those in the know. After reading various threads on here and reviews on other sites the Panasonic TZ8 seems to be a very good camera with some manual controls which is an area I’d like to learn more about.

    I’d be using the camera as a general purpose, go anywhere biking camera so the majority of the time it will be used outside. Its been mentioned a couple of times about low light affecting the picture quality, does anyone have any experience of this?

    Also what class of memory card would you suggest or is it just a case of getting the highest you can?

    Alternatively, what other camera would you suggest?

    Thanks all.

    Free Member

    Ricoh CX3 (or CX2 if your not bothered by HD Video)

    Free Member

    Ive just bought a TZ8 just for the same reasons as you – i fancied a new compact but also with manual controls to learn a bit more about photography. First impressions are really good, seems easy to work out and the few photo’s i have taken certainly appear to be clearer than my old Canon.

    Just got to learn a bit more out the basics of all the settings to get the best out of it.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the replies, I’ve looked at the CX2 which seems to get equally good reviews so its looking like a choice between the two. I have to say I’m leaning towards the TZ8 mainly on the strength of so many people having one, am I missing a trick with the CX2?

    Free Member

    I looked at a few and ended up with the TZ7 as it seemed to be a better option than the TZ8.

    Free Member

    I think it’s a good all rounder, reasonably fast between frames and fast start up, x12 optical zoom, hd jpeg video, I think you can use the zoom whilst videoing, good pic quality, small enough to stuff in a pocket.
    If you’re not bothered about all of those features ie x12 zoom, and pic quality is paramount, then something with a bigger sensor prehaps? canon s90 (or s95 now), panasonic lx5(no built in flash).

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