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  • Things I am sick of in american films
  • jimjam
    Free Member

    willard .

    My pet hate has to be the gun thing though. Too many rounds in the magazine, super-accurate onehanded moving car shootouts, tables blocking rounds… That sort of thing. I know from personal experience that a railway sleeper will not stop a standard 9mm round, so why will a table stop that and heavier? Grrrrr.

    And on the flip side of this you have what? An action movie with gun fight scenes where few people ever get shot? Again, suspend your disbelief.

    As for 9mm round going througha railway sleeper, it would depend on velocity, range, angle of entry and what you class as a standard round. If you were being shot at and had the choice of standing in the open or taking cover behind a table what would you choose?

    Ah yes, the Hollywood race thing.
    The black cop and the white cop are allowed to be best friends, but at the end of the day the black cop always goes home to his black wife and the white cop always goes home to his white wife.

    Free Member

    Will Ferrell.
    Adam “Shouty” Sandler.

    Free Member

    heres one for you.

    Transformers – girl downloads hideously classified info from a computer using an SD card in a secure CIA building and manages to leave with it.

    However, on loading the data onto a computer owned by her chubby pal in the hood they are all over them like a rash in 30 seconds.

    Go figure.

    Free Member

    what I really hate about American films
    In fact any films

    Is the price of popcorn and a drink

    Oh and stinky nachos, who decided it would be a good idea to serve them in cinemas. They smell and they crunch. Bad idea

    Full Member

    Also British actors should not be allowed to play Americans

    I agree, apparently they’re known as the white Mexicans of Hollywood cause they get paid up to half of what an American actor would receive for the same role.

    What always annoys me is when 5 minutes have past in the plot yet it’s gone from broad daylight to absolute pitch black!

    Free Member


    Download and watch Boardwalk Empire, a great show about prohibition America. Lots of Americans shooting Americans but is so good.

    Free Member

    Re the gun thing. Wasn’t there that scene in Spooks in one of the last shows of the most recent series where this guy was shot in the shoulder by a sniper with a .50 cal Browning? He had a nice little hole and was up and about with a sling in a few scenes. Shows we can cock up on the realism front too!

    Free Member

    Pigface – Member

    Download and watch Boardwalk Empire, a great show about prohibition America. Lots of Americans shooting Americans but is so good.

    Just finished watching season 1 last night. You can also add Brits playing Americans into the mix as I know for a fact Al Capone is played by matey out of This Is England.

    That should get all the haters nice and angry 😉

    Pigface, it’s not just a blanket objection to films about Americans shooting people, I thought Saving Private Ryan was one of the best films I have seen.
    Maybe I’m a bit out of touch because I haven’t got a TV and I’m getting films confused with TV series. Most of my experience of watching Americans on a screen comes from living at home with my parents when it was all Columbo, Ironside, Rockford Files, Charlies Angels and Streets of San Francisco.
    Maybe not relevant to modern films, but then again, when I think of modern American films, I think of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Will Smith and Clint Eastwood shooting people.

    Full Member

    jimjam – Member
    willard .
    My pet hate has to be the gun thing though. Too many rounds in the magazine, super-accurate onehanded moving car shootouts, tables blocking rounds… That sort of thing. I know from personal experience that a railway sleeper will not stop a standard 9mm round, so why will a table stop that and heavier? Grrrrr.

    And on the flip side of this you have what? An action movie with gun fight scenes where few people ever get shot? Again, suspend your disbelief.

    As for 9mm round going througha railway sleeper, it would depend on velocity, range, angle of entry and what you class as a standard round. If you were being shot at and had the choice of standing in the open or taking cover behind a table what would you choose?

    Granted that penetration depends on a lot of things, but I was talking about standard 9mm ball rounds from a packet marked 9mmx19 ball, fired through a generic Browning 9mm at a target about 10m away (ok, so he missed and got the sleeper, but it was his first go with a pistol). A lot of the films have shootouts inside a house, and it’s rare to see a range bigger than a few meters in the scenes, so why would a table stop the round?

    As for personal choice, I would not be _hiding_ behind a table. I’d use it to cover my movement to something more substantial. Like a brick wall. Or a pile of logs. Or some sandbags. Or the next house. But that’s just me.

    Free Member

    you have given this too much thought as the word fiction means made up ! we used to have a fine system in place for challenging TV /Films for not being real when we were students PS arnie is not a robot and Tom Cruise cannot fly planes

    Free Member

    What I hate about American films is the way that America seems to churn out so many interesting, entertaining and occasionally classic movies as opposed to the usual inverted snobbery/”social realism” boring tripe that passes for film-making in this little introverted backwater…

    Apart from one film by Mike Leigh.

    Full Member

    boring tripe that passes for film-making in this little introverted backwater…

    As someone who sometimes makes that (sometimes international, multi award winning) tripe in our introverted backwater I’d like to point out that if anyone doesn’t like them, thinks they should be better or thinks there should be more of them (as in more better ones). Then you only have Thatcher to blame.

    Free Member

    as opposed to the usual inverted snobbery/”social realism” boring tripe that passes for film-making in this little introverted backwater…

    Jus because you are not spoon fed the best of UK cinema at the World of Cine WonderPlex does not mean they are not out there.

    In the last couple of years I could point you at:

    The Disappearance of Alice Creed
    An Education
    The King’s Speech
    Nowhere Boy
    The Hide
    Tony: A London Serial Killer
    Harry Brown

    Etc etc.

    ….an obviously anything by Shane Meadows.

    Free Member

    I’m sure that the idea that to properly finance films, you need government (ie: the taxpayer’s) money will be of huge interest to Hollywood.

    Free Member

    Did anyone mention Nic Cage yet?

    Although his presence in a film is usually a handy indication that it’s not something I’d enjoy.

    Free Member

    Obviously, you haven’t seen “Adaptation” or “Bad Lieutenant”. Or “Raising Arizona”. Or “Face Off”.

    Full Member

    Raising Arizona was a very good film.

    Actually, he was in Kick Ass too, and that wasn’t bad.

    Free Member

    If you star in 200 films a year, some of them are bound to end up being halfway watchable.

    The list of bad Nic Cage films would be far, far longer though, wouldn’t it?

    Have you seen this pic from two different films?

    Gutted I can’t find the brilliant blog page of the guy who put it together.

    Free Member

    Aha, found it now.

    Please enjoy…

    Free Member

    Mr Cage is in Rumble Fish and that is a classic.

    Free Member

    Eddie Murphy was in 48 Hours, but I tend to avoid his later work as well as Cage’s.

    Free Member

    What I hate most is ‘if you really believe in yourself you can do it’
    when the character fails it’s not because they are rubbish/lazy/didn’t train/failed maths it’s because they don’t have enough belief in themselves.

    Free Member

    People never wipe their arses in films do they.
    Straight in the cubicle, maybe a couple of noises (depending on the genre) then BAM straight to the flush!

    The profanisaurus suggests that what must be happening here is a ‘glory wipe’.

    Full Member

    I’m sure that the idea that to properly finance films, you need government (ie: the taxpayer’s) money will be of huge interest to Hollywood.

    Nothing to do government money. There used to be a quota on film distribution – something like 10% of films playing in UK cinemas had to have been UK produced. The Thatcher government abolished the quota, after caving in to all the petitions, protests and eventually riots from the cinema-going public demanding that this 10% should instead be made up of US produced films that would otherwise have not cut the mustard.

    I worked for a Norwegian production company recently – 1 ticket in 5 sold in Norwegian cinemas is for a Norwegian produced film. Its was the best resourced, best paid film I’ve ever worked on and they apologised for not paying me more. Dinky little Norway, tiny population, no Norwegian speaking countries to export their films to – able to support a thriving film industry through the patronage of their audience

    Although there is the odd bit of government or lottery subsidy in the UK it could only ever be peanuts and it mostly consists of top up funding and support in kind – like location services. Films are funded from the profits of earlier films, without those profits theres nothing to top up. No distribution no profit. No profit no next film.

    Free Member

    I watched Dirty Harry last night. The overwhelming feeling I came away with was that he was a truly appalling police man.

    trucks / wagons/ lorries that catch up with fast cars to ram them from behind!!!! Grrrrrr

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