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  • The latest edition of the nutter paper has turned up.
  • zippykona
    Full Member

    Thankfully along with birds , nuclear bombs aren’t real.

    Full Member

    Do they have a forum too!? 🙂

    Full Member

    Yeah, that’s bollocks. You should probably use that for arse wiping to get some use out of it (and to take it out of circulation)

    Full Member

    Pretty compelling stuff if you regard the world as flat.

    Full Member

    That is bonkers. Never heard of it but, having googled (it has a Wikipedia page!) sounds like quite a thing… when you say “turned up”, how did you acquire it… subscription? 🤔 🤪

    EDIT: never heard this particular conspiracy theory before, but again after a quick google, it’s not totally new (although doesn’t seem to be that popular). Who knew!

    Full Member

    I like the ‘we checked with a university professor who said we were talking bollocks’ bit. Makes you think!

    Full Member

    I’ve seen that garbage being left in pubs and handed out around here (Ludlow).  We went to an outdoor play at Ludlow castle last summer and there was a bloke handing them out to the audience.  He got the hump a bit when I declined to take one. Last time I looked at one it was wall to wall ‘Plandemic’, ‘great reset’ type conspiracist bollox.  Takes all sorts…..

    Full Member

    nuclear bombs aren’t real.

    I have never heard that claim before. I have been worried about nuclear weapons for quite a while so it would be great if I could believe that they weren’t real.

    Where can I get a copy of The Light?

    Full Member

    It gets pushed through my letterbox (Manchester) occasionally. Last Octobers edition was even more mad than usual.

    Free Member

    Why is it the same old things?

    WEF, Climate Change, Buy Gold, Vaccines and then a few little grifts thrown in for good measure.

    That Grander Water thing is amazing.

    Water possesses an immune system. The basic idea behind the method proposed by Johann Grander is to strengthen the self-cleansing effect and resistance of water by improving its structure. This creates a natural and stable immune system.”

    Full Member

    Where can I get a copy of The Light?

    Here, if you really want to.

    It’s endorsed by Piers Corbyn and David Icke. So absolutely not bat shit crazy, fruitloopery on steroids!

    Full Member

    Where can I get a copy of The Light?

    Well according to Wikipedia, after I googled the light, in Stroud.

    However I did google it on a works computer, so am now expecting the security guards come and escort me out of the building, carrying a box with the near dead spider plant and stock photo of a family that came with the picture frame that I pretend is mine from my desk. Which just demonstrates how effective they are in silencing the truth!

    Free Member

    David Icke’s theory makes a lot of sense if you see it as an analogy*

    *he says its no analogy.

    Full Member

    I missed the Sunday Sport from the late 80s, leant a lot from it that most people didn’t know. For instance a world war 2 bomber was found on the moon.

    Full Member

    Ah the paper with no correspondence address or editor.

    A representative came in my shop with a bunch during on of the lock downs and asked id mind putting them on my counter – I took them and put straight in the shredder and said it’ll save time….. She had a go at me about it and after that they kept turning up In front of my papers in the paper stand outside. Couldn’t find an address to bill the free advertising and distribution too.

    Full Member

    in Stroud

    That figures.

    Full Member

    Nuclear bombs aren’t real? FFS – so my school didn’t need to subject me to watching “Threads” then?

    Full Member

    My daughter works(ed) in Waitrose over the pandemic and they were regularly visited and berated by a woman doing the same, leaving copies on the end of the tills and by the paper stand, having a go at the (mainly kids) on the tills about the safety screens and masks, calling them ‘puppets’ and ‘sheeple’ and then when being asked to leave producing a pack of biscuits or a can of beans and a receipt and refusing as she was a legal customer.

    I’d say absolute mainly harmless fruit looper but she really was quite aggressive and unpleasant apparently.

    Full Member

    If that shit came to my door then they’d get what they deserve, fortunately we don’t seem to get such dumb **** in Scotland

    Free Member

    If that shit came to my door then they’d get what they deserve, fortunately we don’t seem to get such dumb **** in Scotland

    They’ve reached Edinburgh, someone delivered the October issue to my work. I thought my boss (who thinks the world is against him but isn’t quite a conspiracy theorist, more the “council only runs on brown envelopes” type) had left it to educate his staff but apparently it comes in the post.

    Full Member

    I guess it will take a while to filter down to sleepy galloway, I await its arrival with extreme prejudice (and a big **** stick)

    Full Member

    Just checked the link & apparently people buy it!?

    Free Member

    That sidebar about nuclear fission is actually quite accurate apart from the last bit about the casing melting. The point is that it all happens instantly so the casing doesn’t matter, it’s instantly vapourised along with everything else for miles around. The speed of the reaction is kind of the point when you are making bombs, otherwise they’d simply be fires.

    Full Member

    It’s endorsed by Piers Corbyn and David Icke. So absolutely not bat shit crazy, fruitloopery on steroids!

    Well of course it is!

    Not familiar with it in these parts, should someone hand me a copy, (and it seems almost inevitable that, now that I’ve read about it here, it’ll turn up), I’ll thank them and say that it’ll make a nice warm lining for my hedgehog houses.

    Free Member

    If that shit came to my door then they’d get what they deserve, fortunately we don’t seem to get such dumb **** in Scotland

    Got one in Crieff last year – they’d been round sticking then under wipers in all the car parks. They walk among us up north too.

    Full Member

    Someone brings it into the tea room at my work (I with in a hospital pathology lab so we’re all technically scientists 😖)

    Flicked through a few copies of it, as mentioned above, it’s exactly the same stereotypical stories you’d expect.

    In the classifieds, there’s a whole range of merch that’s not only stylish, but also protects you from 5g 👌

    Free Member

    My daughter works(ed) in Waitrose over the pandemic and they were regularly visited and berated by a woman doing the same, leaving copies on the end of the tills and by the paper stand, having a go at the (mainly kids) on the tills about the safety screens and masks, calling them ‘puppets’ and ‘sheeple’ and then when being asked to leave producing a pack of biscuits or a can of beans and a receipt and refusing as she was a legal custome

    Sorry John but that’s obviously bolocks. Waitrose don’t employ a single member of checkout stuff not old enough to be on the advanced stages of rigor.

    Full Member

    Sorry John but that’s obviously bolocks. Waitrose don’t employ a single member of checkout stuff not old enough to be on the advanced stages of rigor.

    Sorry but YOU are quite wrong. Plenty of youngsters in my local.

    Full Member

    Plenty of youngsters in my local.

    That’s what THEY want you to think. They’re really shapeshifting aliens…

    Full Member

    I think this is called irony.

    Full Member

    I think this is called irony.

    Yes, but they do have a point.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Oh I am so going to use that ^^ diagram!

    Related, there was a brilliant exchange I saw on Twitter earlier from a Chemtrails nutter being schooled in basic science.

    Full Member

    I might steal that Matt, very good.

    Full Member

    There are a few Chemtrail nutters on Twitter

    Full Member

    Not mine, so please freely use.
    It does sum up things nicely. Next time our covid wind up merchants arrive I plan on answering everything they say with that…

    Free Member

    Keeping anything a secret is practically impossible, let alone something like spraying the country with something! The sheer number of people ‘in’ on it would be astronomical and would bound to be leaked, plus those doing the spraying would also be living with family in the same areas they’ve sprayed, so that doesn’t make sense.

    However, the photos do look a bloody mess in the sky. I have noticed that same grid pattern and they spread out and turn what was a sunny day in to a hazy day. Whether it’s anything other than water vapour / fumes / pollution i don’t know, but it does look awful.

    The MET office do experiment with spraying though, so could it be a case of Chinese whispers??

    That magazine is tremendous!! 😀

    Full Member

    plus those doing the spraying would also be living with family in the same areas they’ve sprayed, so that doesn’t make sense.

    No, they live on George Soros’s top secret private island, the one guarded by Jewish space lasers, etc.

    Full Member

    However, the photos do look a bloody mess in the sky. I have noticed that same grid pattern and they spread out and turn what was a sunny day in to a hazy day. Whether it’s anything other than water vapour / fumes / pollution i don’t know, but it does look awful.

    this doesn’t happen where i live, so this is probably where the sprayers live.

    edit, george is one of my neighbours!

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