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  • The best looking bikes of 2021
  • Ben_Haworth
    Full Member

    These are the best looking bikes the Singletrack team has seen in 2021. Some we’ve never even seen in the flesh (or metal, or carbon) let alone actually ridden. You can but dream…

    By ben_haworth

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    Full Member

    I’m with Chipps on this one.

    Full Member

    I’m in agreement on the tyres on the pink Starling – never been a fan of the big yellow logo on Maxxis. Shame Michelin have ditched the subtle look for blue and yellow monstrosities on their newer models.

    Full Member

    Yep that Spark is stunning.

    Full Member

    That Transition looks lovely

    Full Member

    Not really fair on the other bikes, having to compete with a Starling.

    That Stanton is triggering some serious cognitive dissonance with the steel front and carbon rear.

    Free Member

    The Raaw looks lush. Any idea how to actually get a frame and fork here in Brexit Britain though?

    Free Member

    Spark looks like it’s missing a motor, Starling is lovely, Stooge looks like it was made for Screaming Lord Sutch.

    Full Member

    The Starling, Transition and Raaw win for me. Some good choices up there. In true recommend what you have style, I would add the Swarf 155 to the list.

    Free Member

    The Transition is a looker for sure.

    Love how the seat stays and top tube align.

    Full Member

    I do quite like the Scott Spark too, but there is a collaboration with Bold that just looks better!


    Bold and Scott partnership

    Full Member

    Kenevo SL is my pick, I wonder why…

    Full Member

    Definitely not Charlie’s – the equivalent of saying there’s no good music anymore. And loving the Australian Pink Floyd. or something.
    I like Rocky Mountains. And the new Element. I bet it’s an even more beautiful thing in the flesh.. I’ll buy one when I’ve got some (loads of) money.

    ps. Wot, no eBikes?? LoLZ (oh one just arrived! Of course it’s the least ebike looking ebike (but still minging :P )

    Full Member

    My form follows function sensibilities twitch looking at that Spark – putting all your suspension gubbins directly in harm’s way of UK filth in it’s own muck gathering pocket. Hmmm

    The Starling is lovely. If you’ve not watched the GCN Makers episode 1 on Joe McEwan (and Caren Hartley of ISEN Workshop) it’s really worth a watch over Christmas.

    Full Member

    Definitely not Charlie’s – the equivalent of saying there’s no good music anymore. And loving the Australian Pink Floyd. or something.


    The Starling shows exactly how to make a beautiful, very modern bike in a traditional style.

    The Stooge, not so much.

    Full Member

    I’d go with the Cotic Jeht in gritstone they had at their ardrock tent – it looked very nice with lots of orange hope parts

    Full Member

    The Spark has quite a hint of GT RTS about it, no…? 🙂

    Free Member

    The Starling for me, although I’m biased as I’ve just taken delivery of a BTR in exactly that shade of pink…

    Full Member

    I like the RAAW because I like straight tubes and simple lines.
    The Spur and Sparks are nice for carbon bikes.
    Why now hardtails on the list (I’m not counting Charlie’s ‘look I’m different’ choice)?
    My HT choice would be the latest Pipedream Sirius.

    Full Member

    Hardtails you say?

    Full Member

    You say “hardtails”?

    Nordest Bardino 3

    Full Member

    i asked our Scott rep about the spark, he said 2023 at the earliest. had a customer turnd up in his van to buy one that day too :-)

    Free Member
    Full Member

    WOT no Huhn…

    Posted June 2020…

    Full Member

    Love how the seat stays and top tube align.

    +1 for me.

    Free Member

    Pipedream Sirius

    Pipedream Sirius is a serious looker. Especially with a blue SID up front.

    Free Member

    “When Intense was Intense”

    Free Member

    I also think the recent Specialized have been rather easy on the eye:stumpie

    Full Member

    Much as I love the Starling and also think the Orbea is a pretty bike, I can’t get past the straight-line top tube and seatstay aesthetic of the Transition Spur. Thought it was stunning the moment I saw the launch pics and it still grabs me. That metallic grey & gold ‘black powder’ paintjob is a big part of the appeal though – it’s still a good looking bike in the ‘deep sea green’, but not as drop dead gorgeous.

    Would love to give the Stooge a try. I’ll bet the ride feel of the frame and fork is great.

    Free Member

    Top of the lookers list for me right now (tanwalls aside)

    Full Member

    i asked our Scott rep about the spark, he said 2023 at the earliest.

    You might want to call your rep again.

    My LBS has one in store – and it’s available – albeit size small.

    But definitely in stock in the flesh.

    Looks great too.

    MountainMania Tring – In stock 2022 Spark 910

    Full Member

    Starling looks awesome barring the colour. I’m a sucker for skinny tubes

    Full Member

    The sparks seat tube is slacker than the head tube. Looks like it has suffered a front on crash.
    The starling I didn’t think I would like, but I do. But I think it would be better in a powder blue, to go with the ohlins yellow.

    I agree with Hannah. Spur is the best looking.

    Free Member

    My form follows function sensibilities twitch looking at that Spark – putting all your suspension gubbins directly in harm’s way of UK filth in it’s own muck gathering pocket.

    Shock is entirely encased in the frame on the Spark – stays clean, wherever you ride it. pivots are same as any other pivot obvs

    Full Member

    I was scrolling through the list and was thinking “surely any hardtail will easily beat any full suspension bike going when it comes to looks?” and then I got to Charlie’s choice and was proven (by my own preferences) wrong. Of the options I think I prefer Hannah’s pick of the Transition.

    Full Member

    Nearly all of you lot need to get down to Specsavers, pronto. Chipps needs to be right at the front of the queue.
    And Benji needs the extra test like we had at school in the ’70s and ’80s for colourblindness.

    Amanda’s prescription still seems to be OK.
    And Charlie passes with the choice of colour on his.

    That Nordest looks good tho.

    Glad I’ve ordered a Shand – it’s gonna win hands down without the 12-pint beer goggles needed for some of the choices presented !😁

    Full Member

    Top of the lookers list for me right now (tanwalls aside)

    It looks like it’s melted. Yuck.

    recent Specialized have been rather easy on the eye:

    I feel they’re making their best bikes ever but I just can’t get on board with the lopsided aesthetic. The Enduro looks OK though.

    Pipedream Sirius is a serious looker.

    But the seatstays “miss” the top tube. :O

    Full Member

    The Spark doesn’t do anything for me. Maybe with a less XC version it would improve.
    Spur is super-nice right up until that head tube. Probably still great in the flesh.

    I’m a sucker for straight raw aluminium tubes though so I vote Raaw! (I’m just looking past the seat tube for now)

    Full Member

    I’m all in for the Starling, utterly gorgeous. Would totally keep the pink too…

    have you ridden the Dirtbomb? Any thoughts?

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