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  • that 2 girls 1 cup thing…
  • ton
    Full Member

    i **** hope it is illegal…

    Free Member

    2 guys 1 horse, now THAT is sickening! And apparently one of the guys died afterwards :S

    Free Member

    good grief!!

    Full Member

    2 guys 1 horse, now THAT is sickening! And apparently one of the guys died afterwards :S

    good, serves him right..

    Free Member

    O dear god I just watched that 1 guy 1 cup…WHAT THE HELL MAN!!

    They say curiosity killed the cat – at the moment I wouldn’t mind if it killed me too


    Cakefart on the other hand is just wierd :S

    Free Member

    i feel slightly ill, why did i feel a compulsion to google any of that, you sick sick people.

    will we be seeing “no tarts were harmed in the making of this film” at the end of porn from now on?

    Full Member

    i am just gonna have a nutella sarnie for me supper.. :twisted:

    Free Member -Kermit reaction video – Kermit shows Rolf the dog what it’s all about

    Both links are clean and sage, and I would imagine SFW, although you may have to explain what they are reacting to…..

    Free Member

    How did he keep so calm for so long?

    Free Member

    The hosre clip bring another meaning to “I love animals” in a CV.

    Free Member

    {There’s links in there to unsavoury stuff – Mod}

    Free Member

    There is a new one now, one man one jar. I dare anyone to look at it!

    Free Member

    I am not going to Google owt at all. I can happily go through life never having seen 2G1C, or any other sick sh1t like that. I know it’s going to be utterly disgusting, so I just don’t look.

    Strange, though, people’s compulsion to look at stuff they know will be sick.

    (I’ve uploaded what I believe to be a totally safe image, to my own Fotopic account. If it’s anything else, then that’s beyond my control. I don’t want to take any chances, after the Hellraiser fiasco.)

    Free Member

    heard that the guy that made the video uses chocolate ice cream. seems logical to me. whoTF would be up for that? although no doubt some-one out there is….

    Free Member

    its just gravity man, what goes up must come down…

    Full Member

    I seem to find myself agreeing a lot with rudeboy these days – I remember googling 2g1c after hearing about it on here……………………..managed about 30 seconds if that.

    So 1 guy 1 cup, 2 guys 1 horse – fake or not, I can likve without those images :|

    Free Member

    Well I think Mr Simonralli has a lot to live up to for his next video post.

    Free Member

    I forgot how disgusting that video is. Has to be fake though as the poo just doesn’t look really and it certainly comes out at a fair old rate. Still totally vile though. uuuuuuuuugh

    Free Member

    I’ve just Googled it and read about it on Wikipedia. I now know I have absolutely no intention of ever watching it or any of the other vids mentioned on this thread.

    So thanks for warning me guys, much appreciated, seriously.

    Full Member

    Cheers peterpoddy – i was getting curious but having read the wikipedia entry I have saved myself from having to scrub my eyeballs with brillo pads.

    Free Member

    I seem to find myself agreeing a lot with rudeboy these days

    This appears to be a worrying,and growing, trend. 8O

    No, but come on, to each their own and all that.

    IMO, as long as things are done with consent, don’t involve kids or animals, or serious physical and mental harm, then what’s the issue? You can either choose to look at something, or not. Part of having a Free Will (please, no references to aquatic mammals).

    I don’t agree with much of this new law, that says you can’t have certain types of filth on your computer or whatever. Whilst I agree that paedophilia and bestiality are rightly outlawed, as well as non-consensual material, a lot of what’s out their is merely feeding people’s desire for fantasy. We go to the cinema for the same reasons, albeit in a slightly less extreme form. But this new law aims to outlaw written fiction, as well as images and films. And it’s aimed more at the sexual side of things, too- no problem with gratuitous violence, but we can’t read about kinky stuff? Surely, that should be our choice?

    Laws like this push otherwise harmless activities, and people, underground. Criminalising people who merely wish to explore their inner psyche, is dangerous.

    **** Nanny State. Who TF is anyone, to tell me what I can and cannot look at, or read, or whatever? I am able to take decisions fo myself. Most people are pretty happy and healthy, can’t see why there is a ‘need’ to pass such laws. I bet some of those politicians involved in it, are up to all sorts of Noncery, too. Dirty bastards.

    Full Member

    Wiki explanation for anyone curios.

    I have a strong stomach but I can well go through life without watch stuff like that thanks very much.

    Free Member

    1 guy 1 cup is one of few things I have ever seen on the internet that I struggled to watch without wanting to tear my hair out!

    If you want another nice set of videos go find out about the BME pain olympics…not for the faint at heart!

    Free Member


    This appears to be a worrying,and growing, trend.

    Don’t worry, it’s not.

    I’ve just watched the 1 guy, 1 cup video and I have to say, it’s probably the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s just a shame they don’t show things like that on You’ve Been Framed. Watch it again and try and imagine Harry Hill’s running commentary…

    “So, what’s this character up to, hmmm? Hmmm? Now you see it, now you don’t.. Brilliant, hmmm?… Oh, ouch! Oh dear… Hmmm, that’s going to be difficult to explain when the missus asks what happened to the marmalade, hmmm?”


    Free Member

    I’ve not seen all of 2 girls 1 cup, the first 30 seconds or so were enough to turn me. As for the 2 guys 1 horse video, if it is what I think it is, then it is very real. There is a well documented case of a man dying as a result of “love making” with a horse, I think it was in washington state. It was featured in local and national newspapers stateside.

    Seattle times article.

    Now, I have no idea what 1 guy 1 cup is about….and I dont want to see it. But curiosity compels me to just ask – what’s it about?

    Free Member

    Moderator – the link was to the John Mayer’s parody, how could you have thought otherwise is beyond me! Filthy minds, tut tut…

    Free Member

    from what i’ve heard, 1 man 1 cup is a bloke sticking one up where the sun don’t shine, and it breaking. leaving a rather aweful mess.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    I reckon it would be a good video to play to fat people every time they reach for their bucket of saturated fats. Could improve the national fitness index.

    Free Member

    hungry monkey – Member
    from what i’ve heard, 1 man 1 cup is a bloke sticking one up where the sun don’t shine, and it breaking. leaving a rather aweful mess.

    Okay….that could mean anything. I was starting to imagine the “one” you were refering to as perhaps a finger or his wang or god knows what…. I googled it and found it discussed on another forum with a bit more detail. No f***in way do I need to see that. Didnt bravo used to have a show called “Ouch” or something? Or 100 things you wouldnt expect to find in a human body?

    Free Member

    I watched the vid last night, 2 girls one cup. what sprang to mind was damn, the brunette needs more fibre in her diet! ;)

    Free Member

    Minish Man – Member

    2 guys 1 horse, now THAT is sickening!

    I know, dirty perverted horse!

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