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  • tapered steerer in non taper headtube?
  • breninbeener
    Full Member

    I have a bare frame with 1 1/8 headtube.

    I also have a pr of Fox 32 tapered steerer forks.

    Is there an adapter so i can use the too big steerer in the headtube?

    I appreciate it may raise the front end if it is possible.



    Free Member

    Not possible with traditional 1+1/8th headtube

    Free Member

    What he said.

    Free Member

    I think there may be a way, as I understand it if your headtube has an internal diameter of 44mm, an external lower headset cup can be fitted to cope with the wider part of the steerer. I’m sure someone better informed will be able to give specifics. Question was asked yesterday if I recall

    Full Member

    It’s a 1-1/8″th head tube. You can’t fit a tapered steerer in there as the bigger end of a tapered steerer is 1.5″.

    Just a 1-1/8″th.

    Full Member

    chap it in with this

    steering might be stiff at first.

    Free Member

    1 1/8th steerer will fit in a tapered tube. But not the other way around

    Free Member

    IIRC back when it were all fields etc, if you had a 1 1/8 “headtube” bu with integrated headset you could possible swap out the integrated lower cup for an external cup that would take 1.5″

    Full Member

    Frames with 44mm-bore

    but that’s not 1 1/8″?

    Free Member

    As above if it’s zero stack or semi integrated then yes you can. If it’s a more traditional 1 1/8″ headtube then no.

    What frame and year is it?

    Free Member

    its not 1 1/8″ bore, no, but if the headtube was specced for 1 1/8″ but with integrated headset (wot they call zero stack in that link) then it would work, but I bet there werent that many frames like that made.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a tapered fork in my non tapered cube frame.
    As long as the frame has an internal diameter of 44mm then you can use a hope pick and mix lower external headset. you can keep the upper as normal.
    fwiw, nukeproof also do one but the depth on the headset into the frame is greater on that headset than the hope and on my cube frame it wouldnt allow full insertion with the nukeproof but the hope fit ok.
    oh and 1 1/8 refers to the steerer tube i believe not the headset or frame, if that makes sense

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The 44mm head tube is very common and used in many bikes that came with normal 1/8 forks.
    Traditional head tubes with 1/8 forks and external headset cups are stuck sadly

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