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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
  • MoreCashThanDash
    Full Member

    Hotels that tuck the duvet in, so that when you untuck it, it pulls the sheet out too.

    Oh my god, this. Do they do it at home? Are they insane? Why wpuld anyone do such a thing?

    Full Member

    People who fill all 4 bike spaces on a pendolino with unfolded buggies/luggage.

    Full Member

    Why wpuld anyone do such a thing?

    And and and…having done this abomination, then proceed to fold a point onto the end of the toilet paper! (Oh, occasionally checking under, and cleaning under, the beds wouldn’t go amiss either…looking at you Maldron Glasgow)

    Full Member

    Vegan friendly mineral oil..

    See also, “plant based packaging”.

    As opposed to plastic, made from crude oil, which is made of old plants etc. Hence also plant based.

    Define “based”? Recently based? Directly based?

    Greenwashing in general makes me angry. “This lobby on the front of our supermarket was built to save energy and the environment!!!”

    No it wasn’t, it was built to save on your heating bills and was being done long before being eco friendly was popular a marketing tactic.

    “Farm grown fruit & veg”

    As opposed to what? Factory manufactured? Someone needs a punch.

    Full Member

    Website pages that reformat seconds after they have loaded and shift the button that you were about to click on down/up, replacing it with an advert banner which you then click on by mistake.

    Full Member

    And and and…having done this abomination, then proceed to fold a point onto the end of the toilet paper!

    the reason for that is it is a sign the room is clean and prepared for the next user.

    Full Member

    the reason for that is it is a sign the room is clean and prepared for the next user.

    Not always cleaned… 😬 (well, within my company hotel room budget anyway 😂)

    Full Member

    Shop bought pizza where the outer 27.5% is just bare pizza base without any topping whatsoever.

    Disclaimer: was too busy shoving it down my gullet to actually get disproportionately cross about it.

    Full Member

    Pizza, you say? I had this once:

    Full Member

    That’s a lovely slice of entropy.

    Free Member

    Tories breathing..

    Full Member

    The old chap who just drove his car at me from a side road when I stopped when turning right into it to allow pedestrians to cross that road.

    Free Member

    My neighbour who is out most weekends with his jet wash randomly blasting at things. Just seems an awful waste of water.

    Sting and his inability to pronounce words properly when singing (upon the fields of varley, etc).

    Full Member

    People that go through red lights at pedestrian crossings and nearly run down you and your dog and then have the audacity to speed off blowing their horn all down the road as if it was your fault.

    Gotta love people 😊👌

    Free Member

    Hotels that tuck the duvet in, so that when you untuck it, it pulls the sheet out too.

    When I used to travel for work to the same hotel every week I used to leave a “please don’t make the bed” sign scribbled on a piece of paper on the bed each morning so I wouldn’t have to go through that pain every evening I was there. It worked well for me.

    Full Member

    Managers that tell everyine in a meeting to do something, even though everyone says its a silly idea and wont work. The manager then goes on to say they agree its a silly idea and wont work but we should do it anyway as it came from senior managers that have never actually done our job.

    Basically, middle managers without the balls to say “No, that wont wont work for my team.”

    Free Member

    Other people scheduling my teams work.

    “this will be ready by Friday?” (the question mark is only implied out of politeness, it’s entirely rhetorical)


    “I’ll put Friday to make the project manager happy”

    “he won’t be happy on Friday then will he”

    Full Member

    Driving down our lane last night to find one of the fawns from the woods that my son and I have been filming over the last few weeks, run over in the middle of the road. 

    Full Member

    Pet dogs that drop biscuits underneath the sofa, causing ones partner to retrieve them only to notice that yes, there is dust and bits under the sofa, and then go into some sort of 24 hour depression about how we just don’t devote enough time to cleaning the house and it’s like a slum, when clearly it isn’t, and obviously it’s largely my fault because I like riding bikes and getting out, and doesn’t appreciate my view that life is short and there has to be better ways of spending your time than ensuring that the under-sofa is immaculate and ready for surprise inspections by military drill sergeants with a particular interest in hygiene in never seen areas or something… 🙄

    Looks like I’ll be lifting that sofa at the weekend…

    So yeah, pet dogs.

    Full Member

    i work on an industrial estate.

    The rude boi’s use it of an evening to hang out, do drifts, burnouts and general hoonery. As a business, we dont mind this. its a quiet estate and rather them do it here than on a public road.

    But what really boils our piss is the endless mcdonalds wrappers and monster energy drink cans they leave behind. Clearly a lower form of humans for consuming that filth in the first place… but come on, there is a huge biffa bin you can use (when not setting it on fire!). Why they do it… i dont know. Morons. Absolute morons.

    Full Member

    we just don’t devote enough time to cleaning the house and it’s like a slum, when clearly it isn’t, and obviously it’s largely my fault because I like riding bikes and getting out

    “Well of course, do you think I want to stay indoors in this shit tip?”

    Full Member

    about how we just don’t devote enough time to cleaning the house and it’s like a slum

    When I got my first paying job one of the very next things I did was call a cleaning company and hire a cleaner. I can’t stand wasting time on it. In fact; when professional cleaners exist, doing it yourself is a form of scabbing. 

    Up the workers.

    Free Member

    Conveyancers having paperwork for 3 months but waiting for the day it’s ACTUALLY NEEDED to read it and go “Oooh there’s a word wrong, we’ll have to check that and it could take ages”

    Full Member

    When I got my first paying job one of the very next things I did was call a cleaning company and hire a cleaner

    Been through that. I think we both agree that we’d want to clean up before the cleaner came round otherwise what might they think of us? 😂

    Free Member

    Well regarded technical brands that have crap diffusion lines. Musto for instance.

    Full Member

    Restaurants/Cafes that only have QR code menus.
    Yeah,I know,old person alert👍🙃

    Free Member

    Restaurants/Cafes that only have QR code menus.
    Yeah,I know,old person alert👍🙃

    Nope, I’m with you on that one.

    Do they serve food on shovels or pieces of slate or some other ridiculous item too? They can all get bent too.

    Full Member

    That stupid show us the soles of your shoes thread….

    TBH it’s an awful idea for a competition, totally lacking in imagination and must have taken all of 5 seconds to think up. Bloody ridiculous. It’s as bad as those stupid FB posts saying we’ll pick one winner at random to get this motorhome. Idiots then post how deserving they are despite that it clearly says a random winner – obv there isn’t a winner at all, random or otherwise so the posters are doubly stupid….

    Free Member

    Falling out with my wife, because my 2 year old son doesn’t want to know his daddy (me)

    Free Member

    Buying a flat without air vents in the windows 🤣

    Full Member

    Just watching Landward programme on the BBC, I’m thinking that this programme is made for morons. Shame as I like the locations.

    Full Member

    People who carry on pilling stuff on the indoor recycling box until it’s overflowing and then start stacking it on the sink drainer. See also filling the indoor food waste bin and then adding more to a bowl rather than emptying it outside.

    Full Member

    My former employer. ****.

    Full Member

    Warm beer gravy, the ultimate insult when you’ve been given pub pastry toupee pie.  Didn’t even have the decency to re purpose a stew.  Flash fried beef with a bit of warmth run through a pint and some bisto chucked in.  

    Free Member

    BBC Alba when the put on Gaelic speaking without sub titles but nick a few words of spoken English when they don’t have the word in Gaelic

    Full Member

    That stupid show us the soles of your shoes thread….

    Diddums just bought new shoes have we so nothing to post a picture of ;-)

    Full Member

    Expensive sarnies with no filling…

    Full Member

    Diddums just bought new shoes have we so nothing to post a picture of 😉

    🙄 Ha ha, very funny!  Pretty sure I could rustle up an old pair that have knackered soles if I tried, as could most people. All my shoes go on garden duty after they’ve reached the end of their useful life for other stuff so I’ve got several pairs that fit the bill. Anyway my point is it’s an unimaginative competition and has ended up as a highlighted thread containing three pages of pictures of the bottoms of peoples shoes. Where’s the interest for everyone else? They might as well have emailed in and then just posted pictures of the ten worst or something. Probably just me that thinks that though. I’d have at least said they must be pictured out where you ride or something…🤷‍♂️

    EDIT – just seen that @milesf0 has done just that. Well done that person! 👍

    Full Member

    Me, in a shop just now: “Just that, thanks.”

    Guy behind the counter: “Anything else?”

    Well, maybe if you were actually doing your job rather than ****ing about with your phone then you might already have the answer to that question.

    Full Member

    People who carry on pilling stuff on the indoor recycling box until it’s overflowing

    I mentioned this in an earlier post I think. Putting things on top of the recycling bin – which is empty – meaning that not only do I have to dispose of your shit but I first have to move your shit out of the way in order to even get at the place where your shit should be.

    and then start stacking it on the sink drainer

    Similarly, dumping to-do washing up in the sink rather than next to it, so that in order to actually wash up it all has to be removed again. Often with a side order of fishing about in the farage for the plug in order to drain it all first.

    Both are literally creating extra work for no reason I can fathom and it drives me spare.

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