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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
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    Full Member

    I imagine they are just chuffed with completing a fun/challenging event and fancied a memento of it?

    Yep my OH wore hers the other day when out for a run because she was excited to be doing another Tough Mudder this weekend, today infact. People enjoy them and go back for more. I’m currently drinking coffee from my Brighton Big Dog 2016 mug.


    I imagine they are just chuffed with completing a fun/challenging event and fancied a memento of it?

    They’re tour tees for civvies. Ms. RM has a drawer full of the buggers from running.

    Full Member

    people that expect the website for free and then moan at the adverts that are needed to pay for it.

    Full Member

    Drivers who fail to stop before the solid white line at traffic lights but drive a metre over it before stopping.

    Full Member

    I would say betting ads but my anger isn’t disproportionate.

    Full Member

    Parents who let their kids run around screaming on a campsite before 08:00.

    Yours angrily at the Big Shakeout festival

    Full Member

    Agreed, the Spanish system with large communal bins roadside or underground works well

    and Italy, and…

    Full Member

    Drivers who fail to stop before the solid white line at traffic lights but drive a metre over it before stopping.

    That reminds me. People who cut the corner when turning off a main road into a side street when I’m approaching the junction in the opposite direction on said side street.  Forcing me to slow or stop because they are on my side of the road.

    Full Member

    Motorists moaning about being slightly inconvenienced by their journeys taking a few minutes longer (whilst sat in an air conditioned car in a comfy seat listening to podcasts or their fav music) whilst not caring that reducing their speed can significantly reduce the likelihood of them accidentally killing or maiming someone’s dad, kid, dog.

    also pavement parkers blocking the whole pavement just to keep the road clear to allow traffic to flow but necessitating pedestrians and people in wheelchairs or pushing kids in buggies to negotiate the carriageway itself.

    ps I do walk to work and the kids to school but I do drive as well when I need to.

    Full Member

    People who cut the corner when turning off a main road into a side street

    Local Amazon delivery driver in her big van did this to me a month or so back. She was quite taken aback when I stopped, got out and remonstrated with her. It all just works better when we all stick to the designated side of the road, you’d think.

    Full Member

    Well, I seem to have put this discussion into a 3-day coma with my thrilling anecdote just up there ^, so I’ll try another ‘thing’ instead.
    I give you… people who can’t tie their coat/fleece around their waist properly, because they only know of a granny knot. It’s dead simple – “Right over left and under, then left over right and under” = a reef knot, and the remaining ends of the sleeves stick out sideways. A reef knot is bomber. If you do “Right over left and under; right over left and under again” what you then get is a granny knot, and the loose ends stick out above & below. And it just looks shite, plus is liable to coming undone. Grrrrrr. Just me?

    Full Member

    * holds hand up

    On the very rare occasion that I actually use my mobile to take/make a call I hold it out away from me and have it on speaker. This is because it’s in a fully enclosed waterproof case and my hearing is crap, so it’s really hard for me to hear the other person when using phone normally (I never take a call when I’m around others).

    I’m sorry

    Full Member

    And it just looks shite.

    Whereas a fleece tied around your waist with a reef knot looks……?

    Grrrrrr. Just me?

    I’m going to say yep!

    Full Member

    Perfume adverts on the telly.  What kind of hallucinogens are the people that make them taking? Is that what happens when you give a first year media studies undergrad an unlimited budget and LSD on draught? Who on God’s earth is actually influenced to buy some overpriced smelly water off the back of watching one of those?

    Full Member

    ^^^ Just remembered this 😁


    Full Member

    Perfume adverts on the telly. What kind of hallucinogens are the people that make them taking? Is that what happens when you give a first year media studies undergrad an unlimited budget and LSD on draught?


    Free Member

    E bikes

    People in cars that don’t indicate

    E bikers

    E bike adverts

    Free Member

    Got asked my professional opinion on a thing at work. My opinion is different to two idiots at my work and a bigger idiot in the customer. But I’m right. They don’t like it. But I’m still right and I’ve sent them the evidence to prove it . Now apparently I have to set up a meeting with these three idiots plus a load of other idiots to tell them why they’re all wrong. Just **** off and do it wrong, I don’t give a shit!

    Full Member

    Sitting on the loo at 4 am to discover that one of the kids has peed on the seat. At least at other times there’s a chance I’ll remember to check, but in the dark in the middle of the night it’s easy to forget.

    Full Member

    people who can’t tie their coat/fleece

    Corollary: “why do my shoelaces keep coming undone?”

    This is a hill I will choose to die on, I’m with you brother.

    This is because it’s in a fully enclosed waterproof case and my hearing is crap, so it’s really hard for me to hear

    Have you considered holding it closer to your ear rather than a foot away?

    Full Member

    Im the same as houns.  Even holding a phone close to my ear I find it hard to hear so I do the speakerphone thing

    Full Member

    Whereas a fleece tied around your waist with a reef knot looks……?

    I’m less worried about the sartorial elegance of the fleece round the waist, sometimes it’s just the only practical option. I’d not be wanting to drape it over me shoulders, mincing-stylee 😅

    Grrrrrr. Just me?

    And Cougs, apparently. So if there’s just the 2 of us, it fits the thread requirement of ‘disproportionate’ at any rate. I’ll take that.

    Full Member

    Even holding a phone close to my ear I find it hard to hear so I do the speakerphone thing

    Just imagine if you had it on speakerphone AND close to your ear.

    Speakerphone is fine, I have no issue with that. It’s the horizontophone style that disproportionately pisses me off. You’re on speakerphone so the speaker is flapping away off out in the distance, but you’ve got the microphone right next to your mouth like a regular call. That surely cannot be pleasant for the other participant.

    Full Member

    All those tedious new names electrically-assisted bicycle provocateurs try to get people to call bikes; you just know they dream of dropping the “e-“ when wittering about their machines.

    Free Member

    ” but you’ve got the microphone right next to your mouth like a regular call. That surely cannot be pleasant for the other participant.”

    depends. They could be on the phone to the daft c*** walking in front of me the other day, with the mic end of the phone jammed into their lughole, speaker directed out at the road. That would sort of even it out wouldn’t it?

    Full Member

    Parents who let their kids run around screaming on a campsite before 08:00.

    No court in the land will convict on that one.

    Full Member

    Stuffing shit in used crockery.

    A chocolate biscuit wrapper plonked in a near-empty coffee cup, a wadded up serviette / kitchen roll / snot rag floating about in the remains of your soup, a banana skin abandoned in the milky unpleasantness that was once a bowl of ice cream, etc etc.

    What’s the thinking here, what do you suppose are the next steps? I’ll tell you what the next step is, some other poor **** has to fish around in your effluvia to retrieve your crap, be that restaurant staff or me or whomsoever is cleaning up after you. And do you really think this vegetarian wants to rummage about in what was once prawn linguine in order to excavate half a dozen Quality Street wrappers? You’re literally creating work for no reason and it’s grim work at that, ****ing stop it.

    Free Member

    These sprung up overnight companies with doctor in their nam eg roof doctor, computer doctor , paving doctor, garden doctor

    You don’t need to phone at 8am to get an appointment that tells you they are not proper doctors, they chuck flyers nobody wants through your letter box, have a red + sign on their van

    They employ anyone whether they can do roofing or painting etc

    They will drive you to the nearest cashline saving old folk the trouble, very obliging that way

    Full Member

    Stupid effin Bad Gateway errors – AGAIN. It’s really piss poor.

    Full Member

    Newer ‘cars’ that no longer have indicators as part of the rear light cluster, but for some brilliant reason, now have them as part of the rear bumper…

    Full Member

    Whereas a fleece tied around your waist with a reef knot looks……?

    At least with the way your sleeves stick out to the side with a Reef knot, you know where to Place your Hands.

    Full Member

    ….duplicate post gremlin 502

    Full Member

    People who cut down sycamore trees

    Full Member

    Vegan friendly mineral oil..

    Stay with me on this.. I mean, mineral oil is probably made of dinosaurs and shell fish, so totally not vegan unless it died a million years ago?

    What about an animal that died yestereday? where do we draw the line?


    Full Member

    hotel pillows.

    Full Member

    hotel pillows

    Hotels that tuck the duvet in, so that when you untuck it, it pulls the sheet out too.

    Full Member

    What about an animal that died yestereday? where do we draw the line?

    About a million years ago.

    Full Member

    Gov announce my pay rise months ago….don’t get pay rise

    Full Member

    People who put their rucksacks and pushchairs in the bike space on trains.  Up against the wall with them

    Full Member

    People who fill all 4 bike spaces on a pendolino with one of those 70kg fat tyre ebikes which look like they’ve been thrown together in a shed by a blind blacksmith

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