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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
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    Free Member

    <span style=”caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; font-family: Roboto, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Arial, ‘Noto Sans’, sans-serif, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, ‘Segoe UI’, ‘Apple Color Emoji’, ‘Segoe UI Emoji’, ‘Segoe UI Symbol’, ‘Noto Color Emoji’;”>Councils lowering speed limits that have been perfectly fine for the last 30 years and put up cameras to generate cash.</span>

    Because traffic conditions never change do they? They only “generate cash” if people go faster than the limit, pretty straightforward.

    Back on topic, entitled car drivers. :-)

    Full Member


    I dont mind vegetarians, but vegans are the fundamentalists of the veggie crowd and i cannot stand them for that alone.

    *Live and let live I say.


    * Ok, admittedly I eat my fair share of what are effectively vegans.

    Free Member

    White towels.

    Full Member

    Why would you dislike someone for what they choose or choose not to eat?

    Free Member

    Why would you dislike someone for what they choose or choose not to eat?

    Because he’s reacting disproportionately maybe?

    Full Member

    You make a fair point! 😁

    Full Member

    Online IQ tests.

    You do the test, and it says congratulations, you are strongest in visual perception, scoring higher than 99% of participants, click here see your full score!

    You are then presented with a screen to enter your credit card details!

    Presumably if you then immediately close the browser and clear your cookies you get 100% in cognative perception?

    But I’ll never know!

    Full Member

    Swear filters.

    Free Member

    Big speed bumps on bus routes.   Buses are not  Tonka Toys and the discomfort of the ride on  some roads are a real deterrent to travelling by bus. Looking at you Lothian No. 4.     Poor drivers and their fillings.

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    Full Member

    Why would you dislike someone for what they choose or choose not to eat?

    I dont, which is what I clearly said.

    I have the problem with the militant who do care about what other people choose to or not to eat.

    Free Member

    TV reporters (especially on the BBC, because they’re supposed to know better) using words they don’t understand, like ‘exponentially’ (they mean ‘rapidly’), ‘epicentre’ (‘centre’, unless you’re actually talking about an earthquake) and ‘mathematically’ (‘arithmetically’).

    Full Member

    I have the problem with the militant who do care about what other people choose to or not to eat.

    I completely agree.

    But the “militant” broadly aren’t the vegans, they’re the meat-eaters.

    See all the vegans complaining on this thread? On any thread, even? Me neither, yet here you are whining about it.

    Militant vegans exist of course, but they are vanishingly rare. Militant carnivores on the other hand, they’re free with Tiger Tokens. Maybe all that red meat does something to their brains.

    Full Member

    People who re-write the hierarchy of road users and Highway Code norms and requirements as they want to let a car out / wave a cyclist over a pedestrian crossing / do a good deed for the day.

    FFS, a wave of your hand could mean you are deep in conversation with someone, it means everyone else has to suddenly play ‘guess the rule they just changed to be ‘nice'” and ‘read the mind of another road user / pedestrian.

    Just stick to the norms and rules and we are good.

    Free Member

    Militant vegans exist of course, but they are vanishingly rare. Militant carnivores on the other hand, they’re free with Tiger Tokens. Maybe all that red meat does something to their brains.

    Maybe it’s just a pavlovian response to being told what to eat by militant/evangelical vegans?

    Full Member

    Maybe it’s just a pavlovian response to being told what to eat by fictional vegans?

    Full Member

    Maybe all that red meat did something to our brains.

    fify ;)

    Full Member

    Speak for yourself.

    I haven’t eaten red meat in forever, the closest I came was probably a chilli in 1991. Prior to that maybe the odd can of oxtail soup, sieved to get all the bits out.

    Free Member

    People riding their expensive bikes with an unlubricated squeaking chain.
    It isn’t my problem that they’re torturing their drivetrain components to a premature death, yet it still makes me angry as to why they’d do such a thing.

    Full Member

    Prior to that maybe the odd can of oxtail soup, sieved to get all the bits out.

    I believe those bits are actually bits of rubber.

    They have that texture :?

    Free Member

    Dual pricing in supermarkets – ie a fine for not having their card.

    Free Member

    TBH, i’ve never met a single militant* omnivore. But i have been harangued for eating meat. By several people.

    Simply doing it in their presence was enough to trigger them. Hey ho.

    They no longer associate with me, but did spend several months trying to get my girlfriend to go to the green(?) side and get rid of me.

    *OK, i probably have, but not for years, decades.

    Free Member

    Maybe all that red meat did something to our brains.

    Well according to the authorities here, i’ve got mad cow disease…

    Full Member

    TBH, i’ve never met a single militant* omnivore. But i have been harangued for eating meat. By several people.


    I dont mind vegetarians, but vegans are the fundamentalists of the veggie crowd and i cannot stand them for that alone.


    Confirmation bias?

    Free Member

    Confirmation bias?

    Never met him in my life.

    I meant *actual people*, not random disembodied voices on a forum.

    I don’t invite random disembodied voices on forums out for a meal (or round to mine for food).

    Full Member

    Also, you know what? I’m disproportionately cross about this. It’s untrue, and it’s unfair.

    You say you’ve been harangued “several times” for eating meat. Whilst I’m not wholly convinced that’s not an exaggeration,

    I’ve been harangued on a near-daily basis for thirty years for not eating meat. A vegan said something to you once, well cry me a ****ing river. I can can count the number of annoying vegans I’ve met on the fingers of one hand, but vegan-bashing (and I’m not even vegan) is commonplace.

    It is literally self-evident on this thread. Dina-ti popped up unprovoked whining about vegans. How many vegans do you see here bitching? How many vegans do you EVER see on STW being preachy, as popular as it is for the usual suspects to bleat on about the place being full of leftie woke yogurt-knitting snowflakes? It just doesn’t happen. Preachy meat-eaters OTOH, you can’t move for the bastards.

    Full Member

    I meant *actual people*, not random disembodied voices on a forum.

    Plot twist, random disembodied voices on a forum are actual people too.

    I don’t invite random disembodied voices on forums out for a meal (or round to mine for food).

    You invite vegan friends round for dinner and are shocked when they tell you they’re vegan?

    Full Member

    Saying ‘underestimate’ when the correct word to use is ‘overestimate’.

    Full Member

    People riding their expensive bikes with an unlubricated squeaking chain.
    It isn’t my problem that they’re torturing their drivetrain components to a premature death, yet it still makes me angry as to why they’d do such a thing.

    On a similar note; people on bikes which cost many thousand pounds but have a 50p 3mm led rear light that is so dim it’s near impossible to see.

    Just buy a decent light you cheapskates as you clearly have the money to do so.

    Full Member

    How many vegans do you see here bitching?

    er…um…  :lol:  :lol:

    Fun over. Was meant to stir the pot as the thread was waning a bit.

    Free Member

    You say you’ve been harangued “several times” for eating meat. Whilst I’m not wholly convinced that’s not an exaggeration,

    I can name some of them if you’d like?
    The last two or three times i can probably tell you what the occasion was.

    I’ve been harangued on a near-daily basis for thirty years for not eating meat.

    Change who you associate with.
    That’s what i’ve done, indirectly and not through choice, Simon, Daniel, Sara and Pete are either no longer associate with us (their choice, not ours) or tend not to get invited out (or if they do, they turn the invites down).

    No one else in our circle is that aggressive about anyones food choices. And FWIW we conform to their food standards if we eat with them/at theirs and ensure they are properly catered for wherever else we may go to eat.

    Full Member

    People who don’t understand how trousers work.

    Free Member

    It is literally self-evident on this thread. Dina-ti popped up unprovoked whining about vegans.

    People are trolls.

    Fun over. Was meant to stir the pot as the thread was waning a bit.

    Oh, look.

    You invite vegan friends round for dinner and are shocked when they tell you they’re vegan?

    Wait? What? Where did you get that from? Last time (Midsummer BBQ) they were invited round and i prepared about a dozen different dishes to cater to Vegan, Vegetarian and Omnivorous diets (Gluten free as well) i like cooking.

    Then got insulted for serving and eating meat. Christ, i even borrowed a *second grill* so i wouldn’t have to cook the vegan stuff on the same surface as the meat.

    Plot twist, random disembodied voices on a forum are actual people too.

    No they aren’t. They’re just random disembodied voices on a forum who i don’t know. So they are unlikely to sit down to break bread with me. (Though, admittedly, some of the random voices on here i do actually know IRL.)

    Full Member

    I’ve been a veggie for 35 years and I’ve never harangued anyone for eating meat. I might have occasionally said that I didn’t eat dead animals when such a dish was suggested. But I’ve been called a weirdo, had my sexuality questioned, asked how I can get enough protein or why don’t I get bored with eating plants, and loads of other daft questions and comments.

    Anyway, have we done people who move over to block both lanes when there is a merge point coming up? Even when there is a sign that says ‘Use both lanes’? Utter twunts.

    Free Member
    Full Member

    er…um… 😆 😆

    Still not a vegan.

    Fun over. Was meant to stir the pot as the thread was waning a bit.

    AKA, “trolling.”

    Full Member

    Change who you associate with.

    It’s not always that easy though, is it. Again, case in point, this very thread.

    Eg, one attack amongst many a few years ago, I was out with work. Down south with a team I didn’t really know, everything was fine until my boss suddenly went “where’s your meat?” I said I didn’t eat meat. Cue a cross-examination from the entire table for the next half an hour rolling out every cliché under the sun.

    It happens, it happens consistently and continually, and it is incredibly tedious. Shut the **** up and eat your bacon, I really don’t care. Just leave me alone.

    Then got insulted for serving and eating meat. Christ, i even borrowed a *second grill* so i wouldn’t have to cook the vegan stuff on the same surface as the meat.

    Then what you have there is what we non-meat eaters tend to call “idiots” and as I’ve said before it’s a vocal minority who give the rest a bad name whatever the demographic.

    That said you lost me at “even,” that should be a baseline rather than an exception. Go you for not coating vegetarian food in pig grease.

    Full Member

    *haven’t read whole thread…people driving who turn left by swinging out onto the opposite side of the road; people driving who turn left so wide they’re on the wrong side of the road they’re entering. (all for no reason). Rant over.

    Full Member


    Four people, wow. How do you possibly cope? That’s double my count, yet no-one complains about preachy meat-eaters and those I’ve interacted with are easily in their hundreds.

    You likely won’t see it. It’s relentless.

    Full Member

    Any chance you can give us a fuller picture of Simon, Daniel, Sara and Pete, I’d like to get to know them a little better, please?

    haven’t read whole thread

    Probably for the best 😉

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