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  • Speed Awareness Courses looking less attractive?
  • butcher
    Full Member

    On motorways and dual-carriage ways, with good conditions (inc. weather, traffic volume, etc) then I usually cruise in the 80-90 zone…

    As long as you don’t take corners too quickly, undertake to maintain that speed or take your eyes of the road then yes. No one leaves enough room between cars either though.

    What about Blow outs? People coming off the slip road at 40mph. Cyclists! Dogs running across the road. Firework displays… Etc.

    Free Member

    Butcher – why don’t you add those that do 40mph on motorways (usually in the middle lane) & rural roads that are perfectly safe to do 60mph they do 30mph – dangerous to those around them & tend to cause normally safe drivers to consider rash overtakes.
    Even worse are the people who accelerate as you overtake!
    Glad to have plenty of bhp & torque so that if I’m going to overtake, I can do so quickly & safely rather than need half a mile of road trundling along the wrong side of the road.
    Can we also add motorbikers who lean across the white libe when taking corners – know of a head on (off) collision as a result of this & had a few near misses with bikers getting rather close.

    Free Member

    Sorry Im going to scream bollocks. Alot of insurers are private equity owned and they are not charities. The biggest fraudsters and rip offs are the insurers themselves.

    Take me- 7yrs premiums, 7yrs 100% in an insurers backpocket. Im told my premiums rise due to bad claims. If I crash into someone I ultimately pay that claim over the following 5yrs to whoever. There are many many drivers who never claim and the ones that do/even the ones who were 100percent innocent in a crash also pay as they are now classed as higher risk. **** off!

    Free Member

    If they’ve lost money in insurance for the last 15 years why the hell are they still in insurance? Are they a listed company, I thought they had a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders? Sounds like creative accounting.

    Me n other half both had 3 points, no effect on either of our premiums.

    Free Member

    Ideally, insurance contracts should contain a ‘Car Cruahed to the Size of a Satsuma’ clause for any at-fault accident/incident

    probably more cost effective than having prangs fixed at full whack body shops

    The course seemed to be a good idea – the threat of a rise in insurance premium is more effective than the cumulative points risk / fine in deterring most people from getting caught, and it was like the Police decided to give us a little bit of a buffer from this plus the chance to spread their message.

    Do I still speed – Yes. Do I drive more slowly – Yes. Am I happpy about what insurance companiess can get away with? Not in the slightest.

    If I still did a lot of miles I’d seriously consider some Institute of advance motorist training though.

    Full Member

    there are so many factors to consider, such as postcode (do other drivers in your bit of the world claim a lot) the car you drive, your age, your mileage etc… so when you say, I’ve done nothing and my premium has gone up, you have got older and driving an older car, doing a job that other heavy claimants do for a living….

    Is the cost of insurance a shocker, yes it is but the personal accident premiums are fuelling the rises, go and look at the claims technical ratios to see how relatively small the margins are for the insurers (technical ratio is the premium plus the investment, minus the business operating costs minus the claim payout)

    with the blackbox recorders that are being rolled out (to the young first but it’ll extend) the accident blackspot data will be built up and then it will probably start to be used as another underwriting consideration – I’m really not looking forward to the over 25s having the boxes forced on them because I only use my car in the evenings, although the super low mileage will offset it…

    Free Member

    It helps I have a car with plenty of ooomph and torque, meaning I’m on the wrong side of the road for a minimal amount of time when overtaking.

    I wouldn’t be doing 90 in the inside lane, so people coming down the sliproad aren’t relevant.

    A bit of common sense goes a long way to driving safely…

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t be doing 90 in the inside lane, so people coming down the sliproad aren’t relevant.

    Middle lane driver?

    Hang him!

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