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  • Son of hibachi/grilleto owners. Help required!!!
  • wrightyson
    Free Member

    Just got one but it doesn't sit entirely flat. Both sides slightly lean in to the middle, this normal???

    Free Member


    Free Member

    And do you rate it uplink?? Oh and why does it lean in? Looks like a design fault IMO but I'm no bar b expert!!

    Full Member

    Dunno why it leans in (on mine it is very very slight), but it's a great BBQ. Makes life so easy.

    Free Member

    TBH – for the money, I'm not impressed

    It's quite rusty now, one of the cast plates has cracked & the handle thingy is very warped

    only just over a year old too

    Free Member

    Nice one scxc, however I won't be showing the wife your post uplink, she wasn't impressed with the price ha ha

    Full Member

    We use ours loads. Uplink…tried washing it? 😉 😀

    I know it's a bit pricier than other barbies, but it lights perfectly every time. And I know less about lighting fires than King Louie. 1 side veggie, 1 side meat. Perfect.

    Free Member

    .tried washing it?

    I'll give it a go see if that stops it warping

    Free Member

    No rust at all on ours but I guess that is because it tends to go into the "snuff pouch" still hot so it is dry and in the bag, in the campervan. I really like ours, not as good as a proper big barbie but I couldn't get one of them in the camper. If you got one for the garden I think you missed the point and should have got a cheaper more suitable one.

    Oh, and as to the slight lean to the middle, the first time fat dripped into the middle and I realised it was going away from the cooler end and where the handle goes I though "oh, thats clever". Might just be a coincidence rather than design but still helpful.

    Free Member

    Bought ours for camping and holidays! It's most certainly going onto the beach in scotchland on our hols in just over a week!! Happy days.

    Free Member

    It's a great bit of kit – just not £60 great IMO

    Free Member

    I think they're worth the money if comparing to decent brands like webber, I have used mine now forcaroynd a year with no rusting or warping, but one if the iron grills did crack but doesn't bother me as long as it doesn't break off

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