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  • Someone not paying road tax – report them?
  • dickydutch
    Full Member

    Shop him. It seems theres one law for one and one for another…..

    Free Member

    Have you never broken the law?

    Full Member

    To go back to my original post, I never asked for advice on what I should do, I asked what you would do. ;)

    I’d be surprised if the neighbours hadn’t reported it. The house itself is a run down shithole, the cars that have been abandoned for a while are dirty and a general eyesore. It’s a very nice, desireable area with luxury new build flats on on side, access to which is restricted by all these cars, and some very nice tenement flats on the other side.

    To those who said to ignore it, a genuine question. If you saw someone committing a crime, say breaking into a car, but it wasn’t your own or it didn’t affect you, would you be equally disinterested in reporting it?

    Free Member

    If the cars are causing an obstruction and putting other people in difficulty in negotiating the street or pavement, and I was one of those people, then I might consider getting involved, probably by visiting the house and asking nicely first for the cars to be moved. If it was someone else’s neighbourhood, I’d leave it to them to decide what to do. The tax bit is not the biggest issue, in my opinion, it would be the inconvenience, and or risk of the cars being parked randomly/obstructively on a public road.

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