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  • So, what’s made you snigger today?
  • IHN
    Full Member

    I’ve been dealing with the creation of (literally) thousands of email forwarding accounts and we had a test today. Of the few that were wrong, one was because of two folks with the same name. Apparently, the Michelle Cox we wanted wasn’t


    oh no, it was


    Made me giggle for ages :-)

    Free Member

    this cannondale…

    Free Member

    Stoner’s comment about Susan Boyle ringing Gordon Brown to see if he’s OK make me chuckle.

    Free Member

    peep show. always peep show.

    Free Member

    seeing my cat with a mouse she caught earlier and had put down in the road by the back yard. Mouse waited until the cat turned her head then let out an almighty kamikaze style squeek and rocketed into a bush at warp factor 10. Cat turned back and just sat staring at the space where her dinner was…probably thinking “eh?”

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