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  • So I’ve got this Mercedes and I have questions
  • singletrackmind
    Full Member

    Your very good with the spanning
    Why not try and tighten them up?
    F T plus 1/2 turn works for pretty much all car bolts, esp the stretch ones.

    Full Member

    Just buy a new car.

    As in brand new. That way you get to make some poor after sales team really miserable by bombarding them with your automotive paranoia.

    Free Member

    What about the old Passat? Are you going to try and sort that? Might take your mind off the Merc.

    Free Member

    How much has this laudable attempt at frugality

    I know you mean well mate but you haven’t really understood this episode or in fact any of the stories, it seems.

    I don’t really feel like explaining it again because then it turns into a long ‘isnt Molgrips stupid*’ thread when really every decision along the way has been pretty rationally made and weighed up.

    I get a bit tired of constantly defending myself against people who’ve made incorrect assumptions based on threads I start simply asking questions about cars.

    * That sometimes turn into ‘poor foolish molgrips we’re only trying to help’ which isn’t much better tbh.

    Full Member

    I’m not sure the labels of frugal or tight-arse are fair given he’s spent 13k on a Merc and also just got a new EV!

    Good luck getting it sorted 👍

    Full Member

    when really every decision along the way has been pretty rationally made

    Molly, in all the years you’ve been posting here about all the hassle you have with them (much of it self-inflicted) the idea that you make rational decisions about cars is risable.

    Acceptance is the first step.

    Full Member

    I think that we can settle this with a little straw poll….

    Would you buy a used car off Molls?


    Free Member

    Molly, in all the years you’ve been posting here about all the hassle you have with them (much of it self-inflicted) the idea that you make rational decisions about cars is risable.

    Well STW would have had me buy a new car and then probably castigated me for getting into the debt that would have required. You lot seem to think everyone has unlimited funds. All that messing with the old Passat was because I couldn’t afford to pay anyone to fix it and I couldn’t afford to even borrow money for a new one. I actually did try to pay people to fix it at first, following the usual advice of going to an indy, and he ended up **** it up completely and then going out of business.

    I have no desire to **** about with cars endlessly, I just did what I had to do. You lot don’t know the while story because you don’t know the state of my finances through it all.

    But let’s stop talking about me shall we?

    Free Member

    Would you buy a used car off Molls?

    Mate the mockery is beginning to feel a bit less than pleasant at this point.

    Full Member

    Sorry Molls. I’m not mocking. I’m just being my usual flippant self. You know I love you mate. I just wouldn’t buy a car off you. 😉

    For what its worth, I’m still driving the same Octavia vRS estate I bought new in 2005 (now with 140,000 miles on the clock and still going strong). Cars aren’t something I give an awful lot of thought to. I’m the same as NickC… buy it, put petrol in it, drive it, have it serviced and maintained by a good, reliable local garage, not spend any time worrying about it.

    The vehicles you own do seem to end up owning you

    Full Member

    I don’t really feel like explaining it again because then it turns into a long ‘isnt Molgrips stupid*’ thread

    And that wasn’t what I was implying at all. Rather, I feel for you, I’ve been there myself, and it’s painful watching someone else go through it.

    I don’t know the state of your finances but however you slice it, you’ve got two cars. One is seemingly in bits more than it’s on the road, the other you don’t like and are on about throwing a ton of cash at it to hopefully make it slightly less dislikeable. Whatever their value, one car for the price of two is going to be an improvement.

    It the VW SORNed or are you paying insurance, tax, MOT on two cars as well? What’s that lot costing you?

    Free Member

    Don’t worry Mols I taught Mr Wolf how to deal with situations.

    1. the Passat just needs 2 washers, put 3 on, each nut, this will give you a secure fixing and an mot.

    2. take the Merc to a decent local garage, tell them you have a rattle, can they look at it.

    3. sell one of them and spread the cash out on the floor then lie on it, just for kicks.

    Free Member

    I don’t know why I’m responding but..

    One is seemingly in bits more than it’s on the road,

    No, it’s done 160k miles in 15 years and is in excellent mechanical condition, because I have changed loads of stuff on it and kept it running nicely. It has the stripped bolt and that’s an easy fix. I’m just not going to do it myself.

    the other you don’t like and are on about throwing a ton of cash at it to hopefully make it slightly less dislikeable.

    I like it now. This was stated in the thread, and clearly if I didn’t I wouldn’t be bothering. As for a ton of cash – I *might* chuck £250 at it if I decide it’s worth it. I might also get new wheels, but I’d easily make my money back on that later and it’s definitely going to improve it.

    The vehicles you own do seem to end up owning you

    I take an interest in everything I do. If something’s wrong, I fix it, or get it fixed.

    What you all have to remember is that just because I am thinking about something doesn’t mean that it’s a problem that I want someone to solve. I usually just post asking a specific question, and then you all pile in telling me what to do. This is actually far more stressful than anything the car actually does.

    Free Member

    I usually just post asking a specific question, and then you all pile in telling me what to do. This is actually far more stressful than anything the car actually does.

    On one hand, some of the ribbing that’s taking place is becoming unpleasant, I agree with you. On the other hand, this forum has always had a sarcastic edge to it and the nature of forums is that people are going to insert their opinion (like this one).

    Full Member

    No, it’s done 160k miles in 15 years and is in excellent mechanical condition, because I have changed loads of stuff on it and kept it running nicely. It has the stripped bolt and that’s an easy fix. I’m just not going to do it myself.

    Why did you need the Merc then?

    I like it now. This was stated in the thread,

    I missed that, apologies. Why do you still need the Passat then? Is it your intention to move to being a two-car family?

    Full Member

    Why did you need the Merc then?

    Because he stripped a bolt on the Passat just before going on holiday. Do keep up 🙂

    Free Member

    Of course I’m selling the Passat. I’m going to get it fixed first though.

    The Merc wasn’t the ideal purchase from the peace of mind standpoint, but as said I didn’t have a lot of options and I was under a lot of stress. And it’s a great car in other ways. Really was brilliant on holiday.

    Free Member

    For stripped thread/stuck bolts etc just get the gas torch on it – can’t be stuck if it’s liquid!

    I’m with molgrips on this one though, I often avoid asking questions on here due to the pile-on from folk. Just not worth it.

    Full Member

    On a tangent, what I really want to know is how @nickc is getting on with rotaku.

    (CLWRota for the win by the way)

    Free Member

    What you all have to remember is that just because I am thinking about something doesn’t mean that it’s a problem that I want someone to solve. I usually just post asking a specific question, and then you all pile in telling me what to do. This is actually far more stressful than anything the car actually does

    This is interesting, I’m fairly new to this forum and find it..fairly helpful, certainly people try to be, perhaps too much and perhaps not always very well, I don’t read much sarcasm other than a few attempts at being funny(myself included) but then I’m used to forums that you can get shredded for having the audacity to have an opinion that differs, this place is a breath of fresh air, you mustn’t take things personally.

    Free Member


    It’s hard not to take it personally after the umpteenth time. It grinds you down. There are people here that think they are hilarious but actually just tedious. Wait until the umpteenth time the front page has 10 hilarious clone threads and see if it’s still amusing.

    Full Member

    I’m used to forums that you can get shredded for having the audacity to have an opinion that differs

    Welcome! 😀

    Full Member

    On a tangent, what I really want to know is how  @nickc is getting on with rotaku.

    who ever thought that giving GPs holidays would be a good idea, needs a stern talking to, that’s all I’m saying

    Full Member

    who ever thought that giving GPs holidays would be a good idea, needs a stern talking to, that’s all I’m saying

    I assume there are also primary care equivalents of ‘Dr A and Mr B won’t work with each other, Dr C doesn’t work Wednesdays, Dr D doesn’t do vascular or obs, it’s Dr E’s ITU block…”?

    Full Member

    I’m fairly new to this forum

    Where’s PP when you need him…

    Free Member

    This is interesting, I’m fairly new to this forum

    I’m not, I hang around here all the time, but there are certain kinds of threads that promote disapproval and yes, a bit of mockery. And certain posters have a knack for posting them from time to time. It’s often stuff like where someone asks a question and people say ‘why do you want to know that why don’t you just do something else?’ and then people like me respond with a deeper explanation and that ends up being ridiculed or torn apart in some other way, then I end up trying to defend myself and it all starts to get personal.

    Free Member

    Where’s PP when you need him…

    Seriously you have a member called ‘PP’ ha! can’t wait to meet him.

    Free Member

    PerchyPanther, he’s been AWOL for a while actually. Fae Wishy.

    Full Member

    Mol, to be fair, you asked in your first post if the car was a liability with expensive failures waiting to happen.

    We now know that it has corrosion problems, unsuitable wheels and other issues.

    You asked a question.
    You received answers.
    You ignored the advice given in many of those answers.

    Basic knowledge of human nature would suggest that this is going to result in a little light piss taking.
    I refuse to believe that you are naive enough not to know that this would be the inevitable outcome.

    The Merc wasn’t the ideal purchase from the peace of mind standpoint, but as said I didn’t have a lot of options and I was under a lot of stress.

    A horrible situation. I have had a car fail the day before a holiday. In fact, it happened twice with the same car.
    I feel for you.
    But you now have time to look at this rationally and perhaps to seriously consider the advice you have been given.

    Full Member

    Molly, I know you’re not new to the internet, but I learned a long time ago* that unless you ask a very specific question, with no possible way it can be misinterpreted, asking a general question on a general forum is like asking a bunch of scaffolders to solve your Rubik’s cube.

    You’ll be told: you’re thick, it’s not a Rubik’s cube, best thing is to bin it, it doesn’t need solving, most will just hit it with a hammer because that’s all they know, some genius will peer over their solved sudoku and say nothing but you’ll never hear their opinion and everyone that’s left will tell you that you should have bought a jigsaw, because that’s what they did.

    *Still haven’t learned

    Free Member

    We now know that it has corrosion problems, the wrong wheels and other issues.

    I think you’ve completely misunderstood.

    – It doesn’t have corrosion problems, it has some light corrosion on swingarms that one guy thought be treated. Most cars have that at that age (if the swingarms are steel), doesn’t mean the bodywork is full of holes.

    – The wheels aren’t wrong, I just fancy changing them.

    – According to the specialists it doesn’t have any problems. I think that the engine mounts are tired and I fancy replacing them, but that is to be expected on that car at that age.

    You asked for advice.
    You received advice.
    You ignored the advice, which has not come as a surprise.

    No, I didn’t ask for advice, I asked specific questions about the car, from people who might’ve had experience of these cars. I did NOT ask what I should do. However, people queued up to give me bad advice – I was told to hand the car back which I am NOT ENTITLED TO DO; I was told to take it back to the dealer to ask for them to fix it, WHICH I DID; I was told to leave it on their doorstep and demand a refund, BUT I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO GROUNDS TO DO THAT and they’d have laughed at me.

    Honestly, it’s as if some people are deliberately mis-reading the thread.

    @bearnecessitites yeah you’re right, in my stressed out state I forgot the basics.

    Free Member

    I’m not, I hang around here all the time, but there are certain kinds of threads that promote disapproval and yes, a bit of mockery. And certain posters have a knack for posting them from time to time. It’s often stuff like where someone asks a question and people say ‘why do you want to know that why don’t you just do something else?’ and then people like me respond with a deeper explanation and that ends up being ridiculed or torn apart in some other way, then I end up trying to defend myself and it all starts to get personal.

    I was on forums before they invented the internet, there are always people who tear you down, it’s just a thing, they sit there in their pants behind a keyboard and think they are winning at something, they’re not, they’re sitting in their pants being a dick, it was their destiny.

    What you might want to avoid is asking a question then letting it become a long running saga, from responses in this thread I’m guessing this was not your first autotragedy..not that it is but it seems to have turned into one, the key is that when there is nothing left to say, and you have just spend two and a half painful minutes locating the thread and finding where you are(the forums I was on before they invented the internet were more modern) then you feel compelled to say something, and the easy option given no new news to comment on, is ask why or similar.

    Full Member

    OK Mol.

    You’ll notice I changed a couple of aspects of my post before you replied.

    No, I didn’t ask for advice, I asked specific questions about the car, from people who might’ve had experience of these cars. I did NOT ask what I should do.

    You asked……

    Is it a liability with expensive failures waiting to happen?

    Did you genuinely expect a yes/no answer without anyone offering advice?
    Sorry, people just don’t work that way.

    I’m not here to argue with you, as I’ve said previously, good luck with it.

    Please don’t take this the wrong way, but if you ever genuinely ask for advice on here I think some of your responses on this thread might have an adverse effect on the amount of people willing to provide it.


    Full Member

    I’m not, I hang around here all the time, but there are certain kinds of threads that promote disapproval and yes, a bit of mockery. And certain posters have a knack for posting them from time to time. It’s often stuff like where someone asks a question and people say ‘why do you want to know that why don’t you just do something else?’ and then people like me respond with a deeper explanation and that ends up being ridiculed or torn apart in some other way, then I end up trying to defend myself and it all starts to get personal.

    I call this phenomenon “Renton’s Dustbin”. It’s exactly how decent people asking questions get hounded off of forums by other keyboard warriors. You know we’ve had this with Renton, Hora and Weeksy had a bad time recently, I’ve experienced it and there are undoubtably others.

    Just let it go. Let the thread die, don’t read it again and stop providing ammo for everyone to comment against as I suspected even the well intentioned is being read with a bit of mental stress that’s just tiring you out now. If unfortunately you don’t have your answers quietly slope off and use other sources.

    Free Member

    I’ll update it with car things, it’s meant to be a thread about cars and hopefully we can have some car chat.

    Free Member

    bearnecessities’ comment is genius :clapping hands:

    Free Member

    Now then. My VW Passat has developed a squeaking/whistling noise when I turn on the AC. Any Passat owners on here got any tips?

    Free Member

    new rubber band / drive belt on the compressor?
    some oil for the blower fan bearing?

    standard disclaimer, I’ve never fixed a squeaky AC, although I do own a Passat

    Full Member

    Now then. My VW Passat has developed a squeaking/whistling noise when I turn on the AC.

    I leave my AC on all the time, keeps everything in good nick.

    Full Member

    My VW Passat has developed a squeaking/whistling noise when I turn on the AC. Any Passat owners on here got any tips?

    In the words of a Haynes manual…

    “and simply remove the AC unit…”

    Definitely take the car to pieces. Don’t forget to post plenty of pictures

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