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  • Security tags on cheese???? Wtf?
  • wrightyson
    Free Member

    Are things becoming so desperate that people are pinching cheese from my local tesco?? 😯

    Free Member

    That was the grade 3 rubbish.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    Went in for some seriously strong cheddar. Don’t even stock it anymore, far too risky obviously 😆 🙄

    Free Member

    Went in for some seriously strong cheddar.

    What were you doing in Tesco? Get to a proper cheese shop…

    Free Member

    No time DS it was only tesco express and thats usually the best they’ve got to offer! Cheese shops will become like London jewellers where you have to pre book your visit at this rate!!

    Free Member

    Aye, my sister works in a Tesco and cheese is a high value item that is easy to steal.

    Free Member

    Our local CO-OP you used to have to ask for a packet of bacon or sausage, as the shoplifters would lift the whole lot if it was on open display.

    Tesco Heswall has id tags on its meat.

    Full Member

    Razor Blades, Coffee, Cheese, Bacon. The shoplifters staple items 🙂

    Free Member

    Cheese shops will become like London jewellers where you have to pre book your visit at this rate!!

    Excellent, finally getting the recognition that they deserve. 😆
    Blessed are the jewellers.

    Free Member

    Our local Co-op has just installed those sensors that set the alarm off when you walk through with stolen goods – or actually when the cashier forgets to remove/disable the tag when you are paying.
    Always good fun and not annoying at all, them things.

    Free Member

    cracking cheese gromit 😆

    Free Member

    I had a mate who believed that all dairy products should be subsidised by government for families with young children..

    He would stuff all eggs, cheese, milk etc into the bottom of the pushchair when they did the weekly Tesco shop..

    Full Member

    He would stuff all eggs, cheese, milk etc into the bottom of the pushchair

    I was about to ask what kind of eggs come from a cow. Then I realised it must be cream eggs.

    Free Member

    Our local tesco express always has the fresh chicken breasts security tagged.

    Free Member

    I was about to ask what kind of eggs come from a cow

    thinking back a little more carefully I realise that the way he dealt with eggs was even more comical..

    he would pick the large organic free range corn fed eggs and swap them into a tesco value egg box..

    Free Member

    …cheese is a high value item that is easy to steal.

    The pertinent fact is that it’s also easy to sell. Cheese and meat are commonly lifted by people with a drug habit to support.

    Full Member

    you can still nick the stuff – just pick the tag off Caerphilly and don’t Chaumes what’s in your pocket

    Free Member

    In the trade do to speak(well was)cheese has been a staple theft item since the eighties I have seen full shelves cleared and caught guys who could barely run due to the weight of the stuff down their coat. Joints of meat were always the favourite along with coffee, spirits, razors,batteries , health and beauty products and tins of red salmon. The tags were poor on chilled items as the cold atmosphere means they do not attach properly, I used to hide them under the proper label , great fun with new starters though- stick a tag in their pocket before they leave the shop, also good for someone you suspect has pinched but cannot prove it- just stand at the entrance and wave a sticker/ tag concealed in your hand then you can search em, ” sorry Pal machine must be playing up”

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