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  • RSS feed question
  • sharkbait
    Free Member

    OK I’m probably sad – I like to be able to have a quick look at the forums on my phone when time allows
    Seeing as the forum doesn’t have a text only version which would load up nice and quick I’ve been trying the RSS feed using a couple of readers on my Windows Mobile phone.
    I would have thought that each topics would have appeared on a line of its own (like when using a browser), but instead each entry gets a line of its own which makes it kind of messy and tricky to see what the topic is about. I simply want to click on the topic and see the entire article (just like using a browser).
    I get the same thing with two different readers so I presume this is the way RSS works… that right?

    Free Member

    The RSS feed on the old site worked as you imagined. The new one has one RSS entry per post on the forum. I am with you – I prefer the old system but the guys have other priorities developing the site at the moment! 😉

    Free Member

    aahhhhh, cool. Never used RSS on the old site. Hopefully it will get sorted at some point.

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