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  • PSA: iPhone 5 Annoucement Today
  • GrahamS
    Full Member

    No-one’s saying the iPhone is rubbish

    Have you actually read the thread? 😀

    it’s a nice new version but not a revolutionary omg amazing moment

    Actually that’s pretty much what the iPhone users have been saying.
    I don’t think anyone has needed a Kleenex yet, as mikewsmith suggested we might. 😆

    Free Member

    for those weighing up the S3 v iPhone 5 upgrade debate like me. The S3 doesn’t currently have 4g compatibility. A new version is due out soon, but it opens up the can of worms of data allowances. will your all you can eat data be eligible for both 3g and 4g? I doubt it…

    Full Member

    Funny as it may seem I think one of the biggest differentiators for people without previous ties considering an S3 versus 5 will be their respective sizes.

    Some will choose the S3 for the larger screen, some will prefer the 5 for the smaller, lighter design.

    Free Member

    I think the ability of apps like iPlayer etc to download shows on wifi to watch later mean for me the S3s larger screen makes it more appealing.

    Free Member

    we’re saying it’s a nice new version but not a revolutionary omg amazing moment, and we are taking the mick out of people who do seem to think that

    Can you quote one post where anyone is actually saying that?

    Full Member

    Deviant was talking about the Retina display not being anything special. It’s just a high res LG lcd.

    But that completely misses the innovation.
    Firstly, nobody else asked LG to make one. That’s because you can’t just bung a high res screen on a phone and instantly benefit.

    Apple’s cleverness is in the entire system of app development and communication with app makers/publishers.
    The fact that it developed a new OS in tandem with the new hardware and chose an exactly 4x resolution multiplier all lead to it instantly taking advantage of the new screen.

    Everyone’s known for years that sooner or later we were going to have to move away from pixels being the defining measurement of screens and software, but it’s taken Apple to actually launch it on Mac. Everyone else will follow suit, but they were waiting for someone to show them how.
    That’s why the Nexus tablet has gained so much traction – because finally, the hardware and software were developed in tandem, allowing them to produce something that feels ‘definitive’.

    Full Member

    I think the ability of apps like iPlayer etc to download shows on wifi to watch later mean for me the S3s larger screen makes it more appealing.

    Erm… the Android version of iPlayer doesn’t let you do that. (Yet?) 😕

    Full Member

    Okay, maybe not EVERY iPhone user is terribly bright…


    Full Member

    Well that was easy. Text from O2 inviting me to upgrade, 5 mins later one on pre-order for next Friday.

    Free Member

    yup me too, next friday for me, new gadget, fed up with this crap ive been tiding myself over with since selling the 4s

    Free Member

    Text from O2 inviting me to upgrade

    at what price?

    Free Member

    android iplayer downloads are coming very soon. (and there are already ways of doing it)

    Free Member

    Well that was easy. Text from O2 Orange inviting me to upgrade, 5 mins later one on pre-order for next Friday.

    Same here – but with Orange.

    Free Member

    all these phone companies inviting everyone to get a new phone, how nice, i take it they’re free then? jus the monthly charge, or are they ‘inviting’ you to spend 200 quid to get the phone?

    Free Member

    £80 upfront and then £36 per month on ‘3’ with unlimited data plan….not bad at all for a new release.

    Free Member

    I’m due an upgrade next month will take a look at the iphone 5 among other options the hype is a bit OTT!

    Free Member

    £80 upfront and then £36 per month on ‘3’ with unlimited data plan….not bad at all for a new release.

    24 month? £944 over the life, about on point

    however in a year when a new model is released you will be mid contract

    Full Member

    Monthly cost went down, data went up. Phone was free.

    No brainer really.

    Free Member

    the hype is a bit OTT!

    To be honest, the reaction to this release has been one of the most muted I have seen. It was all fairly underwhelming.

    Free Member

    To be honest, the reaction to this release has been one of the most muted I have seen. It was all fairly underwhelming.

    People have already begun queueing outside Apple stores worldwide,just to be able to get a product slightly quicker than others.

    It’s not on sale until Friday. What a complete and utter waste of time (other than the charity thing which I suppose is a worthy cause), just to be able to say you’ve got something fractionally quicker than others. Pathetic. Just goes to show how much some people allow themselves to be brainwashed by marketing.

    I remember the furore a few years back, when a games console was launched. Stores selling out, people fighting in shops, utter chaos. and later it was revealed that there were huge stocks sitting in warehouses; the stores and manufacturers had deliberately stimulated interest, held back stocks to increase demand, and guaranteed more sales through taking pre-orders. Loads of free media publicity generated, all very clever. And people fall for it. Idiots.

    Looking at those total cost figures, I now feel quite pleased that my ‘undesirable and not as good’ non-iphone will cost me just£180 over two years, and give me pretty much most if not all the ‘benefits’ of the latest flashy must-have branded product. Best of all, my life will go on exactly as it would if I did buy an iphone.

    Steve Jobs must be laughing in his grave.

    Free Member

    Looking at those total cost figures, I now feel quite pleased that my ‘undesirable and not as good’ non-iphone will cost me just£180 over two years, and give me pretty much most if not all the ‘benefits’ of the latest flashy must-have branded product. Best of all, my life will go on exactly as it would if I did buy an iphone.

    Dear god man, grow up. Are you really so insecure that you have to make yourself feel good about your own decisions by sneering at others?

    Free Member

    No, just pleased that I have the ‘benefit’ of something without the exorbitant over-inflated price, is all. People are free to make their own choices, but at least try to inform yourself sufficiently, rather than be seduced by myths. I’m sure there are a few people for whom the iphone is the perfect tool, but I suspect that most of us would be fine with a simple no-frills phone. I concede that the one i have is mostly a toy; I don’t actually need it beyond a simple communication device, and even then I suppose Icould live without it, as we all did before mobile phones were available.

    I find the psychology behind the ‘need’ for such things fascinating. And the fact that such enormous profits are to be made simply by tapping into people’s subconcious need to be part of a group, to be ‘accepted’ in society. This is how religion works, after all. Consumerism has replaced religion pretty much, which is perhaps why some nations/societies are reacting against what they see as ‘decadence’. Consumerism seems to be the one global faith though, and I can’t see it being stopped.

    Grum; you seem somewhat angry, almost. Are you an iphone user? Will you be buying the latest version?

    (Plus I thought sneering at others in order to feel better about yourself was obligatory behaviour on this forum, given the amount of behaviour of that type on here))

    Free Member

    manufacturers had deliberately stimulated interest, held back stocks to increase demand,

    Loads of companies do it, and have been for many years. Benefits are that you never have to discount and the ‘exclusivity’ creates publicity, free advertising and demand.
    Shimano (Yes, the same Shimano) used to do it with fishing tackle. 20 years ago.

    There’s only one catch:
    Your product HAS to be worth the wait. People don’t queue for stuff that’s not nice to get.

    Free Member

    Grum; you seem somewhat angry, almost. Are you an iphone user? Will you be buying the latest version?

    I’m not buying the latest iPhone – for me it seems like too much money. I don’t feel the need to smugly go on about how my decision-making is so much better than people who have chosen to get one though.

    I’m not remotely angry – but I am very sick of people on this forum constantly self-aggrandising and looking down their noses at other people who make different choices to them.

    It’s especially ridiculous for someone who uses Macs (as do I) – I don’t know if you are aware but lots of people would consider you to be a victim of marketing hype and consumerist ‘need’ for using Macs at all, but presumably you think that doesn’t apply to you, only to people who want the latest iPhone?

    I suspect that most of us would be fine with a simple no-frills phone.

    Most of us would be fine without any mobile phone at all – what’s your point exactly?

    Free Member

    No, just pleased that I have the ‘benefit’ of something without the exorbitant over-inflated price, is all.

    Being smug in your own decision is not an attractive quality; No matter how happy you are with your own decision.

    There will be people on here in a few days time equally smug at their new phones. They will be equally happy with their own decision and you will find their comments as objectionable as they do yours.

    Free Member

    Are you an iphone user? Will you be buying the latest version?

    Personally, yes and yes.

    I buy one every 2 years, skipping a generation.
    I don’t really ‘do’ designer labels.
    I don’t buy expensive new things often, and when I do, I look after them carefully.
    I have 3 weaknesses.
    Oakley: I’ve had 4 pairs of their sunnies in my life, in over 20 years, and I’m now wearing prescription Oakley glasses every day, which cost little more than ‘Buy one get one free’ from Specsavers.
    Ducati: I’ve had 2 Ducatis. One new, one used. I will have another.
    Apple: This will be my 4th Apple product (3 phones, 1 iMac)

    I’ve said it before, sometimes I’m embarrassed to own an iPhone. There’s so many fekkin eejits on both sides of the argument it’s untrue. But I work long hours, I’ve been working away from home for 18 months, and I’ve saved up the money to buy my iMac and iPhone as a reward to myself, a reason to work if you like. If I want an Apple product because, if nothing more, it makes me happy, then I’ll go buy one. I’ve waited (Out of contract) for 6 months for the iP5 to be launched, and I’ll get one ASAP. I don’t really give a flying toss what anyone else thinks. 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m not remotely angry – but I am very sick of people on this forum constantly self-aggrandising and looking down their noses at other people who make different choices to them.

    Agreed, well put.

    Free Member

    I’m not remotely angry – but I am very sick of people on this forum constantly self-aggrandising and looking down their noses at other people who make different choices to them.

    Forgive me; your comment came across as somewhat angry. I’m sure you can appreciate that. You are mistaken for thinking that I’m ‘self-aggrandising’ though. i’d just ratherpeople could see through the hype and bullshit. Because it would decrease demand, and lead to cheaper products for all of us.

    It’s especially ridiculous for someone who uses Macs (as do I) – I don’t know if you are aware but lots of people would consider you to be a victim of marketing hype and consumerist ‘need’ for using Macs at all, but presumably you think that doesn’t apply to you, only to people who want the latest iPhone?

    I’ve mentioned before that I use Macs, as well as windows PCs. I much prefer the way Macs work, and am willing to pay the premim over PCs. i find the build quality of Macs to be better than that of even equivalently priced PCs. So I actually think Macs are better value for me. This is what influences my buying decision, not the brand. I don’t think this is the case with iphones, and indeed ipods. there are many music players which out-perform ipods for the same price, yet ipods are the most popular. I used the iphone 3 to illustrate my point that an ‘inferior’ phone to my Samsung costs at least more than twice as much per month, than my phone does. i can find no reason for this other than the popularioty of the Aplle brand, and it’s desirability which seems to be based purely on mythical, rarther than actual benefits.

    I suspect that most of us would be fine with a simple no-frills phone.
    Most of us would be fine without any mobile phone at all – what’s your point exactly?

    We’d all be fine with a cheap digital watch, but aRolex etc is a nice thing to have. No problem with people wanting something because it’s nice, but when people try to justify their decisons with things that plainly aren’t true, then they should expect to be challenged. If someone says a Rolex/etc is more accurate than a cheap digital, when it isn’t, then they should expect tobe challenged, no?

    Being smug in your own decision is not an attractive quality; No matter how happy you are with your own decision.

    i’m not particularly ‘smug’, just bemused that people are so easily seduced by marketing hype.

    Free Member

    Ordered my iPhone 5 at the weekend from Three Mobile.

    £89 upfront for the 32gb
    £37 a month
    500 minutes
    5000 texts
    Unlimited downloads

    I dont use the 300 minutes on my current contract and I cant believe anyone actually sends 5000 texts a month do they?

    I think thats a pretty good deal. My iPhone 4 is on its last legs too so makes sense to me.

    Free Member

    Well I have been an iPhone user for a few years now on a business contract. Unfortunately o2 are offering a really crap product now – half the data usage in the bundle than consumers get and not particularly cheap to get a new phone (even though I am out of contract, but it is on a linked account with someone that IS in contract.

    So I went to look at the Samsung Twiddle S3 Mk2 Injection Supersport. Very nice, lovely size, nice screen etc.

    But can I really be bothered with the hassle that would come with changing? I just know that if I get a new iPhone it will be a simple task of loading my account onto it from my Cloud backup and everything will just be there, working.


    Free Member

    Wait a week or two…

    The S3 deals will suddenly pop up..

    Free Member

    The S3 deals will suddenly pop up..

    Why would that be?

    Free Member

    Cashback deals starting to appear…..

    Free Member

    Cashback deals starting to appear…..

    Only on contracts though and I still can’t find one cheaper than buying outright, and the only place you can get SIM free is Apple, presently….

    Free Member

    So, who has theirs then? Just set mine up and well pleased. Not a very in depth review I appreciate that, busy, busy, busy. 😀

    EDIT – sorry, just noticed other thread.

    Free Member


    I have one


    Nice actually. VERY light. Spookily so in fact IMO. Looks veeeeery niiiiice.

    Set up was a doodle, everything transferred with no fuss at all. Liking the new look of the App store, not tried Siri yet. Maps not as bad as the hype suggests. Deffo faster. Camera LOTS faster. New headphones very good indeed (Not as though it was hard to improve on the old ones) and so far so good on my new network – Three – The 3G is noticeably faster than O2.

    I’m happy, but broke!

    Free Member

    Well I think I missed the delivery of mine 🙁
    Not sure though because I dropped my iPhone 4 a few days ago and it broke, so I can’t get text messages to find out when it is sent out.

    Bummer on both counts.

    Free Member

    Set up was a doodle

    – indeed. So intuitive and stress free.

    Free Member

    Ohh, my Youtube app didn’t copy over for some reason, so I downloaded it again, and that looks like an iOS/iP5 specific app now. Different….

    Full Member

    Full screen browsing is nice, as is the panorama mode in camera.

    Miles better than my old 4

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