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  • (probably cheated) Strava ride question
  • medoramas
    Free Member

    There is that ride of a local dude on Strava, where he smashes quite hard KOMs around Dartmoor (road) ā€“ now heā€™s ahead on all of them about 3 minutes. None of them was mine though! šŸ˜†

    But the question Iā€™ve got: he normally uses Garmin Edge 810 or 510 (heā€™s got both, plus expensive bike and full Sky Team outfit). But this one ride was made using ā€œmobileā€. Thatā€™s what Strava says ā€“ no ā€œAndroid Appā€ or ā€œIPhone Appā€, or ā€œGarmin blah blahā€ā€¦ Just ā€œmobileā€. Was the ride fabricated in any way?

    It looks very odd, especially that it looks to be ridden against the traffic, like here:

    The guy normally struggles with any steepish climbs and the only KOMā€™s he has are the ones after that ride.

    The question is: is it possible to actually fabricate a ride like that? ā“

    Full Member

    We have this ā€“

    medoramas ā€“ Member
    There is that ride of a local dude on Strava, where he smashes quite hard KOMs around Dartmoor

    and then this?

    The guy normally struggles with any steepish climbs

    How come?

    Full Member

    Reversed the track, so fast descents become fast climbs?

    Free Member

    You can manipulate your data before uploading it to strava.

    Free Member

    especially that it looks to be ridden against the traffic

    my garmin 500 isnā€™t that accurate. a mobile wonā€™t be.

    Free Member

    You can manipulate your data before uploading it to strava.
    I know that site ā€“ I used it ones to see what happens (on private ride, deleted after the test) and where it says what device was used to record the ride it displayed ā€œfrom fileā€ ā€“ that would be quite obvious to spotā€¦ But Iā€™ve never seen ā€œmobileā€ before.

    How come?

    Thatā€™s what I want to know! šŸ˜†

    Free Member

    Reversed the track, so fast descents become fast climbs?

    Might explain why he rode around the roundabout the wrong way.

    Full Member

    Forgotten to turn GPS off, got in car, starts driving? Track looks exactly where it would be if phone was in pocket.

    My Garmin devices are pretty accurate when they want to be and can easily place my position to within 3 feet on the road when moving.

    Free Member

    Link to it

    Free Member

    More to the point, who makes a frikkin segment that goes round what appears to be a rather large roundabout??

    Free Member

    my garmin 500 isnā€™t that accurate. a mobile wonā€™t be.

    As observed though ā€“ heā€™s gone the wrong way around the roundabout. The track clearly shows heā€™s not cut the corner, so itā€™s not GPS accuracy per se. My money is on:

    Reversed the track, so fast descents become fast climbs?

    But I would also be interested to see the track.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Edit: stalking fail.

    Something going on on that ride ā€“ thatā€™s really weird!

    Free Member

    You guys need to be on the forum

    Free Member

    Itā€™s definitely not right ā€“ 251m climb in under 8 minutes, averaging 17kph (yet only 21kph for the whole ride)

    Free Member

    More to the point, who makes a frikkin segment that goes round what appears to be a rather large roundabout??

    A shared use path (sustrans ā€“ Lon Eifion) has segments on it by me. Some people are just strange.

    Free Member

    You guys need to be on the forum


    Iā€™m more interested about the way itā€™s done!

    Not that I want to repeat it or somethingā€¦ šŸ™„

    Free Member

    itā€™s like nosy neighbours peakying out the net curtains ā€œooooo look norman theyā€™re doing it again, where do they get the moneyā€

    Free Member

    From aracerā€™s link ā€“ that really iffy segment is interesting ā€“ apparently itā€™s got a section of -272%, dunno if thatā€™s significant.

    Something happens at 1:29:46 until 1:30:10 too ā€“ he sits at 10.3 mph, and a calculated power >1,000w for nearly 30 seconds.

    Free Member

    Not reversed, going too fast on the downhills for that.

    The performance analysis for that segment, but extending slightly before and slightly after the segment is illuminating
    Note the steady speed through the segment and how the speed suddenly drops when the gradient eases at the end. Note the wide variation in estimated power to maintain steady speed.

    Then compare with the analysis of the same stretch of ride for the previous KOM

    Definitely manipulated data post ride

    Free Member

    Just a glitch in the elevation data. The >1000W bit can be seen in the links I just posted ā€“ I nearly made a comment about that as well (though the previous KOM peaked at 900W there, it wasnā€™t maintained).

    Free Member

    Yep, weā€™ve said the same thing, you just highlighted it across the whole segment! Itā€™s not right.

    Free Member

    FIL used to live of Reynells road, its only uphill from the green dot to the roundabout, then its flat for 0.5km then all down

    surely the speed camera would have flashed them!

    Full Member

    OP dā€™you really care that much that some-one else is cheating on Strava?

    really? šŸ˜

    Free Member

    More to the point, who makes a frikkin segment that goes round what appears to be a rather large roundabout??

    That isnā€™t a segment, thatā€™s just the start of the ride. But going the wrong way around a roundabout is definitely peculiar.

    It canā€™t be a reversed ride though, as the speed going downhills is faster than the speed going uphills, which if the whole trace were reversed would be what you would see.

    There are no signature ā€œblipsā€ in the speed which would point to digitalepo either (unless that has been eradicated by the developers of digitalepo).

    To be honest, it just looks like he smashed himself for a couple of climbs. Though taking a KOM down from 12m27 to 7m54 does look dodgy.

    Why not just flag the ride, give him the chance to answer Stravaā€™s questions about it, and move on.

    Full Member

    E-Bike? Pedal assist would explain why the top speed is still low.

    Free Member

    OP dā€™you really care that much that some-one else is cheating on Strava?


    nickc Iā€™ve never seen a ride done/edited/whateverhappenedtoit like this, hence is my interest in it. As you can see above ā€“ few other guys find it weird too. Thatā€™s it. šŸ˜‰

    Free Member

    Just flag it as dubious ā€“ someone at Strava will look at it and either delete it or ask the person in question to remove it or resubmit it.

    Iā€™ve had Strava email me about a ride, my reaction was, ā€œyeah, I rode itā€, next email asked me to look at the speed: Iā€™d maintained exactly 20kph up hill and down dale for about 30 Km! Something had just gone wrong in the unit, thereā€™s no way I could have kept that accurately to a speed in a car (even with cruise control) on the roads in question. I just deleted the ride. Whether someone had flagged it or Strava have some algorithm that picks up on this sort of thing I donā€™t know.

    Free Member

    I was just wondering that myself. Have found another climb of similar gradient which doesnā€™t have a segment, but has the same flat line 10mph speed.

    Free Member

    Though taking a KOM down from 12m27 to 7m54 does look dodgy.

    Particularly from someone whoā€™s clearly not very fast.

    E-Bike? Pedal assist would explain why the top speed is still low

    Could be actually!

    Been flagged now anyway ā€“ was that you OP?

    OP dā€™you really care that much that some-one else is cheating on Strava?

    As said, not sure anyone ā€˜caresā€™ as such, just intriguing!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Coming to the conclusion that e-bike is most likely ā€“ just look at how little variation there is in the KOM speeds as the average gradient changes.

    Free Member

    who cares its on the road

    Free Member

    ā€˜mobileā€™ just indicates it was an uploaded or synced GPX where it canā€™t tell what device it was.

    Probably just some glitch, and as said, road so ā€œmehā€ šŸ˜›

    Full Member

    love the backwards roundabout šŸ™‚

    Free Member

    the backwards roundabout will be down to however made the segment, and will have gone round backwards, however its near enough to be picked up as a segment for people riding the right way round

    Free Member

    I didnā€™t flag it ā€“ I suppose it was the guy who lost those KOMs! šŸ˜†

    Free Member

    Nope ā€“ itā€™s not part of a segment.

    Free Member

    Been flagged now anyway ā€“ was that you OP?

    Some bitter roadie probably šŸ˜†

    Last time I had a big crash on the quantocks I only stopped recording the ride outside A & E. Once my phoneā€™s internet was turned on again after leaving hospital and the ride uploaded it was flagged literally within about 3 mins šŸ˜Æ

    Had a load of road komā€™s for a few mins though šŸ˜†

    Free Member

    The ā€œMobileā€ Device thing.
    If its a phone, then its an app, but if its a gps which Strava donā€™t support, then its marked as Mobile.
    I have a Bryton Rider50/Dakota20 and those go under the Mobile tag.

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