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  • PlusNet – Any Good?
  • brick
    Free Member

    Just seen Plusnet on do internet for £5.99 a month. Has anyone any experience of them?

    Free Member

    We’re on it, been faultless. But then again my brother and housemate works for them :lol:

    Free Member

    Been with them for age and ages on their unlimited package. Recently downsized to the 5.99 package. Just the same speeds, pretty good support. I’m a happy long term customer.

    Full Member

    the basic Plusnet package is £5.99 for the first 3 months only

    Full Member

    no problems for me or the folks who are with them – we’re in different cities too.

    Free Member

    Found their tech support to be staffed by chimps. We had an issue with our broadband with we couldn’t get connected. It was blatently a line problem (turned out to be an rf filter in the master socket), after 8 weeks and god knows how many phone calls I got farked off with their script of have you turned it off and on again etc etc….. I switched to zen (who at the time where only a smidge more pricey) and et voila I got a knowledgeable person and a bt engineer sent round to rectify the fault it took a few days. Best thing is plusnet still expected me to pay for my lack of broadband service and wouldn’t release me from contract even though they couldn’t provide a service (they are responsible to report to BT wholesale for faults) 1 letter to trading standards later…..1 MAC to migrate with!

    Free Member

    absolutely terrible. i will make an effort to persuade anyone not to sign up with them. a nightmare to deal with, ended up with oftel getting involved as what they were up to with withholding mac codes was basically illegal. spent up to 2hrs at a time on hold waiting for the support phone lines to be answered. consistent down time with service even though 500yds from a BT exchange. there was even a forum set up by irate customers the situation was that bad with a high percentage of dissatisfied customers.
    been with zen since then. expensive but worth every penny.

    Free Member

    To balance the arguments, I’ve been with them 4 years, including a house move in that time, and they’ve been faultless throughout, including the speed at which they had broadband up and running again when I moved house. Mind you, I signed up under Metronet, before they were swallowed by PlusNET. However, I moved house whilst they’ve been PlusNET, and their level of service was faultless.

    Free Member

    Never had any problems with them. Not tried the customer support though.

    Free Member

    dawson – Member

    the basic Plusnet package is £5.99 for the first 3 months only

    that only applies if you’re exchange is not classified as ‘Market 1, Market 2 and Market 3’

    Our exchange is classified as Market 3 (check

    “Four or more ‘principal’ operators provide broadband services at this exchange. Service in this area has been deregulated!”

    which would mean we would continue to pay 5.99 per month after the 3 month period has ended.

    Free Member

    Was with them for about 5 years – did have problems a couple of years agoand found the support to be “staffed by chimps”, as above. Apart from that very reliable.
    When I phoned to change providers a few weeks ago, they offered to knock a fiver off my broadband charge – do that every 6 months,you should get a pretty cheap supply!

    Full Member

    Been with them for years – no problems , couple of issues since I moved to Kendal , both solved pronto , very happy

    Full Member

    Been with them for about 12 years! They had a problem about 12-18 months ago, I think when they were being bought by BT but it was short lived.

    I’ve always found their tech guys pretty techie…

    Free Member

    Been with them for 2 1/2 years after a very stressfull year with Tesco had a problem in the new year but it turned out to be a problem with the BT box/line thingy. Otherwise had no problems. Tech support is staffed by nobheads but then name me a tech support that isnt.

    Free Member

    Was not impressed when THEY[/url] got hacked as an ISP and my email addresses were compromised resulting in lots of spam. Much of that I was unimpressed with the way they dealt with stuff.

    Free Member

    Does a Market 1 exchange mean the BT can only provide broadband? or is it any service that uses a BT phone line.

    Free Member

    happy for 5yrs till i went on their cn21 trial at which piont bt throw a spanner in the works and speeds have been up and down

    Free Member

    They made me cross once but otherwise they’re v good, put halfbee as your referrer and they knock 50p a month off my bill…

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