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  • PayPal fees!
  • failedengineer
    Full Member

    I know I should have checked first, but I’ve just sold something on Ebay for £2350 and the PayPal fees were £80.00! With Ebay’s £40-odd that starts to look a touch pricey. I didn’t know you had to pay to receive payment.

    Free Member

    ebay has a monopoly pretty much, so its just a case of bending over and taking it.

    Full Member

    I took it to the tune of about £300 last month selling off bits and bobs on unwanted biking kit and a bike.

    Full Member

    Trouble is where else can you go?

    Ebay do have us stuffed, unless we start using their competitors a lot more!

    Free Member

    Not as much as You guys but selling my old brakes for £99.99 meant I got only about £75 to hand as the fees are just very high. But the brakes did sell in about 2 hours. 🙂

    Sold my mates Spesh FSR for £1300 and got charged about £20 from eBay and £50-ish from PP.

    It’s getting expensive to shift stuff :-\

    PayPal always takes his chunk when someones sends You money not using the personal payment option. And because You have to have the PP payment option as they will delete Your auction if You don’t.

    No other choice than to pay up if You want to use eBay.

    Free Member

    always put your mobile number on ebay ads. 8 out of 10 ads you put up will end early as private sales.

    Also, if you put you item on for £0.99, then you can list for free.

    Free Member

    But the listing fee isn’t that steep compared to the final value fee. I only paid about £1.50 for the listing but the final value fee was the big one.

    Free Member

    I can’t wait for a good competitor to come along.
    I absolutely abhor payal and their ridiculous excuse for a customer services department. Absolute rip off thieving scumbags who appear to have nothing better to do than mess with accounts, waste other people’s time and then shaft them with stupidly over the top fees. I hope they shrivel up and disappear like the disgusting unwanted parasites they are.

    Free Member

    Or the other side of the coin is that you pay for an advert in a local paper that few people will see and not fetch such a high price for your goods. Ebay attracts millions of buyers so I think the fees are worth it.

    I made about £600 so far this year on ebay clearing old bike parts and genral tat from around the house that probably would have just still been sitting there, and you can do it all from the comfort of your own home.

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