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  • Oh sh!t my 15mm maxle is stuck on my forks and I need to leave for the weekend..
  • withersea
    Free Member

    …and the collar has splintered, which means it isn’t turning to get it off. The wheel is off the maxle/fork – any suggestions? Or am I going to be uni cycling around ae this weekend???

    Free Member

    Sounds like its time to get the persuader out!

    Free Member

    phew – just, and I mean just, got it of with some pliers – anyone got a spare maxle between Leeds, Penrith and Ae?

    Free Member

    Google and a phone for you while bike shops are still open!

    Free Member

    speaking to third bike shop….

    Free Member

    got a ‘relationship’ with an LBS you can steal a new forks maxle off?

    Free Member

    Theres a few bike shops on your way…

    Youve got a good few shops to go at before you get to Penrith.. on the A65 if nothing else more Bradford Leeds side in Setlle, assume used to be Settle Cycles ?!?!

    Free Member

    Well what happened?

    Free Member

    There was a big diversion at ae last weekend, I don’t know how much of the red route was cut off as I was only out walking. Last weekend the shop and cafe is open under current owners, don’t know what is happening after that.

    I can’t offer you a spare maxle, but shops in the area worth trying are at ae, g&g in dumfries and the shed at mabie, bit honestly I dont think any of them will be able to let you borrow one (I’m not sure any of them will even have stock).

    good luck!

    Free Member

    local bike shop didn’t have to one lend 🙁 but managed to get old one off and will ‘adapt’ to make useable. will place an order on crc when home @ penrith tonight.

    hoping all of ae is open tomorrow

    Free Member

    There was a fence across the first bridge before you even start the first climb with the diversion taking you up the other side of the river. Said it would hopefully be finished by april. It probably takes you up to the next bridge and then rejoins the red. Depending on where the forestry operations are that could mean that all of rabs slippy one and top part of granny green luv could be cut out. If the face climb is closed then all the middle section including the edge will be closed.

    I dont know, anybody been recently? It might be busier with locals tomorrow as its the last day before closing and mary is maybe making carrot cake…

    I dont know if the tracks are affected, but you could ride round the road (to picnic area) and jump onto the blue or one of the walking trails. People were walking that side last week.

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