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  • New Ipod – iTunes alternatives?
  • spooky_b329
    Full Member

    Just bought my first iPod, am I right thinking that if I use iTunes, I won’t be able to use it with my gf’s Creative Muvo thing?

    Can see a few alternatives on Google but which is best? I have a load of music ripped onto the computer but its at variable quality as my last player was only 1.5gb, so will probably start again at a ‘normal’ bit rate.

    Also got a £15 iTunes voucher, (free with iPod) I’ll have to install iTunes to use it I spose and anything I use it for will be ‘locked’ into iTunes?

    Edit: Is there a plug-in to let me use Windows Media Player?

    Free Member

    MediaMonkey – it does cost actual money (or it can be found from the usual download sources). I’ve chosen it over iTunes simply because it does everything better rather than through necessity.

    Full Member

    If you have a bunch of mp3 files then you can play/sync them in iTunes AND with Media Player (i.e. it doesn’t have to be an either/or situation).

    If you’re talking about buying mp3s from the iTunes Store then I *think* you can now buy DRM-free music from them which you should be able to play on any player.

    Free Member

    Just started using Winamp which I am liking.

    Free Member

    have you tried
    I haven’t but it looks great. Made by Mozilla, of Firefox fame.

    Free Member

    I just cannot for the life of me get to grips with iTunes. I have thousands of mp3s on file but iTunes will not take them and won’t name them and so on. I find it such a non user friendly piece of software!
    As such I have an 80gb ipod with very few albums on it and one film as I’ve just figured out Handbrake.
    I really fancy an iPhone but the one thing that is puting me off is using iTunes with it!

    Free Member

    You should have got a Moyles-pod

    Free Member

    “…and anything I use it for will be ‘locked’ into iTunes?”

    Not necessarily as there isn’t always DRM on stuff sold on the iTunes Store anymore. I bought the first series of The Wire and promptly copied it onto an external drive outwith the iTunes software.

    I’ve not had any problems using the software and haven’t had any issues with importing music, although Barney’s critisism isn’t the first I’ve heard either. As others have pointed out there are alternatives to iTtunes so you could always just try to use it and ditch it if you find a better piece of software as it’s free to download.

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