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  • Mountain Mayhem who's in
  • CheesybeanZ
    Full Member

    Solo for me and Yetirose both oldies on single speeds :D

    Full Member

    i thought a few more would have signed up by now

    Free Member

    Its still muddy and rainy and wintery outside – no one can imagine dry, dusty sunny trails yet :)

    Free Member

    I will be trying to be part of the RAF Cycling Team.

    Full Member

    Not me. Haven’t raced Mayhem since the last one at Sandwell (2003?). May give SITS another go though, think it was 2007 when I last did that. Or I may just go along to one/both of them for a weekend of free camping with mates :)

    Full Member

    What Simon says but without the SITS bit I’ll be at 24 Hours of Exposure but helping out.

    Free Member

    Thought entry was at midday??

    I will be solo singlespeed again. I will be there for RAF Waddington. RAF cycling don’t like hardmen individuals ;)

    Full Member

    Thought entry was at midday??

    and me but i had a look about 9 and job done :-)

    Free Member

    Does that mean people don’t pop round to Pat’s gaff in the middle of the night for coffee and biscuits anymore?

    Full Member

    Hi Pete ,they do ideed still pop to pats

    Free Member

    will be solo singlespeed again. I will be there for RAF Waddington. RAF cycling don’t like hardmen individuals

    lol, This will hopefully be my first event with them. i am at Scampton at the min but will be posted to Brize by this event.

    Free Member

    Woot! I’m in solo singlespeeder :D

    Free Member

    I’m in solo! There wasn’t an option to enter no sub category so I’m mixing it with the old-folks.

    Free Member

    Team ‘Four laps more than the oaf with the microphone claims’ are in!

    Free Member

    In. 15th time out of 16. Solo this year. Alaskan Puppies. Big smiles.

    Free Member

    Just received confirmation from Wiggle I’ve managed to secure a team of 5 mixed entry.

    Will keep my eye out for you and Rosey going round on your own Paul!

    Madmen :wink:

    Free Member

    We’re in. At Pats last night at 2am. Sounds really promising. Flat campsite at top of course. Dry, dusty trails guaranteed. What’s not to like.

    Free Member

    Dry and dusty. Superb. I can taste it.

    Free Member

    In as a team of 4… :-)

    Full Member

    Just paid for a team of ten! Ouch.

    Full Member

    Team #NWAlps/VeloCake is in! Starting to stockpile beer & looking for a Bakery sponsor now

    Free Member

    Lets hope there is a covered change over area with loos near it this year, its no fun standing in the rain waiting for your team mate :(

    Free Member

    We’re in, yippee!! One Team of 4 men and a team of 4 men plus me.

    Free Member

    Hope we have showers that work this year! The block nearest to us wasn’t working for the first day last year and we went home stinking and plastered in mud!

    Free Member

    Yup as part of Evolution Adventure Team of 4

    Free Member

    Can’t remember what team name we went with. We did consider ‘MTFU’

    Free Member

    Team ‘yawning hippo’ is on board

    Full Member

    Pants can’t get the time off work massive male chicken.

    Full Member

    I’m in :) Part of the Chase Trails team of 4, not one of the two who arrived at crazy hours to sign up.

    Full Member

    I’m in,

    Free Member

    My eighth year on the trot – plodding around towards the back of the oap solo class.

    Full Member

    8 years on the trot -respect. I move into grand vet this year so I’ll see you at the back :D

    Free Member

    Salsa Factory Racing in Open men…. This will be our 12th Mayhem and I still get as excited every year!! Entered at 12.01 online :)

    I have to agree with Paul – it’d be nice not to have to take a cheeky wee in the corner of the changeover zone this year.

    Looking forward to the new venue – was pretty bored of Eastnor after all these years. Will be really refreshing to be somewhere else. Lets just hope we actually have a summer this year…


    Free Member

    VickyP – MTFU is taken… The Identiti boys should be there again.

    Free Member

    Just found out that we’re called Dukinfield CC teams 1 and 2. Last year we wore rubber ducks on our bike helmets. I’ve kept mine on, and they attract a lot of wierd looks when I’m out on a ride!

    Free Member

    Out of a club of 300 members, in the last couple of years, we can normally find only 2 or 3 people interested in entering the event. Big shame when the event is on our door step.

    Full Member

    Yep – solo entry here. Riding for Qwerty cycles along with Lloyd Stevens. Can’t wait!

    Full Member

    We’re in. Team Lightly Lubed for our 6th year – my 11th. Dry and dusty…

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