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  • Mountain Biking Quotes or Slogans?
  • dafoxster
    Free Member

    What are your favourite Mountain Biking Quotes or Slogans?

    Free Member

    Sell my bikes? I would rather shove wasps up my ass

    From a sticker pack free with MBUK about mid 90’s

    Free Member

    I always wanted a T-shirt with:

    Ya Bugger
    That was the easy part!

    Written down the back

    Free Member

    Credit to whoever coined these but my favourites

    “Mountain Biking, It’s not about the miles, it’s about the smiles”

    “They can have my mountain bike when they pry my cold, dead fingers from it”

    Full Member

    “How much will that be?”

    Free Member

    Keith Bontrager: “Strong, Light, Cheap – Choose Two”

    88: “Marriage, Weekend Riding, Happiness – Choose Two”

    Full Member

    There is nothing, absolutely nothing, quite so worthwhile as simply messing about on bicycles.

    Can’t for the life of me remember who said it :?

    Full Member

    There is nothing, absolutely nothing, quite so worthwhile as simply messing about on bicycles.

    Can’t for the life of me remember who said it

    Not sure who said it either, but I’m pretty sure they were just stealing the line from Rat in Wind in the Willows :-) Who was referring to boats, rather than bicycles, of course.

    Full Member

    LOL. T’interweb seems to credit Tom Kunich with it.

    Free Member

    “Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.” John F. Kennedy

    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” Albert Einstein

    “No hour is wasted that is spent in the saddle.” Winston Churchill (ok, so not exactly about bikes…!)

    “Giving up downhill to focus on XC is like giving up sex to get better at chat-up lines.” Someone on STW… ;)

    Free Member

    Marco from Ciclo Montana has a few famous one liners
    It’s all down except the ups
    Don’t know whether the kashima coat works but it looks good
    It’s alright till some takes an eye out
    Pad up boys

    Free Member

    ‘Just imagine you’re cuddling a fat midget’

    Skills course advice from none other than the bearded genius, mr Oxley.

    Full Member

    ‘I just think it’s neat’ OK, may be a reference to a potato but works well for cycling.

    Free Member

    “Giving up downhill to focus on XC is like giving up sex to get better at chat-up lines.” Someone on STW…

    Love it.

    Full Member

    Hard tail or six inches at the rear.

    What tyres for …?

    Get a bicycle. You will not regret it. If you live.
    – “Taming the Bicycle” Mark Twain

    It is not like studying German, where you mull along, in a groping, uncertain way, for thirty years; and at last, just as you think you’ve got it, they spring the subjunctive on you, and there you are. No–and I see now plainly enough, that the great pity about the German language is, that you can’t fall off it and hurt yourself. There is nothing like that feature to make you attend strictly to business.
    – “Taming the Bicycle” Mark Twain

    It was on the 10th day of May–1884–that I confessed to age by mounting spectacles for the first time, and in the same hour I renewed my youth, to outward appearance, by mounting a bicycle for the first time.
    The spectacles stayed on.
    – Mark Twain’s Speeches

    Full Member

    I hope than when I die, my wife sells my bikes for what they are actually worth, not what she thinks they are worth.

    Free Member

    Lol that last one sums most of us up

    Free Member

    Nice one matt

    Free Member

    I hope than when I die, my wife sells my bikes for what they are actually worth, not what she thinks they are worth.

    Isn’t the tag line “not what I told her they cost”

    Full Member

    “It’s a traverse”
    “It’s a cheeky climb”
    “Pain is just weakness leaving the body. And when you run out of weakness, you die.”

    “Huck to…” combos well. I did a brilliant huck to spine last weekend.

    Full Member

    H.G. Wells, ‘Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race’.

    Full Member

    Cycling is the new…

    Free Member

    “If you get it wrong, you’ve got to eat it”

    Which I think was Hans Rey c 1995

    Free Member

    “Chocolate foot” also Hans Rey

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    my other bike is a bike

    Full Member

    mattbee – Member
    I hope than when I die, my wife sells my bikes for what they are actually worth, not what she thinks they are worth.

    My wife, with her mountain bike, road bike and hack bike, has a pretty good idea of what I send on bikes. She is a wonderful and highly understanding individual.

    Edit: how about “my other bike is even [/i]more expensive than your car”?

    Full Member

    A non cycling friend, on hearing that I have 6 bikes.

    ‘Well, obviously you need another one, what are you going to ride on the seventh day of the week?’


    Full Member

    On the seventh day, one has to rest – no?

    Full Member

    “The road to Heaven may not be a road at all…”
    That was on a T-shirt I bought in Breckenridge some years ago.

    Free Member

    “Generally flat with an upwards gradient” – Dave the Aussie guide in Spain 5 yrs ago

    Free Member

    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.”
    Albert Einstein

    Free Member

    ‘It never gets any easier, you just get faster’ has the be the truest cycling quote I feel.

    Hans Rey’s ‘Chocolate foot’ served me very well while teaching my step son to ride proper as well as something that rings in my mind often even now, a true classic from a true legend.

    [“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” Albert Einstein]

    Surprisingly, regardless how clever Albert Einstein was that he never mastered the track stand!

    Free Member

    Pinterest is pretty good for slogans. Just look for Pinterest mountain biking. For some reason the slogany pics seem to end up near the bottoms of users’ pin pages.

    (Quite good for, er, glamour pictures as well without upsetting the internet Police)

    Free Member

    Someone on here once, when much younger, described STW as ‘like being stuck in a badly run bike shop with a load of angry middle aged men’.

    Full Member

    “The hand is only as good as the mind telling it what to do” I still remember that from reading it in a 90’s bike brochure for either Klein or Gary Fisher. Either way that’s a quote from a Gary.

    Full Member

    44 Bikes ..


    Not really MTB, but bikes is bikes.

    Full Member

    Just ride the f’king thing!

    Free Member

    Anybody who thinks wood isn’t magnetic, hasn’t ridden a bike in the forest.

    Full Member

    On the seventh day, one has to rest – no?

    Recovery ride ;-)

    Free Member

    Not MTB, but
    “Shut up legs”
    Or “foot out flat out”

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