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  • MOjo Tune of RP23 or anything?? esp Orange 5’s
  • Wookster
    Full Member

    Hi Got a new five am loving it the best bike I have had or ridden (for me this is the whats the best bike ever is another beer fueled post eh!?!)

    But I am getting a lot of pedal strikes and from speaking to some shops and a chap at AFAN getting the compression sorted and shock tuned stops this happening. Ther sag and PSI are all sorted I am running up at 285 psi (my lard has seen to this) but its not the first FS I have had but the fisrt time I have had this noticeable problem.

    HAs any one used them I have used TF but MOJO seem to be the people for orange.

    Thanks have a lovely Christmas!!


    Free Member

    I had a Five with a push’d RP23 I still got pedal strikes I found that in the end I changed my riding style to accomodate it.

    Free Member

    In my Five I dropped some air out of my shock to get a slacker head angle and ended up getting pedal strike so just put a little more air in. Try 5psi at a time, you’ll prob get to a balance pretty easily

    Free Member

    All rear shocks have damping rates that are designed to work for the average person runnign an average set up.

    If you are outside of this average then getting the shock tuned will definately make a difference.

    The average rider is usually seen as 12.5 stone, and in my opinion would run an RP23 at approximately 160psi to achieve 25% sag.

    You are at nearly double this air pressure, so would need a lot more compression and rebound damping.

    If you bought an Orange frame recently from a dealer and have the warranty, you can get a reduced price tune from Mojo. money very well spent.

    Free Member

    Not the same but definitely related. I had problems with the compression on my Fox Vanilla R and sent it off to TFT for custom valving and now its great I fully recommend them. Just give them a ring and see what they say. Orange will tell you to use MOJO because they the the distributors.

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