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  • Meat-free Burgers
  • doomanic
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    Which are the tastiest?


    Free Member

    Linda McCartney mozzarella burgers.

    Eat out
    Burger King plant based whopper

    Full Member

    Don’t know, but the Beyond Meat ones are pretty good. They’re the only ones I’ve tried.

    Full Member

    Beyond Meat for me. Best on a BBQ or a griddle pan though.

    Free Member

    I don’t think you can go far wrong with Linda McCartney burgers. The mozzarella ones are incredible!
    A lot of the newer meatless farms/impossible burger/beyond burger type ones are very tasty as well

    Full Member

    Has anyone tried the Aldi meat free burgers or are we all too middle class to shop there?

    There was bugger all in Morrisons today and Aldi is the next closest.

    Free Member

    Don’t have an Aldi near us but only heard good things

    Free Member

    Wicked Jalapeno are my favs,spicy though so may not suit all.

    Full Member

    Eat out
    Burger King plant based whopper

    MrsMC was raving about the McDonald’s version the other day.

    Free Member

    Home-made are the tastiest, black bean burgers are very good. Portobello also.

    Meatalike I’ve been disappointed by most, many are vile especially Co-Op’s and Aldi’s.

    Saying that, there is one, really good texture, fairly bland but if you baste it as follows and give it some smoky paprika (or liquid smoke) it becomes ace.

    In fact I just had one of tonight for the first time in ages and it was very, very good. Hit the spot, totally.

    Follow this exactly. (Serves two)


    Linda Mac frozen quarter pounder (plain not mozzarella although either will serve as they taste pretty much identical)

    – Prepare the baste (mix together in a cup all of the below ingredients:

    2 teaspoons of balsamic vinegar
    2 teaspoons soy sauce, or tamari or Worcester sauce, or Hendo’s, or BBQ sauce etc
    1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
    1/4 teaspoon garlic granules/powder
    2 good pinches of quality smoked paprika
    2 good pinches of salt

    Stir well, leave aside

    – Fetch Linda Mac’s burgers from the freezer and place on foil on a baking tray.

    – Finely slice one medium brown onion. Heat olive oil in frying pan. Add onions,

    – Leave burgers on counter top for 30 minutes while frying the onions gently until they are caramelised. Preheat oven as per instructions on burgers box.

    – Prick top of patties with forks then spread the baste equally on top of each pattie using teaspoon/back of teaspoon

    – Cook the patties in the oven. Flip halfway and also cook for 5 minutes longer than recommended on box. (If adding slice of cheese then place on top of the patties for the last few minutes in the oven until melting. Turn off oven.

    – Split two brioche buns (Bosh do nice vegan ones in supermarket). Pop in toaster until warmed/very lightly toasted (or toast insides-down in pan next to onions)

    – Place patties on base of bun. Top with the fried onions, a thin slice or two of dill pickled cucumber spears, some salad leaves and thinly-sliced tomato. Underneath the top of the bun spread some mayonnaise and ketchup (also a little Dijon mustard if you like it)

    Stuff in gob, wash down with red plonk. Trust me.

    Free Member

    Opened this thread to say the Linda McCartney Mozzarella ones… beaten to it (twice!)

    From a lifelong veggie…

    Free Member

    They are good enough to mention thrice.

    Free Member

    I tried the beyond meat ones on the back of a previous thread, I have to say, they are very good.

    Expensive yes (you can always find them reduced in my local) but even at full price they are worth it.

    Opened this thread to say the Linda McCartney Mozzarella ones… beaten to it (twice!)

    I need to try these next.

    Free Member

    MrsMC was raving about the McDonald’s version the other day.

    I haven’t tried that one yet.
    BK ones are great though. A proper whopper.
    The options for people to cut down on meat eating are brilliant nowadays.
    Mrs B had the vegan Royalle and she says it’s ace as well.

    Full Member

    Something I’m an expert on woot.
    On the BBQ all are poor as they don’t hold any structural integrity unless part cooked first.

    1. Linda mc mozzarella but don’t over cook.
    2. Plan Linda 1/4.
    3. Amy’s frozen
    4. Tesco 1/4 but the older version not the new one.
    5.aldi but they are dry if cooked to hot.
    6. Quorn ( unless you can get the 1/4 pound ones sold to the restaurant trade they are ace)
    7 some god almighty thing I got from Sainsbury’s last week in the fresh hipster section may have been naked brand just shite.

    Out of home the last fast food one had was from BK it’s was ok but that’s was 4 years ago I don’t eat from the big burger chains now.

    They all need onions on lightly fried please.

    Veggie since I was 8 so 40 years of testing

    Edit. People are saying good things about the BK vegan even my meaty friends.

    Also nothing comes close to a huge field mushroom with cheap plastic cheese and good salsa.

    Free Member

    Forgot to mention:

    if *not* caramelising onions ie if adding fresh chopped or *gasp* even no onion then the baste could use a little of sweetness. Literally just two pinches of dark brown or golden sugar or whatever you have. Stir into the baste.

    Full Member

    The Aldi Plant Menu Spicy Bean Burgers are a regular for easy freezer meal days here.
    Crispy outside and centre has bits of veg and beans squashed together and some spice but not mega hot. Nothing out of this world but good with a blob of chutney.
    The veggie fingers from the same range are crispy but otherwise totally bland and the kids refuse to eat them. With those chutney is compulsory to give any flavour and if in a sarnie they add only crunch not flavour.

    Full Member

    Spicy bean burgers aldi or sainsbury. Also cauliflower cheese burgers.
    Mushroom protein ones have good texture but short on taste.

    Free Member

    Aldi have just updated their meat-free burger and its not really any better than the previous one, which was ok at best.

    Linda or Beyond Meat for me.

    Free Member

    My wife is veggie so we’ve had most meat-free burgers over the years. The Beyond burgers are a game changer.

    Full Member

    Wicked jalapeno for me, as mentioned above.
    Lots of good ones though.

    I have to say, although I am not a vegetarian I prefer the new plant based meatalike burgers to a normal burger.

    Dont feel so bloated after eating them and also I think they taste better if you get a good one.

    Full Member

    Aside from the “look at me, I’m a blogger” pages of tossbaggery preamble before the recipe, I really rate these:

    Easy Grillable Veggie Burgers

    … though I replaced the beans with kidney beans.

    Full Member

    Gro from the coop

    Free Member

    Though the Wicked Jalapeno ones were disappointing. Surprisingly bland and poor texture.

    Aldi frozen bean burgers are good for ease of cooking (straight into oven from freezer) and are cheap.

    Beyond Meat burgers very good.

    Full Member

    Beyond burgers are the current best.

    Cauldron do the best meat-free sausages if you’re planning to mix things up a bit.

    Free Member

    Spicy bean burgers aren’t going cut it if you want. A Burger. They are ace though, stick a fried egg on top and a dollop of mango chutney.

    Linda McCartney burgers are good if you want a dirty loaded burger.

    Loading up a Portobello mushroom is about as good as any other non meat burger and that’ll handle a BBQ too.

    If I really want a good burger for a BBQ I will go butcher beef or venison under my meat free as much as possible mantra.

    Full Member

    beyond meat burgers tend to be the default vegan options in most places round here.

    BK plant whopper is nice, texture a bit loose, but taste is good, though not quite up to meat whopper standards
    McD’s plant burger tastes like a McD’s. The burgers never really tasted very meaty IMO anyway, so a plant one just tastes like a McD burger. texture is good too.
    KFC no chicken patty is a slab of quorn in a spicy crumb. tastes just like that, order a big drink as your mouth will be like the sahara.

    Free Member

    Linda McCartney mozzarella burgers.

    + whatever – very tasty (probably because of the cheese?)

    Would like to try the Beyond ones, bit pricey though?

    Free Member

    This doesn’t exactly qualify as convenient, but I’ve had a couple of Impossible Burgers from a chain in LA called Umami Burger. The first time I genuinely thought they’d served me a beef burger by mistake, it was that good. I don’t think you can get them in the UK yet.

    I find Beyond Meat decent enough but it doesn’t truly scratch the burger itch.

    I like the Love Burger from Leon although it doesn’t really taste anything like beef. It has a juicy texture but it’s the sauces that make it feel like a burger, if that makes sense.

    (I’m a part-time veggie, I try to only eat meat as treat every couple of weeks, which is why I’ve been trying all of these.)

    Full Member

    Yep. Lindarellas for us too.

    Used to quite like the basic Quorn ones with a pile of topping, but I can’t get them anymore.

    Anyone tried the Plant Chef stuff from Tesco?

    Full Member

    plant chef burgers are good, meaty ish. not quite beyond meat. make you fart.

    Free Member

    + whatever – very tasty (probably because of the cheese?)

    Would like to try the Beyond ones, bit pricey though?

    IME the LM ones are virtually indistinguishable in flavour to the LM mozzarella ones (maybe the mozzarella ones a tad more salty). They both do very well (as above) with seasoning and smoke.

    Beyond Meat will on the other hand make an undeniably satisfying chilli non carne if mashed up and used as mince*, yet as a burger-pattie I found it has a slight weird taste. And yes, way too expensive especially when LM are (IME) better, less than half the price and also freezable and packaged in simple cardboard. No-brainer IMO.

    *(kill it with fire)

    Full Member

    Cauldron do the best meat-free sausages if you’re planning to mix things up a bit.

    My go-to also.

    Free Member

    Cauldron Lincolnshires = better than porky sozzies.

    Free Member

    These are my favourite:
    I didn’t know they had such an extensive range, only tried the burgers and sausages which are both really good.

    Beyond are good but contain a lot of oil.

    I can’t stomach Linda Mac burgers. They make me feel sick. I don’t know why but they do.

    I also like the Cauldron sausages, an oldie but a goodie.

    Just be careful to check for palm oil in vegan/veggie food if that’s an issue for you.

    Full Member

    sausages, cauldron do very good lincolnshires, for more traditional ones, richmond are our faves.

    re: burgers, definitely not the ones served at Sonas cafe in Clachan of Campsie. they’re very traditional veggie burgers. deep fried mix of mashed potato, sweetcorn, peas and carrots.
    actually, that makes it sounds like it has more flavour than it has.
    need copious amounts of tomato sauce.

    Free Member

    PSA Linda Mac 1/4lbs are £1 a pack at Sainsburys at the mo. Discounted elsewhere too.

    Just be careful to check for palm oil in vegan/veggie any product if that’s an issue for you.

    Good point. It crops(!) up a lot in pre-prepped veggie foods. I prefer to check if it’s sustainable, because palm oil is in nearly everything ie

    ice cream
    instant noodles
    chocolate bars
    body cream

    meat and dairy are also intensive palm oil-using industries. The UK imports five times as much kernel from Indonesia as palm oil, to use for feeding livestock, ie dairy cattle, weanling pigs etc.

    It’s a confusing issue. For instance when dairy cattle are fed on (unsustainable) palm-kernels then (say) a plant ‘butter’ (even though containing palm oil) could be even more sustainable if certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

    traditional veggie burgers. deep fried mix of mashed potato, sweetcorn, peas and carrots.

    like someone took the greasy coating off some fishfingers and then put baby-food/mashed potato and frozen peas and carrots in it. This is why I never ordered a vege burger from pub or chippy. May as well order an extra heaping of mash and frozen veg to go with your chips!

    Full Member

    traditional veggie burgers. deep fried mix of mashed potato, sweetcorn, peas and carrots.
    actually, that makes it sounds like it has more flavour than it has.
    need copious amounts of tomato sauce.

    Onions. Onions is what fixes those.

    I’m not a huge fan of “vegetable burgers” but if it’s all you’ve got on offer then a shedload of onions and chilli sauce (or yes, ketchup in a pinch) makes them pretty polishoffable. They aren’t bad, they just need some weft, some substance.

    Full Member

    Ah, yes, that’s the word I was looking for.


    Free Member

    Aldi Southern fried not-chicken are pretty good. Slightly chewyer than the real thing though.

    Chili oil covers a multitude of sins though.

    1. Linda mc mozzarella but don’t over cook.


    Not sure why someone up there adds 5 minutes but I would say they are VERY sensitive to the wrong temperature or time. So it may be dependant on the individual oven. A few minutes either side and they’re revolting tasteless cardboard.

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