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  • Marvel Movies for a 6 year old
  • robbo1234biking
    Full Member

    Are any of the marvel movies suitable for a 6 and 3/4 year old? He has seen bumblebee so looking for something similar level of action. Have looked at common sense media but seems like a cross between mumsnet of the child shouldn’t watch it until they are 50 through to crack in let your 2 year old watch it.

    Failing that any recommendations for action movies that kids would love with superheroes? Actual actors rather than cartoons.

    I have seen most of the movies over the years but don’t remember details and didn’t watch them thinking could a kid watch this.

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    Guardians of the Galaxy series, Avengers Series in fact pretty much all of them they’re family films.

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    What’s your view on swearing? Violence wise I think the main films are fine so would just depend on that for me. I think Bumblebee drops a couple of shits so wouldn’t be much worse.

    There’s are some great films I’d let my 7yr old watch if they could just dub some unnecessary language out of them. And yes-I do sound like an old man.

    Free Member

    Pretty much all of them. Particularly family-friendly – Antman, Spiderman, Thor Ragnarok maybe?

    But you don’t want to get out of order too much because the in-jokes and characters develop over the course of the series.

    GoG and Antman are pretty decent standalone movies.

    Free Member

    I think we let my son watch Captain America 1, GotG1, the first Avengers, first Thor, Antman, when he was that age. GotG2 has possibly awkward subject matter, CA2 a bit scary/boring, and I think the rest he would have struggled with attention span. He’s 10 now and has seen most of them (barring CA2).

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t, for my kids at least. To slow, too much melodrama, too much adult content (by which I mean grown up concepts not sex), and too much audio visual onslaught.

    You could try original Superman maybe?

    I really think that most of the modern big budget ones are a bit much for small children. But apparently no-one else does. I do wonder what kids that age get out of them tbh.

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    I wouldn’t, but I would recommend Spiderman into the Spider-verse.

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    +10 for Into the Spiderverse. A cracking film.

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    The other transformers are good – lots of big bright robots and lots of explosions .

    Free Member

    Have a 6 and 8 yo

    Antman is the best.
    They’ll appreciate the big ( little) fight at the end. It has humour and bounces along music, Stooges, and stands alone.
    Ant Man 2 – not as great but the support the character
    Guardians of the galaxy 1- rocket and groot
    Thor Ragnarok ( with the Hulk on comedy form)

    Free Member

    And they prefer the mandalorian to star wars.

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    My lad has been watching them since age of three. I’ve watched them all before a number of times and made the decision they were fine for him. He’s now 5, Infinity War is his favourite. For the most part he understands what’s going on and some of the lesser themes running through them.

    I’d recommend watching again yourself and making the decision based on what you’ve just seen and what your child is like; some are more bothered about some of the scary bits etc.

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    No recommendations as my 6 year old won’t watch films but the BBFC does (or did) provide some really good information on what a film contains in terms of language, violence, general themes etc which should hopefully provide a good guide. Maybe check out what Bumblebee had in it according to them and use that as your reference

    Full Member

    We’ve stayed well away – our eldest is 8 and the onslaught of action (melodrama, as molgrips says) would be just too much. We figure there’s a reason they’re rated 12A…

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    Each kid is different and it’s entirely up to you as to whether you think the Marvel films are suitable or not. My son, who is six, loves GotG and Thor Ragnarok. We just fast forward certain bits. It’s weird as CGI laden films don’t bother him, but ones with practical effects do. Tried Labyrinth and he burst in to tears. That may have been because of David Bowie’ crotch though.

    Free Member

    We figure there’s a reason they’re rated 12A

    12A only means that anyone who watches under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

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    Tried Labyrinth and he burst in to tears.

    The wife put it on the other day and he was really disturbed by it so a similar reaction!

    Spider-verse is a good shout. Good point on the length of them as well – he would prob be bored before he got to the end.

    12a was a cop out when Spider-Man with Toby maguire came out wasn’t it? As it was rated 12 but there was an uproar that kids should be allowed to see it.

    Will check out the bbfc tip as well. I don’t have time to watch much tv so wouldn’t get a chance to watch them all and then watch them with him. Family film night is on a Friday. He really enjoyed playing with fire recently and has been enjoying the marvel Lego games so I was trying to think of something else to watch.

    Full Member

    Spider-verse is a good shout.

    Spider-verse is a brilliant film. I think it’s the best superhero movie there is. Some of the themes are more adult than those found in the live action films though. We watched Iron Giant and Princess Bride. Both went down a treat.

    Free Member

    Even the BBFC is a guide here. You know your child best. Watch the film, think about your child, let him watch it or don’t.

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    Checked with the 6yo and sonic the hedgehog is the best movie.

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    Even the BBFC is a guide here. You know your child best. Watch the film, think about your child, let him watch it or don’t.

    Completely agree. That’s why I think it would be good to use it to compare the content of films you know he likes and to films you’re thinking of

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    We love the Sonic movie too. Donut Lord, Pretzel lady and Jim Carrey are excellent.

    We spent half term studying Johnny English and Mr.Bean.

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    With my kids, I’d say 6 is a bit young, mine are 8 & 10 and we are getting thru them each Sunday

    The 8 year old gets a bit bored in places, Guardians of the Galaxy is a firm favourite tho.

    At 6 I’d be saying Teen Titans Go is a better bet!

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    Watched Spider-Man into the spider verse tonight and he absolutely loved it! Sat and forgot to eat his snack he was so mesmerised!

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    With my old dad hat one, When did ‘I’m p*****d’ become acceptable as an alternative to ‘I’m annoyed’ in Marvel films?

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