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  • Mark E Smith
  • Harry_the_Spider
    Full Member

    Reading it now. Turns out we were at the same school, but 11 years apart.

    Free Member

    Nuvva little PSA… BBC4 10:30 Documentary about the Fall. That’s tonight, Saturday.

    Full Member

    Nice. Thanks for the reminder.

    Free Member

    Thanks Dez, I’ll catch that on iPlayer.

    Full Member

    Repeat. So many of the “interviewiees” have died since… sad nostalgia. Listened to a lot of The Fall this afternoon, after stumbling across this last night…


    Full Member

    “And it added that one former band member of The Fall said Smith ‘would have loved’ the send-off.

    The Mirror reported guitarist Ben Pritchard as saying: “Just about managed to escape with my life from Mark E Smith’s funeral. The ceremony itself was nice, touching in places.

    “The wake, however, didn’t last half an hour before bottles were thrown and drinks poured over people. Total disrespect, he’d have loved it.”

    Sounds about right cranky sod that he was! 😄

    Full Member

    Just a little PSA if anyone fancies a bit of light reading – Mark E Smith autobiography is 99p on Amazon today (Kindle book).


    excellent PSA, bought it for a bit of holiday reading this year.

    well, my holiday turned into a Fall-fest on the sunbeds 🙂  when i started reading the book it made me want to listen to them, so my relaxing turned into reading the book for a bit, then listening to an album mentioned.  its made me realise ive missed a trick with the Fall.

    back in the day i just compared them unfavourably with the pistols, clash, damned etc, as just a tinny ‘not as loud’ punk band.  i didnt even know that ‘live at the witch trials’ wasnt a crap sounding live album until listening to it on the sunbed!  over the years ive heard a few songs obviously and thought yeah, thats ok i spose.  listening to some of the albums on holiday just amazed me at the depth and variation of the songs.  i mean, some of them are just wow, wtf is this??

    what-a-mistaka-da-maka!  bit late to the party now, but im going to enjoy going through all those albums ive never bothered with so far.

    Full Member

    Benidorm Sunbed Apocalypse sounds like a fall song title

    Full Member

    You’re not wrong SEP.  Favourite album  here is Grotesque.  I got into them when Extricate came out, my arty mates at 6th form loved it but like you, it didn’t immediately appeal compared to the more spikey (and at that time desperately unfashionable!) stuff I was listening to – SLF, Crass, Dead Kennedys, but we soon learnt to get along!

    If what it means to be British could be captured in song, Mark E Smith (and Nigel Blackwell) wrote the lyrics.

    Benidorm Sunbed Apocalypse sounds like a fall song title

    HMHB, surely?

    Free Member

    British people in hot weather?

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