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  • Long Shot!! Gairloch locals to the forum please 🙏
  • beagle
    Free Member

    Staying up there later in the year with family (non local). I’ll definitely be hitting as much as Torridon as I can without a family holiday becoming a riding holiday for myself! Its been on my bucket list for years. I’m conscious it’ll mean time spent driving away from Gairloch too.

    Just a couple of questions on the immediate Gairloch area and any riding potential from the door…First, for a 9 year old girl riding with me from the door on the MTB (and towhee) and second – is there anything tech I could access myself by either a very short drive or a couple of hours from the door riding? So, like a 0600 start and back for breakfast with the kids? Thanks in advance 🙏

    Full Member

    * not a local *

    There’s a track from the Old Inn, past Flowerdale to the waterfalls that might work with the Towhee.

    Not much tech in the immediate area, though the Tollie Path would be a decent call.

    There’s a rack past Loch Bad na Sgalaig to Loch na h-Oidhiche which isn’t techie either but does have a wee climb and wanders into some wild country.

    Similarly, Poolewe into Fisherfield.

    Full Member

    From memory from riding there are few years ago the track along the north side of the river Ewe from poolewe up to kernsary and up to Fionn Loch would be OK for your kid maybe with a tow up the hill.  Would mean a short drive to Poolewe.

    Free Member

    The trail from Poolewe into Carnmore would be a great way to spend a morning. Properly stunning with some nice bits of singletrack on the way. Join it up with some of the dead end out and backs to Ardlair jetty and bad bog (on OS map top NW of Fionn Loch) to get some more scenic remoteness miles in.

    Free Member

    Thanks All. That gives me something to go at đź‘Ť really appreciate the responses.

    Probably have a gravelly bike with us too I could pop out on. That may be the best option from the door perhaps?

    Full Member

    Yeah – heading out past Big Sand to the lighthouse at Rubha Reidh is a lovely ride on a very quiet road and on a clear day you have views over the Minch to Lewis and Harris. Heading South, you have Redpoint too. There’s a track carries on from there along the coast to the bothy (ex-hostel) at Craig but I really wouldn’t recommend taking a bike along it.

    Free Member

    Keep in mind the long daylight hours you’ll have….lots of potential for early or late sessions.

    Full Member

    Continue the Fionn Loch ride to the far end, across the causeway to Carnmore then up the hill on the Ruadh Stac Mor path until it becomes scree ( about 650-700m height). Reverse the ride. Top notch, probably five hours though.

    Full Member

    What’s the path like at redpoint to lower diabag?

    2nd the road to the light house. It’s fantastic. Hillier than you’d think. Stayed there a few years ago. Also the ride to the gun emplacements is nice.

    Poolewe to slaterdale and back is a nice out and back. Again kenmore to applecross. I’ve been dropped at kenmore and met the missus at the pub

    Makes sure you do gingerbread lattes and cheesey scones at the mountain coffee co too!

    Full Member

    Oh walk wise go up to the fairy loch at badachro too!

    Full Member

    What’s the path like at redpoint to lower diabag?

    A very rough walk to Craig and then a much better track towards Lower Diabaig. I’d not want to take a bike on the first part.

    Full Member

    Cool I’ve seen the signs when I’ve been on the gravel bike but not explored

    Full Member

    Local here. Gravel bike is a good call for an early, solo ride. Road to Poolewe, then good private road / track to Kernsary and Bad Bog. Mountain bike – drive up to the inappropriately named red stables (it’s now green….), just beyond Loch Bad an Sgalaig. The track heading south from here into the hills is pretty rough and rocky in places these days!

    Not really any options with a 9 year old in tow from the door. Up towards Kernsary from Poolewe would work though, possibly even as far as Bad Bog, but there is a fairly steep hill. Heights of Kinlochewe from Kinlochewe could also be good.

    For a full day, Corrie Hallie to Poolewe through Fisherfield (the “Trans Fisherfield”) takes some beating, but it involves some vehicle logistics. When are you up here? I’m always up for that ride.

    Free Member

    Not a local, and not bike related,

    Interesting WW11 crash site and memorial at the Fairy Lochs site above Gairloch, probably fine for family walk.

    Full Member

    Bumping this thread! I’m in the area (just N of Poolewe) next week. Similar situation to @beagle, family holiday with kids. Familar with the main Torridon routes, Kinlochewe, Tollaidh path, been through Fisherfield a couple of times in the distant past but keen to see if there’s anything I’ve missed.

    Any further suggestions for solo missions, or with adventurous kids in tow? Forecast this far out looks like July’s pish weather set to continue – @felltop, tell us it ain’t so, tell us that you’re basking under clear skies and all is set fair for a week of prime conditions, high tops, sunny evenings cragging and relaxing on the beach… please!

    Full Member

    @ bajsyckel Aultbea? I’m just a few miles north of there, near Mellon Udrigle. Its been fairly wet for a while,  but with a fair few good days.

    There’s always a ride along the track to Slaggan. Superb beach, you would be unlucky to find anyone else on it. Also, up to Loch na Sealga from Gruinard Bay. Enjoy the area, I may see you somewhere – possibly behind the wheel of a Royal Mail van.

    Full Member

    @felltop – staying the other side of Loch Ewe to Aultbea, not far as the crow flies. Will definitely make it to the beach at Mellon Udrigle, and had pencilled in a kids ride out to Slaggan too. Will be extra nice to any posties encountered out and about.

    [edit] Any idea about the state of the “path” across the top of the cliffs from beyond the lighthouse at Rubha Reidh/Camas Mor to the convoy memorials at the Cove road? or worse from Camas Mor down SE along an (obviously boggy) dotted line to Loch Ewe? Strava exploring and geograph suggest good humour and dry conditions preferable?

    Full Member

    @bajsyckel I ran round those track a while back, partly to check them out for a potential ride. Conclusion – I’m never taking a bike round there! The coastal route is a great walk or run though, if you can arrange the logistics.

    Full Member

    Loch en fada is nice from the other end of loch Maree. Not everyone’s cup of tea.

    Full Member

    bajsyckel I ran round those track a while back, partly to check them out for a potential ride. Conclusion – I’m never taking a bike round there! The coastal route is a great walk or run though, if you can arrange the logistics.

    Thanks @felltop, that’s useful to know. @mrchrist – yeah, that’s a nice option. Last time I was there it was 27 degrees, May with reasonable amount of snow on the tops. Had a big OTB on the track down to Loch Maree. Have never been up Slioch but always looks good from there.

    Full Member

    Siloch is a nice day out. It’s a bit of a horseshoe with a massive walk in.

    Free Member

    sunny evenings cragging

    It’s been really showery and unsettled but getting as far away from the hills and as far out to sea as you can really helps.

    We climbed in the Opinan area on Tuesday and missed the showers that hit further inland. The Opinan slabs are a great area to explore with kids, lots of easy climbing and boulders to play around on.

    Free Member

    Opinan Slabs. Lots of good easy routes here and interesting boulders behind the slabs.

    Full Member

    @spin, we did end up at Opinan after the beach and was indeed fab, so thanks for the tip.

    Returned from a week and had pretty good weather other than one day so managed a bit of riding/bouldering/swimming etc each day just following the best of the forecast without moving too far. Didn’t do any summits, was happy enough just being in great places.

    One mention though, I did the Tollie path one night I had a couple of hours spare. A long time since I rode it but from the saddle down to the loch was more or less midge infested bog with a great trail occasionally threatening to break out. Once at Slattadale I couldn’t face it as an out and back so span (slowly) round on the road to Poolewe again. From the north end to the top of the track was OK. I think it’s one that massively varies with recent conditions whether it’s genuinely enjoyable or not.

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