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  • Kimi's back!
  • rockfield
    Free Member
    Free Member

    At I ache: me! And few others work at williams

    Free Member

    ‘A week later he won the Australian Grand Prix. ‘James Hunt’ made another appearance later in the year, competing in a powerboat race in Hanko, Finland, dressed in a gorilla costume.’

    Free Member

    Maldonado must have lots of money behind him to make up for his spectacular lack of speed and charm.

    Where would a Columbian find lots of money?

    I always thought Hulkenberg would shine a bit more at Williams last year, but no.

    I’d like Senna to stay in F1, just for old times.

    Free Member

    You mean Pastor Maldonado, the VENEZUELAN who happens to be driving on a team sponsored by the VENEZUELAN state-owned PDVSA oil company?


    Free Member

    Maldonado must have lots of money behind him to make up for his spectacular lack of speed and charm.

    A lack of speed that enabled him to win the 2010 GP2 championship?

    I always thought Hulkenberg would shine a bit more at Williams last year, but no.

    I think a pole position in that car shone pretty well.

    Free Member

    Maldonado must have lots of money behind him to make up for his spectacular lack of speed and charm.

    He has got lots of money behind him, for now – that could change rapidly

    I always thought Hulkenberg would shine a bit more at Williams last year, but no.

    As above, he did
    He’ll go even better in the FI next year

    Free Member

    He didn’t shine that much to be slung out on his arse, and to be replaced by the worst driver that Williams has ever had (by results)

    Full Member

    Which race was it that got stopped cos of massive rain and whilst everyone is worrying about the restart, would it happen or not, what visor to change to, what to do with tyres and so on, Kimi just sacked it and was seen wandering out of the pits in his shorts and flip flops munching a a choc ice. 😆

    I like the irreverance but can see why it might be at odds with the corporate sponsers and therefore cash for the team.

    Free Member

    Malaya 2009

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