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  • jokes
  • racing_ralph
    Free Member

    Plans to make a new TV series CSI Barnsley had to be scrapped after producers found that no one had any dental records and everyone had the same DNA

    Woke up this morning – thought i had swine flu – turned out to be rashers!!

    mrsJ rang NHS direct – couldn’t get through – loads of crackling on the line

    getting serious tho, she woke up with pigtails – should i be worried?

    Free Member

    Epic, epic fail

    Free Member

    So Barnsley is in red-neck territory then.. I live and learn

    Free Member

    Where’s forky when you need him!!

    Full Member

    I’ve won a holiday to Mexico, but I can’t go.

    I’m pig-sick.

    Yep, the red Gore-Tex one…….

    Free Member

    :lol: pleased i didn’t get that job in Barnsley now.

    Full Member

    Rashers? Some oinkment should sort it out…

    Wa Wa Waaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

    Free Member

    rockthreegozy – Member

    Epic, epic fail

    coming from mr epic fail himself

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